Steal the sky

Chapter 1100 Beyond Chaos

At the junction of the Pangu world and the chaotic world, the body swelled to a thousand feet long and was in place, and the teeth and claws were intimidating a group of foreign demons blocking the way. Don't beg people stood on the back armor of Jiuwei and looked coldly at the group of 'food' in front of them.

Sheep's head, sheep's leg, human body, what stands in the way is the sheep's head demon god you have seen before. They held a huge bone hammer, and the corners of their mouths were dripping with saliva. They were staring at Princess Guo Le and Qixia beside Beqi with bad intentions. These sheep-headed demons just wrapped a piece of animal skin randomly in the crotch. At this moment, these animal skins have been turned into high tents by something. Obviously, they are moving some bad thoughts.

Princess Guo Le and Qixia are beautiful. Princess Le's temperament is noble and inviolable. Qixia's breath is mysterious and seductive. Those who dare to think about them are the leaders of the sheep's head demon gods. As for those little people, their eyes wandered freely on the squid and Jin Yu, Yin Yu and free Xiaobai, and a large amount of saliva kept dripping from the corners of their mouths.

In addition to the vegetarian free Xiaobai, the squid, Jin Yu and Yin Yu are also greedy to look at these sheep-headed demons. Jiuwei also shook his tail restlessly, chattying with his mind and begging, asking him to give him at least half of the more than 3,000 sheep-headed demons in front of him.

A month ago, Don't beg hurried away from the sky and found Princess Guo Le's party. After cooperating with them to sacrifice the artifacts of merit and virtues in the East China Sea immortals [body] in the inner world, Don't beg to take everyone straight to the chaotic world. Along the way, Princess Guo Le and Qixia cooperated with Don't beg to suppress the treasures robbed from the Zimei Daozu. When the group was about to leave the Pangu world, the group of sheep-headed demons suddenly rushed out to stop them, and they said rudely to eat all the men such as Beggar, and at the same time, they Princess Pule and other little beauties.

Don't beg for a group of people who didn't respond to a cup of tea time. Those sheep-headed demons thought that everyone was shocked by them. They laughed strangely and slowly approached the people who were not begging. Don't beg couldn't help sighing. He isolated the continuous thoughts of Jiuwei and Squid and others, spread out his hands and smiled bitterly, "Whoever grabs it is who grabs it. Eat as much as you like!"

A cup of tea time did not respond, that is not begging to mediate the 'food' dispute of Jiuwei and others. Among the many foreign demon god races, the flesh and blood of this sheep-headed demon god is the most delicious, and it contains a strong vitality, which is very attractive to Jiuwei and other fierce gods. However, more than 3,000 sheep-headed demons really can't satisfy the appetite of this group of big-bellied men. Everyone strives not to beg for more.

If you really can't mediate, don't beg. You can only shake your head and smile bitterly. Let this group of people do it at will.

When instructed not to be begging, the squid was the first to show his real body, and his huge mouth was swallowed one by one. More than 300 sheep's head demons shouted and were swallowed into her mouth. Nine tails waved their long tails anxiously, and countless dark shadows flashed in the void. One after another, the demons were rolled up by his long tail and sent into his mouth, and they also ate happily. Gold horns, silver horns, gold feathers and silver feathers took action one after another, and more than 3,000 sheep-headed demon gods quickly disappeared.

Even Ao Bu Zun and Xian Holy Spirit were happy to see the hunting. They changed their magical power one after another and competed for the fresh flesh and blood of these demons. In just a few breaths, more than 3,000 demons were devoured clean.

sent away this group of musty people who blocked the way. Don't beg to look back at the ancient world, squinting and shaking his head gently. The place of right and wrong cannot be left for a long time. These Taoist powers calculate each other, and even the horrible existence of the breakers has appeared one after another. Coupled with the awakening of Pangu, the situation in the Pangu world will only become more and more complicated. Although he is not afraid, he must think of the people around him. The loss of any of these people around him will make him heartbroken.

He clenched his fist and waved a few times in the direction of Pangu Continent. Don't beg and muttered a few words in a low voice. It was roughly that I would come back sooner or later. Then he stamped the nine tails that were drooling. Everyone turned into a stream of light and quickly rushed into the bound

With nine tails as mounts, the dangerous chaotic world has also become much safer. Where the nine tails have passed, the violent chaotic tides have become extremely calm, and the group of people quickly penetrated the edges in the chaos without danger, following the impression in the memory of not begging, and flying to the depths of chaos.

Along the way, don't be careful to erase the traces left by the people. If you meet the creatures in the chaos, the group will also be careful not to provoke them. If you accidentally see the deeds of Begging and others, Don't beg will immediately kill them by thunderous means. The soul is swallowed up by Don't beg's secret method, and the body is divided into food by Jiuwei and others.

I learned from Pangu that even if the soul is scattered, it will not be destroyed. When some memories of the soul will actually remain in the original particles of the soul, don't beg and will never kill the enemy with the old means. A soul source particle will not let them slip away from their hands, and all of them use secret methods to absorb and enhance their own souls. Don't beg, don't expect that one day these people's soul particles will be absorbed by Pangu and let Pangu find his where he is.

He and Pangu are not a fateful friendship, but at most acquaintances.

Don't beg in his heart, and he is inexplicably afraid of the unfathomable Pangu. The place he wants to go is to settle down for these close friends and disciples around him, and he does not tolerate any negligence.

Jiuwei has been in chaos for half a year. It is so far away from the Pangu world that even the power of Hedao can't do his best to peep at the actions of Begging and others with divine consciousness. Don't begled to command Jiuwei to bypass countless natural dangerous obstacles in the boundless chaos. Suddenly, there was a burst of light in front of the front, and five stars with five elements of black color and edges appeared in front of everyone.

These five stars are strange, and the black light emitted is full of piercing coldness, which contains the power of death to kill all life. This kind of star is also famous in chaos. Chaos demons call this black star the 'Black Death Star'. In that year, when the old man Yuanling was still in chaos, even the top demon god like Pangu did not dare to approach the Black Death Star, lest he be eroded by the black light for too long to destroy his body and soul.

Don't beg carefully drove the nine tails to the right [middle] position of the five black dead stars. He shook his head gently. It was really extraordinary to give the white rat spirit that Buqi inherited and stole. He actually thought of this strange means, which really made Don't beg marvel at how he found this method? How did he find the top secret place opposite?

sighed for a while. Don't beg to make everyone sit on the nine-tailed back armor and carefully adsorbed his body firmly on Jiujiu's body. His hands changed the formula, and countless black lights flashed rapidly on his fingertips. On Thursday and Friday, the black death star burst out a dazzling strong light A huge void moving array with a diameter of more than thousands of miles is outlined around Jiuwei.

A large number of fairy stones flew out of the sleeves and were inlaid on the array of this large array one by one.

With a slight thunder, the array burst out a dazzling strong light, and the five black death stars trembled at the same time, and the huge power rolled in, directly breaking the void and moving the begging party away.

I don't know how long it took, Don't Beg's eyes lit up slightly, and a hazy water-like light came into sight.

This is an endless empty void. A mung bean-sized star is shining in the distance, and the light has become extremely dim when it spreads here. In a very faraway place, you can see a faint light curtain. Standing in the place where Begging is, the continuous change of light and dark with countless light spots covering his whole field of vision. From left to right, from top to bottom, it is full of light curtain, and you can't see its edge at all.

Because there is no reference, the light curtain seems to be extremely far away from Begging and others, and it seems to be very close. This sense of confusion of sight makes people dizzy. The mental strength of Begging and others is extremely strong, and the state of mind is extremely stable. I'm afraid that they will really be unconscious by this light curtain.

"Where is this?" Ao Buzun shook his big head, staggered up and stood up, looking around curiously.

Don't beg to point around. Far away from them, along the direction of the five elements, there are five extremely small light spots flashing, and they are just in the middle of the five light spots. Don't beg and say in a low voice, "This is... Beyond the chaos we call the chaotic world!"

"Gow!" Ao Bun shouted strangely, and he exclaimed, "Outside the chaos? Are you kidding?"

Don't beg nod solemnly. He squinted and said, "Our so-called chaos is just the ruins after the destruction of the Holy Realm. The holy world is not vast and boundless, but has its own margins. In this case, chaos naturally also has boundaries. Outside chaos, nature is a wider world!"

Taking a deep breath, Don't beg couldn't help marveling at the white rat spirit. He sighed: "That guy actually hid his cave outside the chaos. Fortunately, he found this strange path. Hey, it's wrong. Now that my cultivation has soared, I really don't have the courage to bring you here."

Teaching disrespect and others are all surprised. They know chaos, but they have always thought that the chaotic world is boundless. But now Don't beg and take them out of the chaos, which is really amazing.

"Let's go. There is still a long way to go." Don't beg to say hello and drive Jiuwei to the distance. He said in a low voice, "I have to admit that in the ability to find hidden caves, some creatures have inherent advantages, and we are far inferior to him."

Nine tails incarnate a stream of light across the void, trekking through the void for more than three months, and a fog-like star field appeared in front of it, with hundreds of billions of stars scattered in this nebula.

Don't beg to use the forbidden law to attract a fog to cover the group of people, and Jiuwei carefully emptied into this star domain.


I won't drink yellow rice wine anymore. It's so good!