Steal the sky

Chapter 1105 The Four Worlds are Destroyed

Guitunluo and the queen of the spirit led the ghost world and the spiritual world army to fight outside the gardenia city. Guiguzi summoned more than 90,000 flash dragons to help with the skill of Qimen escape armor, so that the heavenly ghost army's flesh and blood flew to death and wounds. But the heavenly ghost army was fierce and cruel. They ignored the sacrifices of their own people and risked everything to launch a charge to the immortals in the spiritual world.

The body exploded, the spirit was broken, and the flesh and blood of both sides collided crazily, splashing light and rain all over the sky.

At the same time, the leader of the demon world, Tai Shimo, and the leader of the demon world, Huanghuang, also set out with the armies of the two worlds. The demon world and the demon world had defected to the Taoist gate as early as before the war. At this moment, under the command of Liu Bang's edict, under the personal planning of the clumsy superiors, and with the assistance of hundreds of immortals who helped the war, the armies of the two worlds were divided into two vast frenzys,

Liu Bang's order to them was to kill a Bai Shenghao in Xinwu, wipe out all the cities, beat all the hairless creatures to death, beat them to ashes, and kill them with the most cruel means!

This order was welcomed by the Taishi Demon and the Huanghuang, who liked it. Kill those Buddha's bald donkeys by the most cruel means? It's so wonderful! Buddhism is the great enemy of the demon world and the demon world. Usually, a favorite mantra of Buddhism is --- 'Your beneers, the little monk is a certain position in a certain temple. Today, I came to defeat demons and stabilize the party'!

Look, defeat demons and eliminate demons. This slogan includes the whole demon world and demon world, so the Taishi Demon and the Huanghuang are full of strange interest in the flesh and blood of the monk. They once openly declared that 'all the delicacies are far worse than a mouthful of monk's flesh and blood'!

The two sides have a deadly feud, which is also one of the reasons why the demon world and the demon world did not hesitate to go to the Taoist gate. At least the skills of demons and monsters are handed down from the Taoist sect, which is in great opposition to the magnificent skills of Buddhism. Both sides are innate to be the enemy of life and death, and there is no possibility of turning the circle.

Along the way, with the assistance of hundreds of Taiyi Jinxian and their disciples, the two armies destroyed hundreds of Xinwu military towns and almost reached the wall of the imperial capital of Xinwu. This also satisfied Taishimo and Huanghuang, which proved that Daomen did not use them as cannon fodder, but sincerely cooperated with them. Hundreds of Taiyi Jinxian helped the battle, and there were only more than a thousand Taiyi Jinxian on the surface of the whole Taoist door. This is half of the strength!

Although there is a lack of some master-level figures who can determine the war situation, the Taishimo and the Huanghuang themselves are both broken, and they don't think there is anything wrong with this. Without the intervention of Taoist people, they can kill more freely with their own will. They are the highest cultivation among all those who go on the expedition, so their words are golden words. No one is qualified and has the strength to refute.

Wearing a black ten thousand demons worshipping fire robe, Taishimo sat on the sedan chair lifted by 108 blood red demons, proudly hugning a young monk with clear eyebrows. This monk has the peak cultivation of golden immortals and is a Buddha-level Bodhisattva figure. Taishimo, who controlled the Dharma body at a height of three feet, proudly licked the clean monk with his long tongue on his bare forehead.

"Oh, such a fresh and watery bald donkey is really the best among donkeys!" Taishi Moshi sighed a little moved: "Children, when you see a bald donkey, don't be in a hurry to kill and choose more fresh and tender water spirits to sell well, and make snacks for my ancestors!"

The monk who was taken in the arms of Taishimo struggled desperately, but where was he the opponent of Taishimo? Among the magic immortals in the demon world, there are many extremely strong body cultivation demons. The Taishi demon is an alien with double cultivation of body magic. His muscles and bones are strong, and the ordinary anti-demon flying sword magic weapons can't hurt him at all.

The little monk's struggling strength is no different for him to block the iron tree.

"Oh, it's really a knowing little bald donkey. I know that my ancestor is hungry, so I can't wait to fill my stomach for him?" Tai Shimo licked the little monk's chest with a smile and said proudly, "For the sake of your good skin, let's leave you a spiritual reincarnation." When you get to the underworld, when you meet your parents, you must praise them well. That is, it is said by Taishimo, the Lord of all demons in the demon world. They gave birth to a good son. Such a clean and watery monk is worthy of praise!"

With a click, he praised the little monk, and Taishimo bit off his head without hesitation.

Just like a mortal eating a spicy rabbit's head, the Taishi demon carefully nibbled the monk's head clean, leaving a clean golden skull in a big basket next to the throne. In this basket made of human tendons, there have been more than 300 "fresh and tender water" monks and nuns' skulls. Taishimo is ready to gather 108,000 fresh and tender watery Buddha's skulls, and then refine them into a big bowl that can stimulate his appetite!

Blood rolled out of the headless body of the monk, and Taishimo let the blood spill all over his body. His skin squirmed strangely, like a sliding snake skin. The golden blood sprinkled on him was sucked in by his skin, and Taishimo's skin became more and more moist, with a beetle-like halo.

The strangely smiling Taishimo shook his head and ate the monk's body. He ate very carefully and attentively. Every bone was spit out fiercely and completely, and the muscles on it were neatly nibbled, but every bone was completely piled up in front of him. Those skulls are used to make a large bowl, and these bones are used to make chopsticks, plates, wine glasses and other cutlery.

Taishimo was very satisfied. If it hadn't been for the fierce battle between Buddhism and Taoism for the throne of the emperor, how could he have had the opportunity to collect the bones of so many monks to create the tableware in his own idea? A whole set of tableware made of Bodhisattva's golden bones. At the thought of the golden and ferocious tableware, Tai Shimo felt very hungry.

He immediately ordered several big demons to stand beside him and scolded harshly, "These fresh and watery monks are really wonderful, but their muscles are so tender that there is nothing left. I'll get a few monks with thick muscles and strong muscles for my ancestors. Well, I'll get a few old monks with stiff muscles and bones to stew soup. Well, remember, those strong monks who have to choose those abbots of the Zen forest temple. They are white and fat to have oil. The monk who stewed soup had to choose the bald thief who swept the floor and did the handyman at the mountain gate. Their thin bones happened to make soup.

After wiping the saliva from the corners of his mouth, Taishi Moqi smiled and said, "Don't get those monks who take out cesspits and grow vegetables. Hey, thanks to them for doing such filthful things, even if they are good flesh, they have no appetite. Well, by the way, make a few young and beautiful little nuns mix it with wine and sprinkle the juice squeezed from the ten-thousand-year-old bodhi tree, so that it will be fragrant and delicious!"

Several demons were also said to be drooling by the Taishi demon, and they hurriedly flew around the incarnation of the demon cloud.

The army of the demon world went deeper step by step, until a basin comparable to the terrain near the mast appeared in front of it.

The army of the demon world rushed into the basin without hesitation, and then the surrounding mountains turned into magnificent purple gold at the same time. Countless Buddhist disciples and the New Wu army emerged from the surrounding mountains and surrounded the basin.

Before Taishimo could stand up from the sedan chair, the two entangled golden dragons roared down from the sky and split him from the top door to **. But the Lord of the Demon World, before he could see the enemy's appearance, he was killed by this unknown Hongmeng Zhibao on the spot.

The army in the demon world was in chaos, and countless demons hissed and fled around, but only a Buddha's horn sounded, a King Kong wheel array suppressed the void, and hundreds of large and small Buddhas were suppressed in the middle. The golden Buddha's light shot all over the sky, and all the demons touched by the Buddha's light were burned to pieces.

The magic power of Buddhism happens to be the deadly nemesis of the demons, and a large number of demons have died tragically in the golden Buddha's spirit.

Just as Taishimo was killed, thousands of miles away, in a basin with the same terrain, the same Buddhist array trapped the demon army. When the army was trapped, the wild emperor of the demon world was happily sitting on a luxurious cloud**, lying beside him full of beautiful women with blood.

The Wilderness Emperor is a huge snake of different species. He always maintained the body of the snake and did not promote to the dragon path. The snake sex is the most **, so where the demon army under his jurisdiction passes, the male disciples of Buddhism have been swallowed up, but those beautiful female nuns are even more tormented. The barren emperor incarnated tens of millions, and at the same time ** tens of millions of nuns, after absorbing all the essence of these nuns, he devoured them one by one, and did not know how many crimes he had committed along the way.

Perhaps the miserable wailings and begging for mercy stunned the wild emperor's mind. He was usually the most suspicious of treachery and did not notice the terrain around him at all. When the demon army crashed into the huge basin, he suddenly realized that it seemed that the situation was a little bad.

Holding a diamond pestle, the Great Yi, wearing a seven-treasure fitting, appeared in mid-air with Bajie and other disciples. The diamond wheel array suppressed the surrounding world, and countless Buddhist disciples and human warriors were flooded around them.

With the battle of the demon army, more than 300 immortals in the Mingdao realm drew their swords at the same time and rushed to the Great Yi Venerable before the wilderness emperor.

The Huanghuang didn't see the secret look in the eyes of those immortals in the Mingdao Realm, let alone the mischiety smile on the face of the Great Yi Venerable. He only saw the Great Yi Venerable holding a King Kong pestle from the sky, and a golden light swept through the void. More than 300 immortals in the Ming Dynasty were actually smashed by the Great Yi Venerable's pestle. The immortals disintegrated the immortal soul and the broken souls of more than 300 immortals in the Mingdao realm flew up one after another, and they went straight to the Tiandao Yuan Palace outside the sky.

"Is it impossible?" The Wild Emperor is stunned. Even if your Great B Venerable is the World Honored One at the peak of the Taoist realm, and even if you use the Buddha's great killer forged by the innate god Mu King Kong, you kill more than 300 Taiyi Golden Immortals with one pestle. Are you kidding?

The venerable Taiyi did not give the Huanghuang any chance. He swayed the King Kong pestle, flew down from the sky carelessly, and snounced at the Huanghuang Emperor.

The two Buddha arrays are used at the same time. After five months of persistence in the two armies of the demon world and the demon world, there is no demon or demon fairy in the array. The demon world and the demon world were lost, and everyone was sent to the list of gods.