Steal the sky

Chapter 1137 Kill in turn

It's covered with gray fog, about a hundred miles of flat ground, don't beg to sit on the ground,

His hands were pinched into a seal, and his eyes spewed out a fiery bright light and stared at a strange beast in front of him. The body, shaped like a unicorn, is not covered with scales, but a giant beast full of poisonous thorns. It has a pair of long red horns surrounded by poisonous smoke on its head. The four hoofs are stepping on the fire clouds, and it is as fast as lightning when running, which is difficult to prevent.

Don't beg around everyone around you, and carefully guard the Don't beg who is absorbed in analyzing the weakness of this foreign beast. Only the Holy Spirit King turned into the original appearance of the dragon. The four dragon claws grasped a broken halberd, and the body flashed from all over the void at any time, and countless broken halberds constantly stabbed foreign beasts from all directions. The strange beast ran like electricity, and every time it was dangerous to avoid the attack of the Holy Spirit King. The Holy Spirit King can't hurt the strange beast, but the beast did not have a chance to take action against the Holy Spirit King.

The light in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and he exuded a terrible pressure that he dared not face. This is the fifteenth plank road rock block that Yijing people have stepped into together, and it is also the fifteenth strange beast they have encountered. Don't beg in front of them has successfully analyzed the weaknesses of the fourteen strange beasts, and penetrated the mystery of their body composition. Every time they successfully analyze the composition and weaknesses of these strange beasts, the .

The holy power constantly integrates with the god soul of no begging, the original chaotic soul gradually integrated into a faint silver light, and the soul becomes more dense and more powerful, and the god's knowledge of don't begging and other aspects have been improved. Now, when Princess Pangle and others face the face of not begging, there is a faint feeling of inhumanity. The high and frightening majesty really makes everyone worried.

The seven holy palaces left by the seven strongest saints in the powerful and unpredictable holy world. No one knows what the various arrangements in it will bring to everyone, and no one knows what the final result will be. But they killed fourteen foreign beasts in front of them, and these people around them got a lot of benefits. Although they did not break through the realm, their strength was several times stronger than before.

A loud noise came." With the help of the power of the broken halberd, the Holy Spirit King, who was hidden in the void, was fiercely pushed hard by the long horns of the foreign beast. The armor on the Holy Spirit King's body was broken, and the long horns pierced into his chest muscles and feet, which poisoned

The Holy Spirit's body trembled violently, and the blood flowing from the seven orifices suddenly ignited a raging fire.

Very fierce fire poison. Although this strange beast shaped like a unicorn is only the level of immortality, with the help of the strange prohibition here, it can actually fight with the Holy Spirit King, and its natural toxicity is really terrible. The Holy Spirit King tried his best to expel the strong poison that invaded the [body].

Don't beg for the light in his eyes, and he stared at somewhere under the beast. In his sight, the giant beast is no longer a specific fierce beast, but a hot red sticky firelight. In the firelight, there were forty-two red runes flashing, which outlined the shape of a foreign beast. However, in the process of the mutual fit and connection of the runes, the lower body of the giant beast is close to **, near the sachet that seems to secrete essence, which is a weakness of the giant beast.

With a soft shout, don't beg to contact the Holy Spirit King with God's consciousness and tell him the weakness of the strange beast.

The severely damaged Holy Spirit roared. He threw down the broken halberd and shook into a strange-shaped dragon with a thick fist and a length of a hundred feet. He took a water light and rolled it over to the foreign beast.

The strange beast never dreamed of such a strange way of attack. It showed that the Holy Spirit was tightly wrapped around it for a few times, and the dragon's head just drooped between the two hind legs of the beast.

, "What a bitch, this move makes it come out?" Ao Bu Zun clicked his mouth and vomited violently. Spitting.

The seven-headed blood-spraying Holy Spirit can't care about the problem of being dirty or not. He opened his mouth, and the two rows of cold dragon teeth bit the sachet of the strange beast. With a click, a ball of incense sac the size of a fist in front of the foreign beast ** was swallowed by the Holy Spirit King, and the body of the foreign beast suddenly trembled. The sachet is the key to the intersection of essence all over its body, and it is also the key to the circulation of its all-body mana.

The sachet was destroyed, and the blood of the whole body immediately stagnated. The strange beast, which had just been in a fierce roar, suddenly exploded into countless red lights and rushed into the Holy Spirit King [body]. The Holy Spirit roared up to the sky comfortably. There was a dense explosion of his joints all over his body, and a black and red wave of water gushed out from him. He opened his mouth and spewed a dragon flame to the ground. The terrible high temperature overflowed, and the dark stone slabs were actually burned with a shallow trace.

Don't beg, you can't help but be horrified. The plank slate here are guarded by some kind of prohibition that he can't distinguish, and even he can't destroy anything here." The power of the Holy Spirit King's dragon fire is really terrible. However, after the Holy Spirit spewed out this dragon inflammation, he seemed to have no strength. He shook his body, returned to a human form, and tried to stretch his body. His cultivation was greatly improved again, but the terrible breath when he sprayed Longyan just now had dissipated.

The black fog cover around was broken, and everyone recovered. Don't beg to stand up, look back at the empty void behind him, and then look at the hills tens of thousands of miles ahead, and the plank road composed of hundreds of thousands of black volcanic blocks between him and the hills. He took a deep breath, pointed to the front and said with a smile, "Go on. Since they arranged it like this, we will follow their wishes. Let's see how much benefit we can get after walking the road outside the nine palaces.

After everyone took a breath for a while and took care of the best physical condition, no one said a word and stepped on a black rock block in front of them. The plank road in the rear silently turned into a black streamer and entered the body. Don't beg. Don't beg only feel that the body is cool again. It is still the kind of strange feeling that seems to have got some benefits, but it can't be distinguished.

The faint black smoke shrouded around the dish and turned into a black fog covering everyone.

Under the black translucent volcanic rock is frozen by a green toad with three long legs and a thin body, with nine golden silk threads behind it. The whole body is green, which is shockingly green, like a green toad that can ooze green juice all over the body. As soon as the fog cover was formed, the ground flashed with a flash of light, and a green toad about three feet long jumped out of the rock block. This time, there were six toads that jumped out.

Don't beg for a soft drink. The golden horn, silver horn and the golden feather and silver feather, plus rabbit Xiaobai and ape green, happened to be six people greeted together. The six toads made a strange chirping. They spewed a pale green viscous dry liquid from their mouths, and the long dry liquid turned into tough and abnormal silk threads in the wind. Six toads, together with the silk thread they spit out, constitute a strange rune that is not equal to the hexagon.

The air around suddenly stirred rapidly, and the pale green wind knife was in chaos everywhere. With the harsh roar, the wind knife gradually stirred up a large green light curtain, wrapping the golden horn six people. Countless wind knives spewed out of the rune and smashed their heads like a storm.

The golden horn, silver horn, golden feather and silver feather have returned to their original shape. The six flying ice fire dragon pythons are connected at the head and end to form a four-in-one imperial spirit array, constantly spewing ice, wind and fire to block the attack of the green wind knife. Rabbit Xiaobai swung two heavy hammers, relying on his excellent bounce power, jumping into a white cold light running around, waving the hammer and hitting the six green toads.

Ape Green restored the circle of the Hercules Ape. He clenched the heavy stick with both hands and stared at the six panting green toads. His eyes were shining, and he was extremely alert to staring at the every move of the six green toads, always ready to respond to the changes or give them a fatal blow.

Don't beg to nod secretly. After the exercise of more than a dozen rock blocks in front of him, everyone around him has begun to perform a complete set of reasonable joint skills. There are no benefits here, but back to the world of Pangu, all kinds of joint skills exercised here will shock everyone.

Taking a deep breath, the divine consciousness communicated the complex rune floating on the soul, and a large amount of information kept pouring into the soul. Don't beg for a hot strong light in your eyes, covering six green toads.

After a long time, six miserable howls came, and the strong green light flowed into the golden horn and other six people.

The frozen poisonous insects and beasts were killed in the volcanic rocks that formed the plank road one by one, and the strength of the people around you was constantly improved. Those volcanic rocks continue to turn into black light and enter the body, and Don't beg also notices that some wonderful changes are taking place in his body.

Everyone worked together step by step and gradually came to the end of this tens of thousands of miles of plank road.

How many difficulties and obstacles are there? Don't beg to calculate. Princess Le and Qixia were almost killed by poisonous insects several times. Fortunately, Don't beg found their weaknesses in time, which saved them from the near-death state. Don't do your best to calculate the weaknesses of these poisonous insects and beasts, and finally keep everyone around you safe.

Time is meaningless here. According to the normal time flow rate, it has taken them at least thousands of years to walk through this path. But in the complex path outside the nine palaces, time is stagnant, time has no meaning, and can only move forward step by step.

Finally came to the hill suspended above the stars. Everyone looked at each other and stepped on the hill at the same time.

Jointly killed a black humanoid statue on the field outside the pagoda, gathered people into the pagoda on the top of the mountain, and got a bottle of elixir from it that can quickly restore the sacred power, got a volume of pharmacopoeia that records thousands of common herbs in the holy world, and finally got a complex one again, Nearly double the runes.

The elixir is a good thing, and the pharmacopoeia is even more wonderful. It is a deeper and more profound pharmacopoeia than the elixir prescription known to the old man Yuanling in the previous life. Thousands of common herbs recorded in it, the old man Yuanling has only seen one in the chaotic It is the "Nine Deaths Return to Soul Grass" that the chaotic demons once broke their heads for it!

Leaving the hill, Don't beg the party stepped on another plank road and continued to march into the distance.