Steal the sky

Chapter 1139 The End of the Road

Chapter 1139 The End of the Road

After saving Tu Xiaobai, the beg people who had no way out continued to move forward. They moved forward step by step, and no one looked back.

How many years have passed? Don't beg and don't care about this problem. On the periphery of the Seven Holy Palaces, time, space and other objective laws that ordinary people are accustomed to are non-existent or distorted. They walked on the plank road step by step, cracked the deadly prohibition everywhere, struggled desperately on the edge of life and death, and could not pay attention to the things outside them at all.

Countless times, Don't beg and almost be killed by the ban. Princess Le is the same, or somewhere dangerous, or an extremely powerful beast, or a terrible three or five breaths that will kill people's lives. All kinds of prohibitions are emerging one after another. Don't beg to struggle to the death. Try your best to study the runes left by the prohibitions everywhere, and break these prohibitions one by one, so as to ensure everyone's safety.

A long time ago, when the Beggars walked through hundreds of colorful plank roads, they came to the door of a magnificent palace. This palace is one of the nine palaces outside the Seven Holy Palaces. According to the strange beast in the map of the Nine Palaces, if you can enter this palace and come out safely, don't beg and others can get great benefits, and Princess Pule and others may achieve the creation of the realm.

But after coming out of this palace, don't beg for them to have no chance to get lost in the nine palaces outside the nine palaces. They will directly enter the Seven Holy Palace and go to the Seven Holy Palace to find their own opportunities. They either got great benefits from the Seven Holy Palace and left safely, or were buried directly in the Seven Holy Palace. But no matter what the result is, they will no longer be able to get lost in the nine palaces.

So Don't beg resolutely gave up entering the palace. He chose another plank road and continued to move forward.

A pavilion, a courtyard, a hall, a pagoda. There will always be an exquisite and magical building at the end of the plank road, and there will always be two or three good things left by the power of the holy world. But none of these things are sacred artifacts. They are all drawings, classics and so on. What's more are the runes in the sea of begging, those powerful runes nested with thousands and tens of thousands of heavy light lines, which record extremely huge runes.

How many runes have been collected along the way? Don't beg too lazy to count. At first, he was interested in calculating how many runes he got and how many benefits he got. But when he counted more than 12,000 runes, when they stepped into a desperate situation and almost everyone was killed by a lava earthworm that rushed out of the magma, Don't beg no longer pay attention to these things outside.

He concentrates all his energy, concentrates all his spirit, cracks all the forbidden runes along the road, and strives to save the lives of everyone around him. Later, did he collect 100,000 or 1 million runes that recorded countless information? He doesn't know himself, and he doesn't bother to count. Anyway, he only knows that most of the rune culture has been integrated into his soul for the spiritual light, because he has completely absorbed all the knowledge in those runes.

Step by step, the cultivation of the holy power of not begging has not been substantially improved, and the prohibitions on these trestles cannot be cracked by powerful cultivation. His knowledge and experience are getting richer and richer. He has seen countless of the most common rare birds, exotic animals and poisonous herbs and spiritual herbs in the Holy World, plus all kinds of natural danger prohibitions and other strange things. His mind is more stable, his spiritual intelligence is more and more intelligent, his soul is solidified and stronger. His strength is still so strong, but His heart has far exceeded the limit of his current strength.

Princess Huanle, Qixia and others also followed and did not beg without complaint. Along the way, they almost died and almost died. Many times, they almost suffered countless hardships. But every time Don't beg to break the ban on a plank road, they will get a significant improvement. Although in the cognition of the strange beasts and spirits in the map of Jiugong Road, Princess Po Le is still 'fan' like ants in the holy world, their strength has reached the limit of 'fan' and can no longer be improved at all.

Whether it is physical body, spirit or magic power, or even their experience, they have reached the limit of 'fan'. The knowledge that Don't begging was taught to them without reservation. Although it was due to the problem of interest and comprehension, Princess Wanle only learned part of the vast knowledge taught by Don't begging, but they got endless benefits from it.

Quantity change produces qualitative change. As long as they are given a little chance, they can be reborn and evolve from the realm of 'fan' to the beginning!

Finally, one day, don't beg them to step out of the last dark purple plank. There is no more plank road in the void ahead, and only countless stars are quietly suspended in front of everyone. Don't beg opened the Jiugong road map. The countless fine silver lights crisscrossed around the Jiutuan silver light on the map have completely disappeared. All the plank roads have been walked by them, and there is no one left.

The head of the alien beast floated out of the map. He looked at Bu Begging with ghost-like eyes: "You know, you have walked all the plank of the outer nine palaces! You are done! You're really done!"

Don't beg for a smile without any smoke and fire. He nod his head and said, "We're done, yes!"

The beast tilted his mouth. He shook his head and sighed, "How can there be a freak like you? How can you stick to it until now? You have almost been completely destroyed many times. Are you really not afraid of death? You... Hey, you monsters, what should I say about you?"

Don't beg to turn around and hug Princess Yule and Qixia, who also became extremely resolute, in their arms. Ao looked up to the sky and laughed proudly. He laughed and said, "What's so strange about this? I can trust this boy, so what does he do? I will follow him! Look, I didn't suffer any loss. Hey hey, look at how many girls can I be fascinated by this scale armor?

With a complacent luck, Ao Buzun's body was covered with a thick layer of purple-gold dragon scales. The bright dragon scales are almost transparent, with a magnificent diamond-like light. The brilliant scales set off Ao Buzun like a god. The feeling of sacred and solemnity will really fascinate many mentally retarded nuns.

The Holy Spirit also smiled. He also shook his body, and a thick layer of silver-purple dragon scales immediately hung on him. The same brilliant dragon scales are just a trace of domineering and barbarism compared with Ao's respect. The defense of this layer of dragon scales is extremely amazing. Anyway, even if the Holy Spirit himself uses the broken halberd that has been improved dozens of times, he can't break the defense of this layer of dragon scales.

The Holy Spirit smiled and said to Begging, "Our brother has agreed to advance and retreat together!"

The cattle opened her mouth and smiled. She was very simple and said to Don't beg, "Follow Don't beg, brother, there is meat to eat!"

There is no nonsense about golden horns, silver horns, golden feathers and silver feathers. They just look at them and don't beg. Even if they have something to say, I'm afraid it's similar to cattles. Follow Don't beg for meat to eat, especially the two guys, gold horns and silver horns. They have long believed this truth. Don't beg to save them from the terrible life that can only be used turf all day long. Follow Don't

Yuanqing and Tu Xiaobai looked at Don't begging with a smile. They clearly remember that they were just a little demon on the Pangu continent, facing the killing of the official army of Dayu all day long, and the threat of those powerful monks all day long. Don't beg to take them under the door, don't beg to give them the first flying sword and magic weapon in their lives, don't beg to give them the first bottle of elixir in their lives, don't beg to provide them with security protection, and 'dignity' that is more important than the safety of their lives!

So don't beg wherever you go, where they follow, it's that simple!

Even if they almost died along the way, even if they struggled with life and death along the way, they have been following him!

As for the nine tails lying beside the crowd drooling and nibbling on the thigh of an unknown beast, he doesn't have so much thought. When he broke out of the shell, he saw Don't Beg at first sight, and Don't Beg always gives him a lot of good food. He is determined to follow Don't Beg, which is also so simple.

Don't beg and look at everyone with a smile, and suddenly feel that it's a bit of a failure. Except for Princess Le and Qixia, who are their wives, except for Ao Bu Zun and Xian San Jingjun, who are their brothers, except for Tu Xiao Bai and Yuan Qing, who are their disciples, why are all these other groups of foodies? They all seem to follow themselves with the intention of having meat to eat? What is this?

He shook his head and smiled bitterly. Seeing that his experience had been different from the past, he grabbed the road map of the nine palaces and sighed softly, "The wonderful prohibition. The outer nine palaces have always been on this map, right? Well, can no one get this map except me?

The strange beast smiled. He shook his head and said, "There are thousands of such maps. Anyone who enters the Seven Holy Palace can get a map. But who is the first to walk through all the plank roads of the outer nine palaces and get a complete initial inheritance before they can really open the outer nine palaces?

Throw the map out casually, don't beg for a smile and ask, "These days, is there anyone else coming in?"

The map of Jiugong Road circled and flew higher and higher, and the silver light of the road kept spewing out of the map. The laughter of the foreign beast kept coming from all directions: "You have spent many years here, but the time in chaos is just one day and one night. On this day and one night, more than 30,000 creatures were attracted by the 7,200 entrances of the Seven Holy Palaces.

With a sigh, the beast shook its head and said, "You are the only ones who walk through the plank road. There are only forty-three of you who are still alive. They all chose to enter the Seven Holy Palaces, the nine palaces around the periphery. They didn't have the confidence to finish it.

The dazzling silver light of the nine regiments gushed out of the road map of the nine palaces, and the nine palaces with different shapes but magnificent simplicity gradually emerged from the silver light. These palaces are not large in scale, covering an area of about 10,000 mu. The nine palaces are arranged in the direction of nine palaces, silently suspended in front of everyone.

The map of Jiugong Road turned into a large area of silver light, which was integrated into the bodies of Buqi and others.

The voice of the alien beast sounded quietly: "Go in and try your luck."

Don't beg to meditate for a moment. He flew to the nearest palace first. The air ban around them has disappeared, and they can fly freely. Don't beg, while flying slowly, he frowned and asked, "How did those people get the map?" Is it possible that among them, like me, also have inceptions?

The strange beast laughed strangely: "This... There are no start-ups among them. But, who stipulates that you must feed yourself with the wine and meat you created before you can get the map? Different objects have different methods of testing. Don't you understand this?

Don't be speechless, shake your head and fly all the way to the palace.

After drinking porridge and soup for four days, I didn't know the taste of meat for four days!

I want to eat chicken legs, I want to eat pig's feet!

Er, I'm so hungry. There's no oil and water in my stomach! RO