Steal the sky

Chapter 1179 Escape

Don't be dumb, everyone around him also shook their heads repeatedly. On the other side of the heavens, an exclamation broke out, and then there was silence.

As the head of the four gods of the heavenly court, the Qinglong Shenjun's magical power changes mysteriously, and the divine body is even more powerful and amazing, not weaker than the physical cultivation of immortals in the same realm. In particular, there is a congenital armor and wood spiritual power in his body, which makes his divine body vitality endless. If he really fights, he has a strong endurance and resilience.

If you want to talk about physical strength in the heavenly court, except for a few of the 1.08 million Xingjun, no one can compare with the Qinglong Shenjun. But such a strong green dragon god body was forcibly twisted and broken by the penis. What is particularly shocking is that when the Qinglong Shenjun's neck is broken, his divine body collapses, and a spirit has soared to the sky and has been sucked into the direction of the God Pool.

"Devil and courage!" The Xuanwu god was furious. He suddenly charged forward, and a huge Xuanwu tortoise shell behind him loomed, crashing into the sun pot like a boulder. The green dragon's magic power is changeable, and the vitality is extremely strong, while the physical defense of Xuanwu Shenjun is the first in the heavenly court, especially his strength is amazing.

Although the Qinglong Shenjun is physically strong, his body is more manifested in the abnormal resilience. When it comes to the physical power, the brute force of a Xuanwu god is enough to multiply the total physical strength of the three gods, Qinglong, white tiger and rosefinch.

Such a divine power hit in front of him, and even the face of the sun can changed. He roared in a low voice, and a pink rune flashed in his eyebrows. Suddenly, a shadow of a mountain flashed behind him. He also rudely stretched out his arms and bumped into the Xuanwu God. As he rushed to the Xuanwu God, he also had leisure to laugh at the Rosefinch God: "Beauty, when I kill this reckless man, I must take you up and see how long and white your legs are!" The penis and the Xuanwu God King bumped into each other. The shadow of the mountain behind the penis shattered, and a large amount of blood spewed out of the seven orifices of the penis at the same time. Xuanwu Shenjun's brute force was too strong. The clothes on the chest of the yang can were blown up by the brute force. Xuanwu Shenjun put his hands on the waist of the can and rushed forward against the can like a crazy bull.

The yang can was unstable, howling angrily and was pushed out more than a hundred miles away by the Xuanwu God, and abruptly from the middle section of the corridor to the end of the corridor.

At the end of this corridor, which is more than 300 miles long, is a wall wrapped with purple thunder. The Xuanwu Shenjun sprayed with white foam in his mouth, and two hot white air spit out of his nostrils. He bravely hit the penis hard against the wall with a barbaric atmosphere of 100,000 points.

The cell around the cell shook, and countless prisoners exclaimed at the same time. The penis's hands and arms suddenly spread out and stuck to the wall like a piece of paper. Xuanwu Shenjun hit the wall against the yang jar, giving people the feeling that the yang jar was knocked into a thin piece of paper, and it was thinly attached to the wall as if his whole body had been squeezed out.

The thunder forbidden law arranged on the wall was launched, and countless thick thunderbolts of water tanks gushed out with a huge roar from the surrounding air, and madly bombarded the penis. The penis was covered with black smoke, and his mouth kept spewing out a big mouth of blood. His breath was rapidly weakening every mouthful of blood spewing out of his [body]. The reduced mana is equivalent to the power of the transformation of all the spirit of a peak golden fairy.

In an instant, tens of thousands of thunderbolts hit the Yang can. The Yang can hissed and roared, reluctantly raised his hands to lift the back of the god to the Xuanwu god and smashed it down. Every blow is like a thunder bombardment, and every blow is like a meteor hitting the earth. Every blow can smash the starry sky into pieces. Xuanwu Shenjun's body trembled violently, the black and yellow tortoise shell behind him was overflowing with light, and silk cracks continued on the thick tortoise shell, but no matter how crazy the penis attacked, these cracks were strong,

As soon as it appeared and recovered quickly, the defense of this tortoise shell is simply extremely strong.

A tiger roared into the sky, and a pair of huge white light wings behind the White Tiger God stretched out and waved his sword, turning into a white sharp electric straight forward stab. Xuanwu, get out of the way!" The white tiger god roared up to the sky, and the Xuanwu god suddenly lowered his head and lay on the ground. The sword light almost wiped the scalp of the Xuanwu god and inserted it into the heart of the can.

The White Tiger God opened his mouth and sprayed a white blood on the sword in his hand. The original artifact, which was also condensed by the divine power of heaven, suddenly trembled, giving people the feeling that a hedgehog suddenly showed the thorns all over his body. Countless fine white lights spewed out of the sword, and they heard In the ear, countless Taibai Geng golden sword spirit stirred up the internal organs of the penis.

The blood in the seven orifices of the yang pot changed from a stream to a fountain, and the blood spewed out of his seven orifices more than ten feet away. The White Tiger God, who was standing in front of him, was sprayed with blood. The White Tiger God looked at the penis with a ferocious smile and roared, "Do you still want to bully the rosefinch? Is it because of your virtue?

Hey hey, no matter what kind of breaker you are, give me a dead ball!" The long sword waved crazily and split 3,600 swords on the penis in the blink of an eye. The penis was not very tall and strong. The body of the penis was broken to pieces and countless pieces of flesh and blood were sprayed all over the ground. The white tiger god proudly raised his long sword and roared up to the sky. He shouted loudly, "The rosefinch, burn all the flesh and blood of this man with your rosefinch Shenyan!" There is no need for the white tiger to say more. The rosefinch god has looked up to the sky and sang, and the rolling blue flame swept out like a broken levee, rolling towards the blood and flesh of the cans all over the ground. Just as the rosefinch Shenyan was about to burn to these flesh and blood, a resentful curse rose to the sky, and the flesh and blood squirmed one after another, and countless blood and flesh spewed out from the fragments of the flesh and blood. These blood and flesh colluded with each other, and the yin wind rose flat, and the

However, compared with the hetic momentum when he just rushed out of the bottom of the prison, the breath around the Yangtan at this moment is at most comparable to the power of the middle of the Taoist realm, and there is no such arrogance that almost competes with the Taoist realm just now.

Seeing that the flame had rushed in front of him, the penis roared loudly, and his body suddenly became strangely horny. Just like an insect, his skin became shiny and hard, and became a material like a cow's shell. His hands turned into two sharp thorns, and his joints could stretch infinitely like a eraser.

The body of the penis suddenly rotated, and his arms suddenly became dozens of feet long. His elastic arms drove the sharp spikes of his palms, and he stabbed at least hundreds of thousands of times with a short flick of a finger. The White Tiger God came with a miserable howl. His physical defense was far inferior to that of Xuanwu. Hundreds of transparent holes were pierced almost all over his body at the same time, and a transparent hole the size of a sea bowl was pierced in the middle of his eyebrows.

The body of the White Tiger Star King collapsed, and a Yuanling was sucked away by the Huashen Pool.

At least more than half of the attack of the sun can fell on him, and all the attacks were aimed at the point at the core of the tortoise shell behind the Xuanwu God King.

Hundreds of thousands of stabs fell on that point almost at the same time, and the strong defense of Xuanwu was finally smashed under this terrible attack. The sharp thorn of the right hand of the penis and the back armor of the Xuanwu God King turned into streamers and scattered at the same time, but the sharp thorn of his left hand was inserted into the heart of the Xuanwu God King thousands of times in a row.

The Xuanwu God King howted helplessly, the divine body disintegrated, and a Yuan spirit rushed to the sky.

The rosefinch Shenyan has burned to the body of the penis, which made the shells crackle all over his body. The more fragile shells in some places were even melted and turned into red juice dripping quickly on the ground. The sun can laughed wildly and rushed forward, and rushed to the rosefinch god without fear of death.

The rosefinch god with a dazzling halo on his head changed his face. Her wings vibrated, and the rosefinch's dazzling halo hit the chest of the penis with a strong light.

A white flame spewed out of the rosefinch's dazzling halo, and a piece of body in the chest of the yang jar was burned to ashes. The white flame spewed out from the seven orifices of the yang jar and every pore. He waved the remaining sharp thorn of his left hand awkwardly and

The speed of the rosefinch god is the first in the four-phase god king. She swings countless shadows in the air and difficultly dodged the attack of the penis. However, the general of the four-phase god king behind her did not have such good luck. At least two hundred gods hit their bodies and flew up, and their bodies were pierced through countless holes. In the blink of an eye, the divine body was broken, and the Yuanling flew to the sky and went to the Huashen Pool.

The Rosefinch God was furious, and she shouted harshly, "Group four-phase array, trap this one to death!"

The important gods in the heavenly court know that those who break the world are immortal. If they are completely killed, it will not be long before they will reappear. Instead of waiting for them to come out again and again and embarrass themselves, it's better to trap them to death, then find a way to weaken their strength to the minimum, and finally use prohibition to suppress them. This is the way to do it once and for all.

The four-phase god king rushed into the prison at the same time. At this moment, only the rosefinch god remained intact, which made the irritable rosefinch god extremely angry. In particular, the dirty words of the penis made her hate the penis to the extreme. She incarnated a fire dragon and rotated around the penis. From time to time, countless white flames spewed out, burning the shells on the penis.

The remaining generals of the four-phase god king formed a large array, and they besieged the Yang pot on the spot.

The six heavenly emperors who personally led the army outside the prison looked at each other and smiled. It seemed that the penis could not escape.

At this critical moment, an earth-shaking roar suddenly came from a cell next to it. The huge sound wave rushed out, and dozens of the lowest-cultivated gods were directly shattered. The rosefinch god was also dizzy for a while, and subconsciously slowed down and looked in the direction of the cell.

Sha Tu, who was wearing heavy armor and holding a giant sword, roared out and cut it down with a sword in the air. The distracted Rosefinch God had no time to dodge at all. He was split from the top of his head to ** with a sword, and was neatly split into two pieces.

The yang pot was furious, and he shouted harshly, "Kill the embryo, give me back to my beauty!"

The slaughter had rushed into the four-phase array and waved his sword to cut and kill indiscriminately. He shouted angrily, "Fuck you shit. Why don't you escape quickly? We all have to be trapped here!" B bastard, there is no benefit in killing them at all. Our strength has not only not been improved, but has been continuously weakened!"

The face of the sun can changed slightly. He looked up to the sky and roared, and cooperated with the evildo to kill at the end of the corridor.

The gods and generals who were rushed by the slaughter could not resist the crazy impact of the two breakers, and a few flicks of their skills were conflicted by them.