Steal the sky

Chapter 1194 Shocking Changes

Da Luotian shook violently.

It's not just Da Luotian, it's the whole thirty-three days, followed by the sky, and then the whole Pangu world is shaking.

Everyone in the sky of Daluo is full of magic power. At the same time, they opened their eyes and looked in the direction of the shock. The Great Spirit vulture Mountain is disintegrating, and the Buddhist holy land composed of seven mountains stretching for trillions is disintegrating, and it is gradually separating and turning into seven huge separate mountains.

The singing of the Taoist Sanskrit kept coming, the Buddha's light rose to the sky, and countless Buddha practitioners fled from the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain in panic. The mountain is trembling and melting, that is, a few breaths. The seven mountains have turned into seven liquid balls that moisten the whole body like melting crystals. The colorful Buddha light shrouded the seven huge liquid balls, and the seven Buddhas slowly blended into the liquid ball with the blue front.

The Great Spirit Vine Mountain was originally transformed by the maternal fetal membrane at the birth of the seven Buddhas. Other chaotic gods and demons have refined their mother's body into protective armors or other original magic weapons. Only the seven Buddhas turned their mother into the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain. For countless years, countless Buddhist disciples have practiced devoutly in the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain. The Buddha power they scattered are constantly quenched and washes the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain. Every ordinary stone on the mountain has been refined by the Buddha's power, which is equivalent to the relic of the relic of Buddha's power, which contains a huge

Now that the Great Spirit Slude Mountain has disintegrated, the seven Buddhas have used their own secret skills to take back the mother body and reintegrated themselves into the mother body. For countless years, the Buddha power accumulated in the mountain during the practice of great virtue has been absorbed by the seven Buddhas. A circle of golden frenzy visible to the naked eye spread from the huge liquid ball, and the Pangu world kept trembling with the rolling of the golden frenzy.

The magnificent breath of the seven frightenings gradually rose, and the breath of the seven Buddhas became more and more powerful. In the end, it was faintly above everything, even several times more powerful than the nine Taoist ancestors.

The faces of the Taoists became extremely ugly, and the breakers also tightened their faces. Whether it is destroying the Pangu world or fighting for the innate spirit, the powerful existence of the seven Buddhas is a great obstacle. In particular, the breath of the seven Buddhas is restless and fluctuates violently like madness. Obviously, they are almost crazy because of the disappearance of their spirits. God knows what they will do?

Everyone's thoughts are changing rapidly, especially the thoughts of the eighteen saints of the Holy League and the six emperors of heaven are turning faster than anyone else. The sudden Holy League vow shouted sharply, "What are the seven old thieves bald?" Have their spirits been taken away? It's the "spirit" of them, not the "spirit" of one of them! That is to say, they originally had seven spirits!"

All the eyes of everyone in the Holy League were fixed on the nine Taoist ancestors, and the pressure made the Taoist ancestors couldn't help but take a few steps back. The breakers stared at the nine Taoist ancestors with wide eyes. They shouted in unison, "Where are you? Are you the only one of the nine who has a spirit?

The Taoist ancestors closed their words tightly, but their silence just confirmed everyone's speculation.

Eighteen Taoists of the Holy League ~ Da Neng took out his life to marry the treasure at the same time, and surrounded the nine Taoist ancestors in a circle. The twelve world-breakers approached the Taoist ancestors like fierce gods and evil. For a moment, the situation of Da Luotian became extremely strange, and there was a faint posture of the Holy League and the world-breakers jointly besieging the Taoist ancestors. Eighteen Taoist realms are great power, twelve are the same as Taoist realms, and thirty are besieging nine Taoist ancestors. The faces of the Taoist ancestors are hard to see the extreme for a while.

Zimei Daozu shouted in a low voice, "Yuanqi, start the Huntian array and kill all these bold people!"

The six heavenly emperors were silent for a while, and they took a few steps back at the same time. The huge array did begin to operate, but they did not surround the holy alliance and the people who broke the boundary, but besieged the whole Daluotian. The Emperor of Heaven said in a low voice, "Master, please teach me. What kind of treasure is this spirit? The disciples just want to open their eyes and see the treasures of this world.

Zimei Daozu looked at the six heavenly emperors gloomily, and he sighed softly, "You... But do you want to betray the door?

Emperor Yuanyu sighed softly, "Master, don't blame us. Since we took off the immortal body and condensed into a sacred body, we are no longer a Taoist man. We are the gods of heaven and earth. What does it have to do with Taoism? While sighing, the Emperor of Heaven raised his hand and waved gently. The power of the Emperor of Heaven's throne spread, and all the gods in the array could not resist the pressure of Emperor Yuan. At the same time, they raised the weapons in their hands. The array of heaven began to gradually absorb the earth, and there were hidden shadows of all kinds of mythical .

As soon as the Huntian array moved, the 18 people of the Holy League could take action at the same time. They did not use any tricks, but really spit out their own essence, mobilized the part of the power of heaven and earth that they completely controlled in the spirit of heaven and earth, and turned into the most direct and fundamental attack on the nine Taoist ancestors.

Just like Yanjun's big horn, he realized that the original power of control is the power of fire. What he hit with the help of his destiny is a fire with the thickness of his thumb. The void passed by the pale red-looking extremely weak flame was burned to nothing, the time and space completely collapsed, and all physical objective existences were turned into nothingness, and nothing else remained except the flame.

Other members of the Holy League also have their own fate. They want to work together to destroy the holy bodies of the nine Taoist ancestors. As long as their bodies are destroyed, even if the nine Taoist ancestors are in the power of the Taoist realm, they can only be suppressed by [town].

The faces of the Taoist ancestors changed rapidly. At the same time, they chanted the Taoist name, including the long-browed Taoist ancestors who had just recovered. They were distributed in the nine palaces. At the same time, purple auspicious clouds spewed out from the top of their heads. The infinite golden light spewed out of the purple gas There is a hazy figure sitting in the eight lotus platforms.

"Ninety-nine to one, all the saints return to the truth!" The nine Taoist ancestors pinched the seal at the same time and recited the mantra in a low voice.

Princess Huan Le, who watched the battle, shouted in surprise: "These nine old ways are really powerful. Each of them has sacrificed nine distractions. It's strange why each of them has only eight distractions around them?

This distraction is not an external incarnation. It is always warmed in the sea of knowledge.

Zimei Daozu smiled strangely, and the evil light in his eyes flashed. He shouted harshly to a man in the Holy League: "Zi Lingzi won't wake up yet. When will he wait?"

The holy alliance, which was shrouded in a purple gas, had a hazy face and could not be seen clearly, came with a light smile. He stroked casually. He just drew with the help of a fist-sized purple flame sacrificed by his life... An arc was heavily printed on the bamboo blue chest standing beside him.

The body is a pure bamboo in the chaos. Looking at the figure in the purple gas, she stammered and asked, "Purple soil...

You... You...".

The purple flame sacrificed by Ziluosheng is extremely powerful. It not only contains high-temperature divine inflammation, but also contains the extremely poisonous smell of viciousness. The body of Ziyangsheng is a purple-patterned green and colorful brocade snake in the chaos. He is not only good at driving flames, but also a master of poison. Among the eighteen powers of the Holy League, Zi*sheng is also the only person who can be compared with Yanjun's big horn on the flame.

The body of bamboo green is a pure spirit bamboo, which is woody. It was hit by the blow of purple soil, and the body immediately ignited a raging fire. She, who was seriously damaged, her long hissed and was about to use the secret of her life and the purple * life to fight for each other. In the oblique thorn, the figure of the purple eyebrow Daozu shook, and he sacrificed a bright fairy sword to the bamboo thorn at the same time.

The nine fairy swords are all wrapped in firelight, and the pure fairy fire penetrates the bamboo green body with terrible high temperature. Toxic inflammation and fairy fire merged into a turquoise strange flame, which almost burned Zhuqing's body clean in an instant.

A spiritual light rushes out of the bamboo [body], and the void will be free to break away. But Zimei Daozu did not allow her fairy soul to escape. Zimei Daozu roared, sacrificed a white and miserable bracelet that released a cold light, and casually put the bamboo green fairy soul in.

Although the true spirit of life has been in line with the way of heaven, Zimei Daozu could not completely kill Zhuqing, but his body was destroyed, his soul was imprisoned, and Zhuqing's general trend was gone, and there was no other way out except to be imprisoned.

It was not only Zhu Qing who was blamed by his companions, but also several holy alliances, including Yanjun Dajiao, who were secretly attacked by their companions around him.

The one who sneaked up on Yanjun's big horn was his best friendship "Mr. Li, Damon. Damon brazenly showed his body. He grabbed Yanjun's big horn's shoulder with both hands and tore his body into two pieces. Then the red-browed ancestor came with a smile and cut off the fairy soul of the big horn with a knife, almost splitting his fairy soul into two pieces. Then the white and miserable bracelet of Zimei Daozu flew over and took in the fairy soul of the big horn.

In the blink of an eye, nine of the saints of the Holy League were attacked by their companions. Under the sneak attack of the Taoist ancestors, the bodies of the nine people were destroyed and the fairy souls were imprisoned.

turned into an elbow armpit, and even the person who broke the world didn't have time to react. The spirit beast shouted blankly, "What is this? Is it in the nest? Huanyan, can you change into nine such strong people at the same time?

Huanyan was also stunned. He shook his head repeatedly and joked. It was easy and pleasant to transform into a Taoist realm with his current strength, but at the same time, he transformed into nine Taoist realms. Unless he can restore his strength when the Holy Realm was destroyed, how could it be possible?

Zimei Daozu was not in a hurry to put away the white and miserable bracelet, and casually put 18 spiritual talisman seals on the bracelet.

He said lightly, "It's really a group of simple-brained goods. You have all formed a holy alliance to fight against us. How can we have no way to deal with it at all? As you know, long before this group of fools got together, Ziluosheng and they had been reborn by us.

The six heavenly emperors were so scared that they were not possessed. Among the eighteen saints of the holy alliance who had been working with the seven Buddhas and nine paths, nine of them were actually possessed by the Taoist ancestors as early as before countless disasters, so... How many cards does Daozu have?

The emperors looked at each other and subconsciously opened the distance between them.