Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 42 Lack of a Girlfriend

"Well, how do you want me to repay you? I know you don't lack anything, and I don't know how to repay you. What do you want? As long as I have it, you can just ask." Her name Qi Yiyu felt particularly awkward, but it was not easy to make him unhappy. She just shouted bravely.

But this sound has given her goose bumps all over her body and makes her feel uncomfortable all over.

"Oh, I happen to lack a girlfriend. I don't know if you want to?" Qi Yiyu said with full playfulness.

He has been staring at Huo Yunxi's expression. In fact, his words sounded like a joke, and his tone was also like a joke, but he was a little serious.

After saying that, he was very nervous. In order not to let Huo Yunxi find out his nervousness, he deliberately smiled playfully.

When Huo Yunxi heard his words, he was stunned at first and thought he had heard it wrong, but when he saw the playful smile on his face, he knew that he was joking. He couldn't say whether he was disappointed or relaxed, but something was slightly wrong.

"Ha ha, you are really good at joking. In fact, I know that your company has always wanted the orchard land in the west of the city, which happens to be our company. Now I give you that land as my thanks for saving my life. She thought for a moment and thought that Qi Yi Jue Company had talked to their company about the land, but it was delayed because of other things.

Now I just take this opportunity to give it to him as a thank-you gift.

After listening to her words, the smile on her face slowly disappeared and changed to a cold face.

Originally, there was a little expectation in my heart, but when I heard her say this, my face immediately sank.

The more Huo Yunxi did that, the more he aroused the desire to conquer in his heart, and he secretly made up his mind to catch her.

She saw the change of expression on Qi Yijue's face and looked at him at a loss. She didn't understand what he meant. Was she wrong?

The two fell silent again, and neither of them spoke again.

She sat next to her and only felt that her heartbeat was very fast. Qi Yi Jue's personality was originally moody. Now she really couldn't guess what he was thinking at this moment when he didn't speak.

"Ha ha, are you sure you want to give me that land?" It took a long time for Qi Yiyu to ask her.

She seemed to be a little happy to hear Qi Yijue's tone, and she was finally relieved. She was quite worried that he would be angry, but now it doesn't seem to be like that.

"Well, yes." She nodded heavily.

A trace of injury flashed in Qi Yijue's eyes, but he recovered immediately.

"Then do you think you're only worth a piece of land?"

She looked at Qi Yiyu with some puzzledness and didn't understand what he meant.

"What do you mean?" She seemed to vaguely guess something in her heart, but she thought it was impossible, so she immediately denied it again.

"Then I bought your land, but you have to be my girlfriend. What do you think?" Qi Yijue changed his smile just now and said seriously, with a more serious tone.

She was slightly stunned and was completely scared by Qi Yiyu's words.

"Ha ha, Mr. Qi, you are really good at joking. I will send someone to send someone to your company for the right to use that land. It's getting late. Go to bed early. I'll come to see you another day." After saying that, she got up immediately and strode towards the door.

Without Qi Yiyu's answer, she ran to the door as fast as if she had fled for her life.

She didn't know what it was for, but she felt particularly nervous and her body was trembling.

I don't dare to stay in that room at all. I don't want to continue to discuss that issue with Qi Yiyu.

Qi Yiyu looked at Huo Yunxi who ran away, his face slowly darkened down, and his fists were tightly clenched together.

"Huo Yunxi, don't regret that you dare to refuse me." He was very angry at this time and gritted his teeth and said.

From the first time the two met, he was mistaken for a cowherd by Huo Yunxi and gave him 10,000 yuan as a "labor fee". Now they have become rivals in the mall. The relationship between the two is subtle and tense.

Huo Yunxi came out of Qi Yijue's ward, his whole heart beat fast and his face turned slightly red.

She really doesn't know whether Qi Yijue's words are real or just for fun. Judging from her previous understanding of him, 80% of what he just said was false.

And just now she clearly saw that the smile on Qi Yiyu's face was playful, so she must have wanted to play with her.

However, she knew that Qi Yiyu's words were false, but she was still nervous, and even seemed to have a little more expectations in her heart.

"Huo Yunxi, what are you doing? Don't go crazy." She secretly blamed herself in her heart. She knew everything, but she would still be like that and was a little disappointed in herself.

After returning to the company, her mood slowly calmed down.

After seeing her arrive at the office, Xizi followed her into the office.

"Yunxi, where have you been?" Xizi asked with concern.

When she heard Xizi's question, she thought of Qi Yiyu and began to ** again.

"No, I didn't go anywhere. I just went to the hospital to see Qi Yiyu and thank him." When she said to Qi Yiyu, her face was still slightly hot.

"Oh, how's Mr. Qi? Is he feeling better?" When Xizi heard that she had visited Qi Yiyu, she asked by the way.

She was a little nervous. In order not to let Xizi see it, she sorted out the documents on the table while listening to Xizi's words.

"Well, the body has recovered well." She buried herself in the document and put it in the drawer to prevent Xizi from seeing her nervous look.

"Well, thanks to Mr. Qi this time, you must thank them well, and last time he asked Chu Mo to save us. We haven't thanked him well yet. This time, we must thank them well." Xizi is not like a subordinate at all, but like an old mother, always telling her to be careful and to pay attention to that.

She is not angry. Anyway, she never thought of seeing Xizi as a subordinate, so she doesn't care about Xizi's style of speaking and doing things at all.

"Well, I know. This time, in order to thank him for saving my life, I have promised to give him the orchard site in the west of the city, and I will send someone to him the right to use it in two days. Speaking of thanks, she couldn't help thinking of Qi Yiyu saying that she wanted to be his girlfriend, and her heart suddenly accelerated.

Xizi was slightly shocked when she first heard it. The orchard in the west of the city was not small, 200 mu of land, and she didn't expect that she would give it directly to Qi Yiyu.

"Yunxi, that land is not small, are you sure?" Xizi opened his mouth to ask, which was usually a reminder to her.

In fact, she knew the area of the land from the beginning, but as a life-saving grace, the land is not too expensive, so there is nothing to lose.

"Well, sure. Qi Yijue didn't lack anything. That piece of land was inconspicuous to him at all, but this is also our intention. After all, he saved us, so it's okay. She said calmly.

In fact, what she kept thinking about was that Qi Yiyu said that she would buy the land and let her be his girlfriend. Whether it was true or not, she was a little overwhelmed.

"Oh, that's good now that you have decided. I have one more thing to tell you, but don't be too excited to hear it. Xizi thought about it again and decided to tell her about it.

These days, she has seen Huo Yunxi grow up with her own eyes. From an optimistic and cheerful girl to today's independent and powerful woman, even with a little indifference. Every time she sees her like that, she feels particularly distressed.

"Well, you said." She stopped her work and sat down to listen to Xizi's next words.

Xizi was silent for a few seconds, organized the language, and then spoke.

"I have found the person who leaked the company's photos you asked me last time. That person is actually the beast of Huo Jianxin. Those photos were provided by him to the civilized newspaper. I have found the IP address of his email, which is the IP address of his office. Xizi said angrily, with hatred on his face.