Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 112 Sensation the whole city

After Qi Yiyu left the Meng family, she was ready to go directly to Huo Yunxi to tell her the news, but she was told that Huo Yunxi had gone abroad to talk about a cooperation and would take about a week to come back.

I felt a little frustrated, but I still decided to wait for her to come back and tell her as soon as possible.

And Qi Yijue himself is a favorite of the media, and the media pays more attention to his affairs than those stars.

The day after Qi Yiyu and Meng Jiayue cancelled the marriage contract, the media broke out.

As soon as the news came out, it caused a sensation in the whole city.

"Mr. Qi, have you really cancelled the marriage contract with the daughter of Meng's Group?" That day, as soon as Qi Yi Jue was about to get off work, a large group of reporters gathered around him, stretched out countless microphones in front of him, and began to ask him.

Originally, he was always disgusted with the media, and the root did not want to answer any of their questions.

But the main reason why he is going to announce this matter to the media this time is to prove Huo Yunxi's determination.

"Hmm." He doesn't have too many words, but his nod is acquiescence.

After receiving his response, the reporters said they were a little shocked, but immediately seized the opportunity to ask.

"So why did Qi always cancel the marriage contract with Meng's daughter? Did he have a new lover?" The reporter's questions began to become sharp.

The expression on Qi Yiyu's face changed slightly, but he did not lose his temper.

"I don't have to explain this to you. You'd better take care of what you shouldn't do." After saying that, Qi Yiyu got into the car under the escort of Chu Mo, and then drove away.

The remaining group of reporters stared with big eyes, and they didn't dare to write about it.

After all, who dares to provoke a big man like Qi Yi Jue? It's simply looking for a dead end.

"President, Miss Huo's flight at 8 p.m. tomorrow, do you need to arrange a pick-up?" Chu Mo asked while driving.

Qi Yiyu sat in the car with her eyes closed to refresh her mind. Hearing Chu Mo's words, she opened her eyes and thought for a while.

"No." Simply spit out these two words.

Because he is going to pick up Huo Yunxi in person tomorrow and tell her about it.

Chu Mo didn't say much when he saw this, but he felt that Qi Yiyu was becoming more and more difficult for him to understand now.

Obviously, the marriage with Meng Jiayue of the Meng group has only advantages and no disadvantages, but he canceled the wedding.

The next afternoon, Qi Yijue left the company early, drove to a jewelry store, chose a necklace, packed it, and couldn't find the time before Huo Yunxi came back, and drove directly to the airport.

There are many people in the airport. Qi Yiyu is handsome, and the noble temperament emanating has attracted the attention of many women.

He couldn't be more familiar with that kind of gaze. He didn't feel it at all. He just stood still waiting for the person in his heart.

Huo Yunxi refused to ask Xizi to pick her up. Thinking that Xizi had worked hard at work, and she could go back by herself, she did not arrange anyone to pick her up.

He dragged a small suitcase in his hand and a black Hermes bag, and came out directly.

She is focused on going back to rest. This negotiation really took a lot of energy, so she wanted to go back to rest early. I don't pay much attention to the surrounding environment.

"Huo Yunxi." Suddenly, she heard a person calling her name behind her. If she hadn't made a mistake, the voice should have belonged to Qi Yijue.

Her body stopped and only felt that it was incredible. How could Qi Yiyu appear here? Could it be an illusion?

didn't dare to look back and continue to raise his legs and walk forward.

"Woman, can't you hear me calling you?" Qi Yijue looked at Huo Yunxi pretending not to hear anything, and still strode forward and took a step forward to pull her.

Huo Yunxi finally felt the existence of Qi Yiyu this time. The touch in her hand and the unchanged taste made her heart throb.

She slowly turned her head and suddenly was afraid that this was just her fantasy.

Since the last time she met with Qi Yiyu, the words that Qi Yiyu said have left a magic barrier in her heart and disturbed her mind all the time.

The more she wants to ignore it, the more she remembers it more clearly. She finally understood that she was really moved by Qi Yijue, so when she heard Qi Yijue's voice just now, there was a trace of cheer in her heart.

"Why are you here?" She saw Qi Yiyu's appearance clearly and saw that he was staring at herself with gentle eyes. Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated and she began to stab.

"Wait for you." The two simple words were said affectionately by Qi Yiyu.

She only felt as if she had eaten honey, and a burst of excitement hit her body.

"Why are you waiting for me?" She tried her best to restrain her excitement and didn't want to look so gaffe.

"I know you'll come back today, so I'll pick you up. Let's talk about it later." Qi Yiyu felt that the people around him were looking at them and felt uncomfortable.

Huo Yunxi also felt those admiration and jealous eyes and didn't want to stay in such an environment.

"Hmm." He nodded and followed Qi Yiyu to his car.

She didn't feel that she was being pulled by Qi Yiyu at all, and there was no discomfort at all.

When she arrived in the car, she suddenly realized why she was with Qi Yiyu.

"Oi, I gave it to you, let's see if you like it or not?" Qi Yiyu took out the necklace she bought from her bag and handed it to her.

She looked at the Cartier packaging box in front of her. From the appearance of the box, it was very exquisite. Presumably, the things inside were more beautiful.

But she didn't know why Qi Yiyu suddenly gave her a gift.

"Why did you give me a gift?" She didn't reach out to pick it up, but kept staring at Qi Yiyu.

Qi Yiyu looked at the doubts in her eyes and stretched out her hand to hold her hand.

"What I promised you has been done. My marriage with Meng Jiayue has been cancelled, so what about what you promised me?" Qi Yiyu looked at her very seriously, with strong expectations in her eyes.

A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. Xizi called her yesterday to mention this matter, but she didn't believe it. Now Qi Yiyu told her herself that she realized that he was serious this time.

She always thought that Qi Yiyu was also a sense of freshness for her. She just wanted to play. She expected that Qi Yiyu would not give up the fat meat of the Meng Group before she said that he and Meng Jiayue would cancel the marriage contract and then chase her.

But I didn't expect that Qi Yiyu would really cancel the wedding with Meng Jiayue, which was really shocking.

"You, you, did you really cancel the wedding with Meng Jiayue?" She was so nervous that she was a little scared.

In her memory, Qi Yijue is a playboy, with an angel's face, the devil's means of doing things, a perfect figure, and an impeccable family background. Because of these, he always has a playful mentality for women.

But now Qi Yiyu actually canceled the wedding with Meng Jiayue for her words, which is beyond her acceptance.

"Well, it's been a week. Now you can fulfill your promise and be my girlfriend, Huo Yunxi. Qi Yijue opened the box, which contained a very beautiful diamond necklace, which was very valuable at a glance.

She looked at the necklace in front of her and looked at Qi Yijue's serious and sincere appearance. Her heart seemed to be beating a drum and kept jumping.

She indeed agreed to Qi Yiyu at the beginning. As long as he cancelled the wedding, she promised to be his girlfriend.

But all this is based on the fact that she thinks that Qi Yiyu would not do that at all, but now Qi Yiyu does that, what does it mean?

Do you really like her? Or is there a purpose?

She thought repeatedly in her mind. She didn't think that Qi Yi Jue would really like her, so it was most likely that she had another purpose.

After figured it out, she was not so scared. After all, she didn't think that Qi Yiyue's freshness for her could last long. Maybe he would get tired of it in less than a month, and then they would break up.

"Why do you want to go on your word again?" Qi Yiyu looked at her without saying a word, thinking that she was ready to go back.

"How come? Of course I remember what I said." She is ready, so she is not afraid.