Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 126 Internal Reson

Hearing Qi Yijue's tone, Du Qinyao was only shocked.

Qi Yijue and Meng Jiayue have also known each other since childhood, and they used to be an unmarried couple. Now that Meng Jiayue has an accident, he is too lazy to look at it.

If he is not his sister, if something happens to him, Qi Yiyu will not pay attention to it at all.

Thinking of this, Du Qinyao suddenly felt a cold sweat behind her. She had always heard of Qi Yiyu's indifference and kindness, and now she really saw it.

Du Qinyao immediately thought that she must have seen through this matter with Qi Yiyu's IQ. If she was not his sister, she might have suffered.

"Then shall we go to see Sister Jiayue? Her voice just sounded miserable." Du Qinyao asked tentatively.

Qi Yiyu glanced at Du Qinyao, who was asking questions, and said nothing. She just took Huo Yunxi's hand and went down the mountain.

"Let's go and have a look. It's not good to kill people." Although Huo Yunxi is unhappy with Meng Jiayue, he doesn't want to make things too big.

After hearing her words, Qi Yiyu didn't say anything, just nodded.

"Since you said to go, let's go and have a look." Qi Yiyu held her hand tightly and then went in the direction of Meng Jiayue's sound just now.

Du Qinyao also followed, as if the injury on her foot had healed, and strode behind them.

In fact, when she heard what Qi Yijue said, she understood more and more about how much Huo Yunxi had influenced Qi Yijue, and she actually felt a little uncomfortable.

After walking about 50 meters, I saw Meng Jiayue running down from the mountain with her face covered.

"Ah, ah, ah." He shouted while running.

"Sister Jiayue, Sister Jiayue." After seeing Meng Jiayue, Du Qinyao shouted loudly.

After hearing Du Qinyao's voice, Meng Jiayue strode in their direction.

When he saw Qi Yiyu, he cried loudly.

"Brother Jue, Brother Jue." Meng Jiayue cried and leaned into Qi Yiyu's arms.

But Qi Yiyu cleverly dodged and looked disgusted.

Meng Jiayue was stung by the horse bee, and now she is worried. Seeing Qi Yiyu's disgusting appearance, she immediately thought that it must be her face.

Reaching out and touching his swollen face, he knew that he must be extremely ugly at this moment, and shouted loudly.

"No, no, no." Then he strode to the mountain.

Du Qinyao followed up when she saw this, afraid that something would happen to Meng Jiayue.

Qi Yi Jue and Huo Yunxi looked at Meng Jiayue and went down the mountain.

When he arrived at the house, the servant found an ointment to help Meng Jiayue apply. Meng Jiayue sat by the bed and kept crying.

"Go out, I'll do it." Du Qinyao had a lot to say to Meng Jiayue. She dismissed the servant and took the ointment to help Meng Jiayue wipe it up.

"Sister Jiayue, what the hell is going on?" Du Qinyao has never figured out why it was planned.

Huo Yunxi was fine, but Meng Jiayue herself was stung by the wasp like this.

The red and swollen face is almost invisible, and some parts are broken. It looks very ferocious, but Meng Jiayue's beautiful face is now surprisingly ugly.

After hearing Du Qinyao's words, Meng Jiayue stared at her eyes that she could no longer see.

"You also asked me, oh, oh." Meng Jiayue roared loudly. Her face was so painful that she could only stop to cover her face.

Du Qinyao looked at Meng Jiayue, who wanted to plead guilty, and was slightly dissatisfied, but she didn't say anything and wanted to hear what Meng Jiayue wanted to say.

"Yyao, you are really good at coming up with ideas. Look at what you have made me now. Didn't you say there was absolutely no problem? As long as Huo Yunxi is stung by the wasp and becomes ugly, will Yi Jue dislike her? But now, what about now?" Meng Jiayue wanted to roar, but thinking that she was about to die in pain just now, she could only speak with decibels higher than usual.

When Du Qinyao heard Meng Jiayue's obviously reproachful tone, she was not happy and threw away the ointment in her hand.

"Sister Jiayue, I don't like to hear this. What made me make you what you are now? Obviously, you are too stupid to operate this point, and you still blame me for my plan. I just saw my brother look disgusted after seeing you smit. Do you think my plan didn't work? If Huo Yunxi was sed, my brother would definitely dislike her. So you are not sure about everything, and you still blame me. Du Qinyao's temper is not easy to provoke. She is not Meng Jiayue's servants. She doesn't eat Meng Jiayue's style.

When Meng Jiayue heard Du Qinyao say that Qi Yi Jue saw her appearance after being sed, she was very disgusted and angry again.

"Ha ha, I don't think you are helping me at all. It's completely harmful to me. You knew that the hornet's nest was stabbed, and the wasp flew out immediately. How could I leave so soon? Meng Jiayue began to complain about Du Qinyao again.

When Du Qinyao heard Meng Jiayue's reproach, she suddenly became angry.

"Ha ha, Meng Jiayue agreed to this plan by yourself, but now you blame me for my idea. You really take yourself seriously. To put it in a bad way, if it hadn't been for our previous love, I wouldn't have been too lazy to go on this muddy water. Who my brother marries me doesn't have much to do with me. You can do whatever you like. I don't care about your business in the future. Humph!" Du Qinyao roared loudly, and then got up to leave the room.

Meng Jiayue was sobered by Du Qinyao's words. She was stupid to say those words just now.

Now it is rare for Du Qinyao to be willing to help her. If she even loses Du Qinyao as a helper, it will be really difficult to walk in the future, and it will be even more difficult to regain Qi Yi Jue.

Get up and quickly pull Du Qinyao who was about to leave and apologize quickly.

"Oh, my good sister just said something bad. I was too anxious to be stung by a horse bee. My head didn't work well. What I said was wrong. Don't be angry, okay? I apologize to you, okay?" Meng Jiayue's tone was many times better than last time, and she was completely flattering Du Qinyao.

After hearing Meng Jiayue's words, Du Qinyao's anger subsided a lot, but she was still a little unhappy.

"I'm also willing to help you in terms of our childhood, but if you think it's my fault, then I have nothing to say. Take good care of yourself!" Du Qinyao was still angry. When did she suffer from this anger? She didn't get any benefits from her help, but she was scaffed.

"Oh, good sister, don't go. It was my fault just now. I bit Lv Dongbin and didn't know good people's hearts, so don't be angry, okay? Huo Yunxi must know that we made it this time. A person who loves to hold grudges will definitely find a way to revenge on us. If we don't unite at this time, won't we take advantage of her? Meng Jiayue began to speak ill of Huo Yunxi to Du Qinyao again.

Seeing that Du Qinyao was not making trouble to leave, Meng Jiayue knew that what she had just said worked.

"And people like Huo Yunxi, in fact, I really suspect that her purpose with Yi Jue is not pure. In fact, she is very close to many men, especially the most unusual relationship with Min Haohan. You also know that there is a problem between Min Haohan and Yi Jue. Min Haohan has been trying to defeat Yi Jue, so I suspect that Huo Yunxi is actually the person he sent. At that time, he will master Yi Jue's weakness and take advantage of it to defeat Yi Jue. Meng Jiayue began to make up again, trying to confuse Du Qinyao's judgment ability.

"Is this really the case?" Du Qinyao was stunned as soon as she heard it. She knew the festival between Min Haohan and Qi Yijue.

Both have been fighting for many years. If things are really like what Meng Jiayue said, then her brother is not dangerous. She absolutely can't let such a thing happen.

"Well, I have seen Huo Yunxi and Min Haohao together several times, and they are very close. In the past, Min Haohan wanted to use me to deal with Yijue, but I saw through it. That time, he said a lot that he wanted to pursue Huo Yunxi. Maybe they had hooked up long ago, just to show it to outsiders, just to confuse the public. At that time, Huo Yunxi will be placed beside Yi Jue and master Yi Jue's actions. They have a bad idea!" The more Meng Jiayue said, the more real it was. The more she talked about the relationship between Huo Yunxi and Min Haohan, the more unusual it became.