Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 169 Confession

Looking at Chen Xiaohan who left, Huo Yunxi only felt something was wrong. What went wrong, but she didn't know.

Qi Yiyu looked at her staring at the direction Chen Xiaohan left, and couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

"Why are you with him?" Qi Yiyu took her hand and walked to the car.

Just now he saw that the two of them were talking and laughing, and she laughed so happily that Chen Xiaohan also touched her head from time to time. This kind of intimate behavior was beyond the scope of friends, and he could never allow it.

She reacted from her own thoughts and took a look at Qi Yiyu, who was questioning, and only felt indescribably irritable.

"I'll go back to the company first." She really didn't want to talk about it, but felt that Qi Yiyu had limited her freedom.

Qi Yiyu didn't expect her to be like this. She was a little unhappy, but she was even more unhappy, but she didn't show it.

"Then I'll send you back." Qi Yijue suppressed her temper, took her to the car and sat down, and then sat in the driving position and drove to her company.

She didn't say anything along the way. She knew that Qi Yiyu was waiting for an explanation, but she didn't bother to explain so much. After all, she still needed a little private space.

Qi Yiyu didn't ask any more questions, but just drove quietly, and one person was sulking in his heart.

Soon after arriving downstairs of her company and stopping the car, she opened the door.

"Wait." Seeing that she was about to go down, Qi Yiyu quickly opened his mouth and stopped her.

She stopped her hand and turned her head to look at Qi Yiyu, waiting for his follow-up.

"Let's have dinner together in the evening. I'll pick you up." She thought Qi Yiyu was going to ask about Chen Xiaohan, but she didn't expect him to say let's have dinner together.

"Look again, the company still has something to deal with, which may have to be dealt with very late." She said softly, which was a gentle rejection of Qi Yiyu.

Qi Yiyu's hand holding the steering wheel was slightly hard and it took two seconds to release it.

"It's okay. I'll wait for you to finish dealing with it." Qi Yijue did not jump like thunder as he imagined, but his voice was a little low, as if he was trying to suppress something.

She was a little shocked by Qi Yiyu's answer. There was nothing today. But when she thought of his distrust and suspicion, she felt uncomfortable.

"Oh, I'll go up first." She pushed the door and went straight down, feeling in a mess.

After arriving at the office, I saw Xizi waiting for her.

"Yunxi, why did you just come back now?" When Xizi saw her, she immediately got up and greeted her.

"What's wrong?" She looked at Xizi's nervous look and thought something had happened.

Xizi looked up and down at her and was relieved to see that she was fine.

"It's okay. I thought something happened to you over there. I'm relieved to see that you are fine! However, he received a call from Xu Zexun in the morning, saying that when Lin Xiao told you that he was going to work in the company, he had seen Huo Mingzhe in the hospital. When Xizi talked about Xu Zexun, he was obviously a little uncomfortable.

She was not shocked by the news. After all, Lin Xiao proposed to go to the company and she guessed that it was related to Huo Mingzhe.

"Well, I know." She sat in a chair, closed her eyes and leaned against her back.

When Xizi saw her, she thought she was worried about that.

"Yunxi, why did you just come back now?" Xizi walked behind her and massaged her temples.

She slowly relaxes her body and enjoys the comfort brought by Xizi massage.

"I met an old friend and had a meal together, so I came back late." She said with her eyes closed.

"Oh, if you are tired, go back to rest. I think you seem to be very tired recently." Xizi said sadly. Looking at her busy working day and night every day, she really felt sorry for her.

She shook her head. There are still too many things in the company, which will not be solved for a while. Moreover, there are people like Lin Xiao and Huo Mingzhe. How can they relax?

No, I'm fine. Go back to work, and I'm starting to work." She took Xizi's hand, then sat up straight, and casually took out a document from the folder next to her and read it.

Xizi could only shake her head helplessly and sighed silently in her heart that she was really a workaholic.

After Xizi left, she was alone in the office, looking through the documents, but she couldn't read them.

Chen Xiaohan's extreme behavior and obviously injured eyes flashed in his mind.

There is also Qi Yiyu's desire to talk and stop, as well as his accommodation.

After half an hour of struggle, she was finally able to calm down and work and look through the materials and documents.

Unconsciously, it was time to get off work, but she didn't feel it at all.

Suddenly, the mobile phone rang. I thought it was Qi Yiyu's, but I took it out and saw that it was Chen Xiaohan who called.

"Hey, Brother Xiao Han." She answered the phone.

"Yunxi, what are you doing? I have something to tell you. Let's meet. Chen Xiaohan's tone was a little anxious, as if this matter was very important.

"Oh, I'm in the company. What can I do for you?" She paid attention to what Chen Xiaohan was going to tell her and thought it was a very important thing, so she quickly put down the document in her hand.

"Then I'll come and pick you up. Let's talk about it when we meet." Chen Xiaohan refused to talk about this on the phone, because some words must be said face to be sincere.

She stopped asking questions, hung up the phone, cleaned up a little, and went downstairs with her phone and bag.

Chen Xiaohan went downstairs of her company for a long time and called her to let her out. She didn't want to get into Chen Xiaohan's car without thinking about it.

If she is more careful, she will find that 20 meters behind their car, Qi Yiyu's car is parked there.

Watching her get into Chen Xiaohan's car and leave, Qi Yiyu's face became worse and worse, holding the steering wheel tightly, and her blue veins burst out.

I wanted to catch up, but finally drove in the direction of Jane I.

She watched Chen Xiaohan drive the car without saying a word.

"Brother Xiao Han, don't you have something to tell me?" She took the initiative to ask.

Chen Xiaohan's expression is not as relaxed as before, and this time it is two points more solemn.

"Yunxi, are you and Qi Yiyu really together?" Chen Xiaohan asked in a low voice.

He went back to check Qi Yiyu's information after separation in the afternoon and found that Qi Yiyu was really a legend, and there was nothing wrong with it in all aspects. It was perfect.

So he felt more and more stressed. Originally, he thought that he could defeat Qi Yiyu with his own advantages, but now it seems that he may only have to take the warm route, and there may be a greater chance of winning.

"Why did you suddenly ask this question?" She didn't answer, but asked Chen Xiaohan uncomportunistically.

Chen Xiaohan looked at her and didn't want to look directly at this problem. He secretly guessed whether her feelings for Qi Yijue were not so deep. He should still have a chance.

"I just want to know this question, which is very important to me." Chen Xiaohan drove the car to an alley with few people, and then stopped the car aside.

Then I took her out of the car and went into a classically decorated coffee shop and asked for a box.

She never spoke, but watched Chen Xiaohan help her pour coffee and put sugar in it.

She tried her best to make the dull atmosphere a little higher, but when she saw the expression on Chen Xiaohan's face, she couldn't adjust the atmosphere.

"Yunxi, why are you with him? Why don't you understand my heart? Seeing that she didn't say anything, Chen Xiaohan said to himself.

She stirred the coffee in the cup with a spoon, stopped her hand and looked up at Chen Xiaohan in surprise.

She seemed to understand something, but she couldn't believe it.

"Brother Xiao Han, what are you talking about?" She tried to control her emotions, and she was a little excited and scared.

Excited because in fact, at the age of youth and ignorance, she was really infatuated with Chen Xiaohan, but when she was about to confess, Chen Xiaohan left for seven years, so the throbbing has disappeared, and now her life has changed greatly, and it is even more impossible to be with Chen Xiaohan. .

I'm afraid because she has felt what Chen Xiaohan is going to say, but if she says it, she really doesn't know how to face him.

"Yunxi, I like you. It has not changed since eight years ago. I just came back this time to tell you. Yunxi, stay with me. I love you. Chen Xiaohan suddenly clenched her hands and said affectionately.