Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 174 Injury

After Xizi left, Huo Yunxi returned to the office and began to work, but he couldn't help thinking about today a year ago. He only felt that everything was like a dream, but it really happened. Unconsciously, she and Qi Yiyu have known each other for a year.

A lot of things have happened in the past year, from acquaintance to fighting to love to the current Cold War.

She put down the documents in her hand, got up from her chair, strode to the window, overlooking the traffic coming and going on the street, and became restless.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of her father's death. Unconsciously, her father has left her for a year, but she always feels that her father is by her side and watches her protect her.

Every time she thinks of her father, her heart is warm.

Let go of those annoying thoughts, go back to the office desk, and work hard.

She sat alone in the office dealing with things until her assistant Ye Peiwen came in and told her that it was time to get off work, and she left first when she had nothing to do. She knew that it was time to get off work.

She thought that she had nothing to do anyway. Xizi estimated that it would take a long time to go back tonight. She simply stayed in the office for a while and had a lot of things to do.

She was about to make a cup of coffee when the lights in the office went out and the whole room was dark. She was shocked and couldn't move.

Is it a power outage? This is her first reaction.

With the route in her memory, she returned to her desk and touched her mobile phone for a long time.

I'm going to call the security room downstairs to ask what's going on.

But when she found that no one answered the phone in the security room, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. What the hell is going on?

She walked to the door with the light of her mobile phone and saw that the other rooms were also dark. It was useless to turn on the switch. It should be that the whole building had lost power.

I only felt that the whole building was black and a little scary.

The elevator was also useless, so she had to go down the stairs.

As she went down to the 7th and 8th floors, her footsteps crossed one more ladder. Because it was high heels, she didn't stand firmly and spruce her ankle directly. She quickly put her hand on the wall and rubbed her hand against the skin.

A pain came from my feet, and I didn't dare to move at all.

"Daw." She cursed in a low voice.

At this time, she had to ask for help and dialed the security room, but no one answered.

She clenched the phone and gasped. The pain in her feet made her clenched her teeth, and her hands were broken as if she were bleeding faintly.

At this time, her phone rang. Seeing that it was called by Qi Yiyu, she thought for a few seconds before connecting the phone.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Her tone was cold, and the pain in her feet made her voice a little impatient.

Qi Yi Jue thought she would not answer the phone, but she heard her answer. Although her tone was not good, she still answered the phone.

"Where are you? I want to see you." Qi Yijue whispered, and his voice sounded a little choked, as if he was enduring something.

She didn't know what was wrong with Qi Yiyu, but felt as if he had no strength.

"I'm in the company. The company lost power. I'm sitting on the stairs." Although she doesn't want to ask Qi Yiyu for help, if she doesn't say it now, Qi Yiyu will definitely think about it again.

As soon as Qi Yijue heard her scratched ankle, she immediately cheered up.

"Wait for me for ten minutes, I'll be right there." Qi Yiyu hung up the phone directly after saying that.

She looked at the words ending the call on the screen and couldn't tell how she felt. Suddenly, she had an impulse to cry.

In this dark stairwell, she feels so sad. Since she took over the company, she has experienced too many things and has never made her cry.

This time, she couldn't help crying, and the hardships she experienced came to her mind. She didn't want to do so much, but now she has taken on everything. Who can tell her that kind of fatigue from the bottom of her heart? Everyone only sees her superficial scenery, and who knows how much she has experienced.

But she just stubbornly bit her lips and didn't let tears fall. Even in the dark night, she didn't want people to see her tears.

Sitting in the stairwell, she found paper from her bag, wiped the blood off her arm, and then looked at her feet with the light of her mobile phone.

She found that her ankle seemed to be swollen. She gently stretched out her hand and pressed it, and she grinned in pain.

Turn off the light of the mobile phone and lean against the wall to enjoy the tranquility of this moment.

Just as she felt that she was about to fall asleep, she suddenly heard footsteps in the stairwell. It should be Qi Yiyu.

She stretched out her hand and touched her cheek to see if she had shed tears. She found that she had not shed tears, so she sat there and waited at ease.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and a strong light shot at her.

She quickly stretched out her hand to block the light. When she could adapt to the light, she let go of her hand and only saw that Qi Yi Jue had come to her side.

"Yunxi, how are you? Come on, I'll take you to the hospital." Qi Yiyu looked at her sitting alone on the stairs, with a pale face and traces of blood on her arms, which looked particularly distressing.

She didn't say anything and quietly watched Qi Yijue carry her up from the ground, leaned on his back, and smelled the strong smell of wine on his body. It seemed that she had just gone to drink again.

Qi Yiyu's movements were very careful, as if she was afraid of hurting her, and she was very careful every step.

"Why didn't you call me?" Qi Yiyu asked with some reproach.

Is it that she is going to sit alone in the stairwell all night without calling her?

She heard Qi Yiyu's question behind her back and was slightly stunned. They were still in a cold war. Why did she call him?

"Nothing, I'm contacting the people in the security room to save me." Her voice was cold and emotionless.

Qi Yiyu's footsteps downstairs paused slightly for a second, and then continued to go downstairs.

"Remember to tell me anything in the future." Qi Yijue was not angry, but told her seriously.

Her body stopped. Although she couldn't see Qi Yi Jue's appearance clearly, she could still feel the seriousness on Qi Yi Jue's face.

"What happened last night was my fault. I'm sorry." Without hearing her speak, Qi Yiyu took the initiative to speak again.

This time, she was stunned and didn't expect that such a proud Qi Yiyu would apologize.

She simply didn't believe her ears and lay behind Qi Yiyu, and her heart beat so fast.

In fact, after she left yesterday, Qi Yijue drank a lot of wine and was drunk. If it hadn't been for his mother's death anniversary, he would not have left Jane Yi at all. Finally, when he went to his mother's cemetery, Chu Mo told him something to make him energetic.

Chu Mo told him that in fact, although Huo Yunxi went out with Chen Xiaohan last night and Chen Xiaohan confessed to her, she had refused and did not give Chen Xiaohan a chance at all, although he knew that his jealousy had caused a big mistake.

When he came back from his mother's cemetery, his mood has always been very contradictory and he doesn't know how to speak.

Fortunately, when he first called, he heard that Huo Yunxi was injured, so they had such a close contact.

Huo Yunxi didn't know what to say behind his back. He only felt that his eyes were swollen. The tears he just wanted to shed seemed to be unstoppable at this moment.

There are 192 stairs down from the 8th floor. With Qi Yijue's footsteps, she actually hoped not to finish it so quickly and wanted to stay for a while.

When she got downstairs, Qi Yiyu took her down from behind and walked towards the car with her in her arms.

"Wait a minute, take me to the security room. Let me see what they are doing. She remembered that she had just made two phone calls, but the people in the security room didn't answer, and she always felt that it was a little strange.

"Okay." Qi Yiyu quickly took her to the security room.

This is the first sentence she said to him after they met. Although it was not about them, he was much more relieved to hear her talk.

When she arrived at the door of the security room, she found that there was no one. She couldn't help but feel more and more strange. She looked around and found that two lights were approaching from the basement.

Seeing Lao Zhang and Lao Li on duty in the security room, she motioned Qi Yijue to go there.

"Where have you been?" She asked Qi Yiyu to put her on the ground and stand hard, unwilling to lose face in front of her employees.