Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 218 Relieved and Rejected

"Yunxi, I love you. I have loved you for 8 years. Why can't it be me? Can you tell me? Is it that I haven't done well enough? I can change it. Chen Xiaohan didn't hear her at all, but just kept saying his heart.

She held the phone tightly in her hand, and her heart was full of anger. She didn't expect Chen Xiaohan to investigate her privacy.

"It's not that you are bad, but that I don't love you." She suppressed her anger and said in an indifferent tone.

She knew that Chen Xiaohan was drunk now, and when he woke up, he might not know what he said.

Chen Xiaohan listened to her cold voice and refused so resolutely. He woke up half of the wine, and his face was full of pain and entanglement.

"Yunxi, I love you. Give me a chance." Although Chen Xiaohan heard such a cold refusal, he still refused to give up.

That eight years of love is not just about it. Although it's just his unrequited love, there is no day when he doesn't expect everything to come true. Now that Huo Yunxi and Qi Yiyu broke up, he will never give up this opportunity.

She felt a little uncomfortable when she heard Chen Xiaohan's words on the phone. Why didn't it be eight years ago? Eight years later, everyone was not the same as before. Everyone was mature, and why was her current situation no longer suitable?

"I'm sorry, I don't love you. I have a child now, and I won't. Give up and find a better girl." She must speak bluntly and don't want to give Chen Xiaohan any chance to fantasize.

When he heard the words of the child, Chen Xiaohan seemed to be stimulated. His body full of strength just now seemed to have been emptied again and plumped down.

I haven't spoken for a long time, just holding the phone, my eyes are full of tears, and my hands are clenched into fists.

The expression on his face is painful and entangled, as if he were doing an ideological struggle in his heart.

"I'll hang up if nothing happens." Huo Yunxi listened to Chen Xiaohan and had not spoken, and the atmosphere was very embarrassed. She was ready to hang up the phone first.

"No, wait, wait a minute, I have something to say." Hearing that Huo Yunxi was going to hang up the phone, Chen Xiaohan immediately opened his mouth to stop her.

Just now, he has been struggling with his thoughts in his heart. He knows that if he doesn't say it today, he may never have a chance in the future.

"Yunxi, I don't care who the child in your belly is. I love you, and I will also love the child. I can treat this child as mine. I will treat him like a biological child. I can give him a name. Let's give him a complete family." Chen Xiaohan made the biggest concession. He even did not hesitate to help Qi Yi Jue raise children in order to let Huo Yunxi stay with him.

Huo Yunxi originally thought that Chen Xiaohan was going to say something to confess, but he didn't expect that he would say anything about the child. He was completely shocked and his hand holding the mobile phone froze.

I can't recover for a long time, even like a momentary tinnitus. I can't hear anything and can only immerse myself in my own thoughts.

She didn't know how much concession Chen Xiaohan made and how much courage she had summoned up to say something like that.

She was really moved. Her eyes slipped out silently and fell on her arm drop by drop. Tears seemed to be burning and burned her skin.

Those words will really move any woman, but it is because of Chen Xiaohan's geneaty and tolerance that makes her understand that she can't be selfish.

Slowly stretched out his hand to wipe off the tears on his cheeks, and then took two deep breaths before saying to the phone.

"No, no, I just want to take care of the child alone. Brother Xiao Han, thank you for your love, but we are not suitable. Forget me. She must look at this matter rationally and doesn't want to hurt Chen Xiaohan and herself because of a moment of confusion.

Chen Xiaohan originally thought that as long as he made so many concessions, he could impress Huo Yunxi, but he didn't expect that she would refuse him again.

"Yunxi, why are you so selfish? You are very strong. You don't need anyone's help and pity, even love, and you will put it aside. But can you think about the child's life without a father? How pitiful he is. Do you want your child to grow up in an incomplete family and then have psychological defects? Are you so cruel? I don't care who the child belongs to, but I just want to take care of you and the child. I don't even need the child and my surname. You can let the child and your surname. Think about it for the sake of the child. Chen Xiaohan did not give up at all. Instead, he became more and more brave and began to use the child as an excuse.

She had made up her mind, but when she heard Chen Xiaohan's words, she couldn't help but waver.

If a child does not have a father in the future, it will really affect the child's growth. Huo Xiao is one example. He has low self-esteem and lacks security. Will her child be born without a father?

Her mind began to shake, and her heart was uncomfortable for a while. The child has not been born, so don't worry so much, but when it is born, no fatherly love will really affect the child's life.

"Yunxi, just think about it for the sake of your child. I will wait for you." Chen Xiaohan knew that he was a little eager to succeed. Now the more he forced Huo Yunxi, the more it might not be good. He simply stopped.

Brother Xiao Han, I hope you can be my child's uncle in the future. I'm tired. Let's talk about it later. Goodbye!" When Chen Xiaohan said it, she thought a lot and thought about it for a long time.

Just when she almost agreed with Chen Xiaohan's words, she suddenly felt that maybe the child would not agree with her in the future.

She can't find a father for her child casually. She should respect the child's ideas.

So she resolutely rejected Chen Xiaohan and didn't want to be shaken by his words again.

Listening to Dudu's phone call, Chen Xiaohan laughed frustratedly, as if he were laughing at himself.

"Yunxi, Yunxi, why are you so cruel? Tell me." Chen Xiaohan picked up the wine bottle and took a sip into his mouth.

Because it was too fierce, he choked and coughed hard.

Because of the effect of alcohol, his eyes are as red as rabbit eyes at this moment.

I was very unhappy. Thinking that all this was Qi Yi Jue's fault, I began to hate Qi Yi Jue in my heart.

Huo Yunxi, who hung up the phone, turned off the phone and put it on the bedside table.

Lying on ** but can't sleep, what Chen Xiaohan said keeps appearing in his mind.

The child was born without a father and a complete family.

Do these really make children have a lot less than other children? Is it true that you have done something wrong? Should you really find a father for your child to grow up in a complete family?

"Baby, tell mom, did mom really do something wrong? Do you really want to find a man now?" She stretched out her hand and gently stroked her stomach, and then said to herself.

She knows that the child has not taken shape at all, can't hear anything, and can't understand it, but she just wants to say it.

Maybe she doesn't need her child to hear it, she just wants to ask herself.

She slowly calmed down, but she still didn't figure it out and slowly fell asleep.

But after sleeping in the middle of the night, he began to dream. He dreamed that Qi Yiyu knew the existence of the child and took the child away.

After shouting no, he woke up, opened his eyes sweaty and stroked his flat stomach with his hand.

"Yunxi, what's wrong? What happened?" In order to take better care of her, Xizi has moved to the room next to her. Hearing her shouting, she immediately rushed in and turned on the light in the room.

She saw Xizi come in and knew that it was a dream, and she was not so nervous.

It's just that there is still a cold sweat on the forehead and the back is full of cold sweat.

"It's okay. I had a nightmare." She shook her head quickly and didn't want Xizi to worry about her.

I guess it's because I know that I have a child in the past two days, and my mind is under too much pressure, so I have such a dream.

Xizi quickly walked to her side and pulled out a tissue to help her dry the sweat on her head.

"What did you dream about?" Xizi sat on the edge of the bed and asked in a low voice.