Break through the void

Chapter 2 Iron Purple Gate Killer


Suddenly, the baby crying came from the room.

The child finally came out!

Chen Lai took a long breath.

The neighbors outside heard a faint cry and cheered.

The young guard outside the delivery room took a breath, suddenly opened the door and rushed in.

Seeing that two midwives were wrapping the child, he grabbed it and held it in his arms. Seeing that the child was safe and sound, his tight face finally relaxed.

He was stunned when he saw Chen Lai's solemn face and standing beside his wife.

The lady who was covered with a snow-white cotton sheet is dead! Her face was calm and serene, and even a little beauty could be seen. Judging from her expression, she seemed to have no regrets.


The young guard knelt on one knee and kowtowed to the dead woman, crying in pain. The two midwives knelt on the ground and cried.

Chen Lai also had tears in his eyes, his mouth stretched out, and his middle finger to wipe away his tears.

At this moment, the door of the freshman hall was knocked open.

An extremely tall guard strode here, shaking the floor, running to the delivery room and shouting, "It's not a big deal! There are people in purple outside the town!"

"The man in purple!" The young guard suddenly stood up, hugged the baby in his arms, and covered his crying mouth with a big hand.

When the two midwives heard the three words "man in purple", they both let out a frightening scream and looked more frightened than just now.

The young guard asked loudly, "How many?"

The guard outside crossed his legs and leaned sideways, as if he was ready to turn around at any time, "It's divided into two roads, six people along the way!"

"We were extremely careful all the way, but we were still caught up by this group of iron purple gate killers." The young guard closed his eyes with an extremely tragic expression. He suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the baby in his arms, and suddenly raised the sword in his hand. "Prepare quickly! We only have one fight to the death today.




Six iron horses attacked Liushui Town like a black whirlwind. Smoke and dust are rolling all the way. They are all fully armed men, all in purple and iron armor, long knives on the left waist, gold bows and silver arrows on the right waist, shining under the dark clouds, and cold and gloomy in the west wind! Coupled with a pair of yin eyes, it gives people a feeling that they are coming from hell!

When the neighbors saw it, they fled one after another, and all the shops on the street closed their windows! Every street suddenly became dead silent! Even dogs dare not bark.

They are the frightening "Iron Purple Gate" killers.

The "Iron Purple Gate" is directly ordered by the four princes in the palace, and has the right to kill first and then play against any people and officials, even ministers of the dynasty.

There are two power groups in the Leilong Empire, one is the "Tianlei Gate" and the other is the "Iron Purple Gate". They belong to two sects and are practitioners in the empire.

Practitioners pursue the five realms of martial arts, namely, water, gas, mystery, cloud and fairyland, and each level is divided into nine levels. They all want to be masters of the ninth level of fairyland and dominate the empire. The disciples of "Iron Purple Gate" are even more powerful and more lethal.

Six iron riders drove to the central street like lightning, and a suffocating cold air immediately spread. The person flying in the front has only one eyeball, which looks more horrible. A tilted white blindfold is in sharp contrast to his purple helmet!

Suddenly, a very tall black buffalo appeared on the street ahead. It seemed to be very frightened. When he came to the center of the street, the buffalo stared with big eyes and dared not move forward or take a step back.

The fast horse of the one-eyed killer was faster. It came about ten feet away from the buffalo and suddenly drew a knife at the buffalo.

I saw a flash of lightning, and there was a thunderbolt on the buffalo. The voice spread far away, shocking the children hiding in the quilt outside the town.

After the deafening sound, the buffalo has already turned into a blood mist. The two small and round black objects flying in the sky are the two frightened eyes of the buffalo.

When the one-eyed killer rushed through the blood fog, his blindfold suddenly changed from white to red!


When he came to an intersection, the one-eyed killer suddenly stopped, and the horse jumped two front hoofs high, and the two front hoofs collided with each other, making a crisp collision sound.

The other six iron horses came from the north. The formation is even more unstoppable! The horse stopped, and there was another deafening sound of the horse. One of them punched the one-eyed killer and shouted, "Master, they are in the 'Freshman Hall'!"

The one-eyed killer held the left blindfold, waved a short whip, and slapped at the horse's buttocks.

The horse's buttocks shrugged, jumping, and the brown-red ponytail was thrown into the air.

Dad, Ded, the one-eyed killer was the first to go straight to the "new hall".


Will there be killers? Will there be killers chasing after having a child?

Chen Lai couldn't believe it for a moment. When he saw the young guard holding the crying baby in one hand and holding a long sword in the other hand, his face full of murderous spirit, he knew that it was indeed a killer chasing him!

The "Freshman Hall" was built by his master's painstaking efforts for decades. He must not set fire to the upper body. He gently asked the youth guard, "This strong man, since the child has been born, you'd better leave here from the back door with the child and the lady's body... I should close the door."

The young guard stood still and sighed heavily, "Little brother, I'm afraid you can't close your door... Killers will surround the 'fresh hall'."

He knows those killers too well, and cutting grass and rooting is their ultimate goal.

Chen Lai couldn't help but tighten his eyebrows.

The young guard waved to the two midwives, asked them to leave, and then closed the door. It seems that he wants to talk to Chen.

Seeing the two midwives walk away in a hurry, Chen Lai was even more anxious. He took out the small book pamphlet from his waist and handed it to the youth guard with both hands. "I think it's too late now. Even this... you can take it with you."

I got this book from my wife and now gives it to the youth guard. He thinks that he has completed the mission entrusted by my wife before her death.

"This is the Dragon Tips, which is a strange book and a token that can prove the child's identity."

The young guard was still standing still, as if he had no idea of running away for a long time, and pointed to the booklet in Chen Lai's hand very calmly. "Now, you turn over the Dragon Tips and lift the cover behind it."

Chen Lai didn't know what he was going to do. He hesitated to flip the "Dragon Tips" and lifted the white cover behind him. At this time, he was somewhat curious about what kind of book this "Dragon Tips" is?

The young guard grabbed the child's little hand and walked to the lady's body, pressed the child's little hand on the blood that had not yet dried up, and then pressed his small hand on the white cover of "Dragon Tips".

Suddenly, there was a clear red fingerprint on the inside of the cover; the child was too small to open all his hands, which was a five-finger closed fingerprint.

"No matter how many years have passed, as long as the child puts his hand on this blood stain, the blood stain will melt... so that his identity can be determined."

After saying that, the young guard suddenly knelt on one knee, held up the baby with two big hands, lowered his head and pushed it heavily in front of Chen Lai and asked, "Little brother, there is a mountain peak in the northwest called Hufeng Mountain. Over Hufeng Mountain is Xijing. There is a white-haired woman named Zheng Tiehui, a disciple of Tianleimen, nicknamed 'Iron Phoenix'... ...Now that you have received your wife's token, you can give her child to Zheng Tiehui.

From the first day he took over the wife, the young guard, as a disciple of Tianleimen, has shouldered a mysterious mission. In the future, he will hand over his wife and child to a Tianleimen disciple named Zheng Tiehui. Now he must face the killer and entrust the child to a person. He looks at the teenager in front of him calmly and will push the dragon. This is the only time to entrust it.

Chen Lai was shocked and retreated. Hufeng Mountain and Xijing have heard his master say that it is 1,500 miles from Liushui Town to Xijing, and the journey is far and tortuous. If you walk, it will take at least six months! This journey is not peaceful, and there is another baby waiting to be fed on the way. Walking this way is undoubtedly to die!

What's more terrible is that there must be killers on the road!

"This hero, I'm not a practitioner. How can I escape with such a big child? Besides, I have saved the child for you, and I think I have done my best." Chen Lai calmly expressed his attitude, and then put the "Dragon Tips" on the baby's body. "You brought the man. Of course, you will take the child away. At worst, I will help you bury your wife's body."

The young guard slowly raised his head, and his eyes seemed very helpless and resolute. "Little brother, I can feel your mood at this time, but the iron purple gate killer is extremely horrible. Although several of my men and I are practitioners, we can't escape death today! In addition, people related to this woman and the child will be captured or killed. If you give birth to the child, they will not only burn the house, but also capture you and eventually kill you..."

"Maybe there will be another answer."

Chen Lai grabbed his words and walked to a corner. "This is the 'Freshman Hall', and they can't come in casually!"

The freshman hall is his home, which took his master more than 20 years to build. He will never allow anyone to destroy it. After saying that, he went to the corner, squatted down and lifted a floor, and took out a box from it. Opening the box, the room suddenly filled with a black fog and a stench.

The young guard smelled it and hurriedly coughed and took the child to the door, opened the door and stood outside.

The original box contains a placenta that integrates with medicinal herbs. It has been a long time and emits a unique smell, which can make people suffocate and faint.

Chen Lai closed his breath, worked hard on the black fog on the box, and played the dragon push. For a while, a little white dragon swirled around in the black fog. After a while, the little white dragon turned into a black dragon and swam out of the door under the push of Chen Lai; he shook his head and tail, very vividly, like a flying big black snake.

The young guard watched in surprise as the big black snake floated by him and flew into the yard.

Chen Lai continued to work and hit more than a dozen little white dragons to absorb all the black fog in the box. After a while, the little white dragons turned into little black dragons and then flew to the yard.

With a crack, Chen Lai stood up and took a breath and explained, "This is a unique self-defense gas configured by my master. As long as an outsider comes to the yard, my black dragon will emit a stench and make them unable to get close. If you smell too much, you will be paralyzed."

It is not only this stinky poison gas that stunned the young guards and the guards outside, but also the flying "big black snake". They are all practitioners and can't make this kind of aura that can fly freely, but they all feel incredible that this little man can make such aura.

The young guard believed more in the teenager's strength, pushed the baby forward again and made a request, "Little brother, I see you calm and do things properly. Please..."

"Don't say anything!"

Chen Lai grabbed his words and pointed to the backyard. "There is a secret road in the corner of the backyard. Get out of here quickly!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the yard, and the extremely tall guard rushed in again, hit the door frame with a bang, and shouted to the young guard holding the child in a rapid tone: "They are coming! They went into the street!"