Break through the void

Chapter 32 A very gentle dog

A cold autumn rain, ten autumn rains need to wear cotton. Chen Lai rode on the winding mountain road and felt that the air around him was getting colder and colder, and he couldn't help trembling.

In the afternoon, it began to rain again, and I felt that the weather was getting colder and colder.

The leaves of the forest seemed to turn yellow in an instant. Large areas spread under his feet, and the edges could not be seen at a glance, which were more monotonous and desolate in the rainy weather.

Thinking that the child should wear some cotton-padded clothes, and that those killers are rough people who can't take care of children, he began to feel uneasy again, and at the same time, the hatred in his heart increased a little.

Let's see, my child has suffered, and I will abduct your whole family!

When it rains, the road is slippery. Although the mount is very docile, the road is very slow to walk, especially on the steep mountain road, which is even more difficult. Chen Lai had to come down and lead the horse forward. Wait to walk through this rugged mountain road and then drive away.

However, after passing this mountain road, the heavy rain became heavier and heavier, and with a earth-shaking thunder and lightning sound, the heavy rain turned into a rainstorm again. When Chen Lai walked in the rain, he felt that it was difficult to walk under the waterfall.

Thinking that he needed to find a place to settle down first, Chen Lai led his horses down the mountain road, walked to the depths of the dense forest, walked a miles, and saw a huge stone with the words "Huangling Mountain" written on it at the foot of the mountain.

Pan Lang mentioned Huangling Mountain to Chen Lai and said that the yellow old monster was around Huangling Mountain. Chen Lai said to himself: Am I really predestined with that yellow old monster?

walked into the mountain and found a cave in a valley. He led his horse into it. The area of the cave is not small, and it looks empty. He tied the horse inside, then took off the cloak on his head, patted the water on a stone, took off his coat and put it on the stone.

It's raining heavily. The endless rain has been falling, as if countless people are pouring water down the basin in the sky.

With the downpour, a puddle formed in front of the cave.

Chen Lai stood in front of the cave, observing the rain with a sad face, and stretched out his right hand to rub his earlobe from time to time. He felt relieved to think that the killers would also stop to take shelter from the rain.



Suddenly, there was a whimper from the east of the cave, as if some animal was asking for help, or as if a baby was crying.

Now Chen Lai is the most ** crying for babies. Hearing this, he rubbed his earlobe, stood by the cave, and looked in the east direction, but the rain curtain blocked his sight and could not see anything.

Then there were a few more sno.

"Is anyone there?" Chen Lai asked loudly.



There was a response from the east, and the sound was a little higher than before.

Hearing the sound made by the wolf dog, Chen Lai suddenly remembered Pan Lang's two fierce and docile wolf dogs, went to the cloak and patted the water on his head. After putting on his coat, he pulled out his waist knife.

When he came to the mouth of the cave, he looked again. Except for seeing the rapid rain curtain, he still couldn't see anything. He only heard the increasingly painful sound of the wolf dog.

Thinking that the wolf dog may have been injured and must have been drenched in the rain, Chen Lai sighed out of the cave, dripping water, and walking to the eastern woods.

The ground of the forest is full of light yellow stagnant water, walking inside and stepping on soft leaves, deep and shallow, very difficult to walk. Coupled with the fact that night was coming, Chen Lai walked very carefully and walked more than ten feet away, but he had not seen the wolf dog.

"Where are you?"



The wolf dog responded and the sound became louder.

Chen Lai walked north again and walked more than ten steps away. Suddenly, he saw a tall and thin black and yellow wolf dog sandwiched between the roots of two trees and could not escape.

When he stepped forward, he saw a chain tied to the wolf dog's leg, and the other end of the chain was wrapped around the root of the tree. He judged that it was man-made and that someone wanted to kill the wolf dog.



When the wolf dog saw Chen coming, he shouted with his head held high and quickly wagged its tail.

"Don't shout anymore! Didn't you see me coming?"

Chen Lai waved a waist knife at the chain and chirped a few times to cut the chain. Later, he grabbed the two hind legs of the wolf dog and pushed it up and pushed it out of the crossed tree roots.

The wolf dog regained its freedom and wagged its tail with its tongue out to Chen. In order to show closeness, it slowly approached Chen Lai.

"Go away..."

Chen Lai washed his hands with the water in the water pug and walked back to the cave without looking back. Thinking that the mount should be hungry, he grabbed some water plants and went back to feed the horse.

Jump into the cave, and he first put the water grass at the foot of the dark horse.

He took off his cloak, patted the water on it, put it on the stone, and finally took off his coat and put it on the stone.

When he turned around, he found that the wolf dog had followed him and was standing at the mouth of the cave, looking at him with a begging look.

"Come on! This cave is not mine alone!"

The wolf dog shouted softly, stretched out his two front legs and put them on the edge of the cave. His two hind legs suddenly kicked and rushed into the cave. The movements seemed clumsy, as if they were injured.

It wagged its tail, lay beside Chen Lai, and sobbed and licked its belly with its mouth.

Chen Lai saw the wolf dog's bone frame and sighed that it was really thin. He slowly squatted down and stroked its stomach. When touching the place where the wolf dog licked, the wolf dog suddenly gave a painful scream.

"Don't scream. You ate iron, and now you can't digest it in your intestines, so it hurts."

Chen Lai stretched out his hands and slowly pushed it up on his stomach, making the white dragon-like aura revolve around his stomach and slowly swim the iron thing along the intestines.

Since he followed Pan Lang to practice bone reduction skills and bone reduction fists, he was surprised to find that his massage skills had made great progress. His white dragons were becoming more and more active, and he felt more and more profied.

After a while, he pushed the iron thing to the "back door" of the wolf dog, patted its wet buttocks and said, " Pull hard, you can pull it out!"

The wolf dog was very obedient and sensible, slowly retreated to the door of the cave and pulled it up. After a while, he pulled out the black feces and fell into the pug.

Chen came to find a stick, pulled out the feces, bent down and stretched out his arm and took out one of the black things. He saw an inch-long arrow, which was already rusted. When he threw it at the foot of the wolf dog, "See? If you eat this thing and don't take it out, your life will be in trouble!"

The wolf dog flashed back in shock and stared at the arrow, as if thinking about how he ate the arrow.

Chen Lai washed his hands, kicked the arrow out of the cave again, and sat down to rest. Night is coming. He wants to sleep, find something to eat tomorrow, and then hurry up.

The wolf dog first warms its hair, and then lies beside Chen Lai to warm him.
