Break through the void

Chapter 43 Strangers and Bones

When Mr. Huang heard this, he closed his eyes and sighed and shook his head.

Among all his disciples, Bai Yinfan is the most temperamental and the most rebellious one. In order to tame this girl, he tried his best. Now the kneeling boy has hurt him. Bai Yinfan's temper will definitely beat this boy, but now she is actually talking for him! And Bai Yinfan and Chen Lai are just one side of the relationship!

What did little Laizi use to touch Fan'er's heart? Am I old, or is little Laizi too good?

The yellow monster is not as good as self-sighing.

He waved his hand to Bai Yinfan and asked her to retreat.

Bai Yinfan nodded, walked to Chen Lai and scolded, "Hold your mistake well. If Master is unhappy, let's see how I deal with you!"

After saying that, he squeezed his eyes at Chen and went out.

Huang Laowei took a look at Chen Lai and sighed, "Little Laizi, get up."

Chen Lai was going to wait for the punishment of the other party, but he didn't expect to forgive him like this. He was a little confused for a moment and explained, "Elder Huang, I wanted you to help me ventilate the sea of air at that time, but I didn't expect it would cause so much harm to your sea of anger... If I knew this, I wouldn't have killed me. ."

"Really?" Huang Lao's voice is very gentle.

"Master said that good people are good for themselves, and bad people are bad for themselves..." Chen Lai raised his head again, "How can I do bad to good people?"

"Who is your master?" The yellow old monster took out the purple pamphlet "Dragon Tips" from his waist, opened the cover, and looked at the small bright red handprint.

Chen Lai lowered his head again. Although he hurt Mr. Huang and although he was forgiven by Mr. Huang, he still believed that his secrets could not be revealed to anyone. "My master is an ordinary birth doctor... they are all dead."

Mr. Huang sneered, "If I guess correctly, your master is the one in the 'Fresh Hall' in Liushui Town... Liu Zhenying, right?"

Chen Lai suddenly raised his head.

"Why are you staring at such big eyes? Yes or no?"

"Liushui Town? ...Freshman Hall? ...Liu Zhenying? ..." Chen Lai stretched out his right hand and rubbed his earlobe. "I haven't heard of it. I think it's very fresh."

"For nearly 20 years, I have been to Liushui Town with a female apprentice. At that time, my female apprentice was just suffering from an emergency, so she went to Liu Zhenying of the 'Freshman Hall'. She used Tianyuan Qigong to cure my apprentice's urgent illness..."

Mr. Huang smiled proudly, "Your Tianyuan Qigong is taught by her."

"Senior Huang, I once told you that I am from Chenjia Village by Lianhua Lake 300 miles southwest of Huangling Mountain... I may not be able to fight with Liushui Town!"

Huang Lao monster took out a letter from the drawer and gently put it on the table. "I used to be a disciple of Tianleimen, but now although I have separated from the sect, I also have dealings with some disciples. More than a month ago, I received a secret letter from the elder, saying that there would be a teenager with a baby in the area of Huangling Mountain. He set out from the "New Hall" in Liushui Town, passing through Panjia Village, and then passing through Huangling Mountain. It is not clear where to go... However, it is certain that he carries a strange book with him. The name is "The Secret of Pushing Dragons."

He casually raised the pamphlet in his hand.

Chen Lai was stunned.

Not only the disciples of Tiezimen are pursuing Chen Sien and the Dragon Pushing Secret, but also the disciples of Tianleimen also want to do it. Why is this? Now "Dragon Push" is in the hands of Huang Laowei. How can I get it back?

"There is no baby around you, and you were sure that you were not the teenager in Liushui Town just now, so this pamphlet is not yours. Books like this are rare in the world. Storing such books often leads to death. It's better for me to burn them.

With that, Huang Laoxun picked up the wax table beside him.

"Senior Huang!"

Chen Lai stood up and his tone suddenly accelerated, "I'm the teenager. I'm not Chen Lai. My name is Chen Lai. I'm from Liushui Town. My master is Liu Zhenying, the head of the 'New Hall'!"

Huang Laowei sneered, "You admit it so quickly now."

Chen Lai smiled shyly, "Senior Huang, I know you are a good person, but this is a big secret. I told you that it will involve you, so I just kept my mouth shut. Of

Seeing that Mr. Huang was not angry at this time, he wanted to bring back the "Dragon Pushing Secret" while the iron was hot, and then discussing the problem of practicing practice, he stretched out his hands to Mr. Huang, "Elder Huang, please return the "Dragon Pushing Tips" to the original owner."

"Isn't that too simple what you think?"

Huang put down the pamphlet in his hand, "The upper level of Tianlei Gate wrote to me, saying that as long as the teenager is caught, as long as he finds the baby and "Dragon Tips", they will leave me an elder's seat in Tianleimen... What do you think I will do?"

Chen Lai was shocked and couldn't help but take two steps back. Bad thing, is this yellow monster the same as Tie Zimen?

The yellow old monster stood up slowly and turned to the back window. It was already evening, and his body stood by the black and blue bright back window and looked thinner. "Are you here? Where is the baby?"

Until he figured out the original intention of the yellow monster, Chen Lai would certainly not tell the whereabouts of the baby, although the baby was still in the hands of Mai Dujing, a disciple of Iron Purple Gate. Chen Lai bowed his head and said no.

"Chen Lai, do you think I can't let you open your mouth?"

Chen Lai shook his head, "Of course, Elder Huang has a way."

"Then why don't you say it?"

Chen Lai looked up at Mr. Huang, "Elder Huang, this has nothing to do with you."

"It has nothing to do with me? As long as I find the baby again, I will be the elder of Tianleimen in the future. How can it have nothing to do with me?! ...As long as there are major interests, it is relevant to everyone!"

Chen Lai has been observing his words and wants to see something from the other party's back. "Senior Huang, you won't be an elder at all. You won't do it when you were bloody, and now you won't do it!" Besides, if you are a person who is greedy for fame and fortune, you will not help me ventilate the sea of air, let alone save the people nearby.

"Bad boy, you are so discerning, why don't you believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe in Elder Huang, but that Elder Huang will have other reasons to do it." Chen Lai smiled bitterly, "Maybe Tianleimen has the handle of Elder Huang?"

Huang Laoqi sighed, turned around and sat down, lay on the bamboo chair, and closed his eyes tiredly.

is really Chen's words. More than 30 years ago, Huang Laowei suddenly left Tianleimen because he was a beloved woman. Later, the woman lived with an elder disciple and had children. After many years of absence, he has never forgotten this woman or her first child, but he has never contacted her. A month ago, an elder's secret letter reminded him of the woman again.

In the letter, the elder said that the first child born by the woman was the child of the yellow old monster, and asked the yellow old monster to find a way to find the Dragon Tips and the baby, and then replace it with his son. Otherwise, the son of Mr. Huang will be in a different place. Therefore, Huang Laowei quietly sent several of his disciples to check in a hundred miles.

Therefore, when he got the Dragon Tips from Chen Lai, Huang Laoxun immediately sent Bai Yinfan to retain Chen, so as to inquire about the whereabouts of the baby through him.

Huang Laogen stared at Chen Rai's doubtful eyes and explained these clearly in a few words. His hoarse voice became extremely heavy. "Chen Lai, you are protecting a stranger, and what I want to save is my flesh and blood. What do you think... should I do?"