Break through the void

Chapter 72 Discussing the Escaped Sisters (Five Update,)

Yao Cheng glanced at Yao Xue.

Yao Xue was conscious and went out to the wall and whispered, "Sister Taotao, Chen is here."

"Shuer?!" Chu Tao's exclamation suddenly sounded outside the wall. In the past, Qiao Ye took Chu Tao to Kyoto several times when he was alive. Every time he lived in Yao Cheng's house. Chu Tao and Yao Xue were very familiar with each other and were like sisters.

Yao Xue whispered, "Sister Taotao, we came in the morning."

"Wait for me!" Chu Tao's voice suddenly became eager, "I'm going to visit Master!"

Yao Cheng in the living room heard Chu Tao's voice and lowered his head. His face suddenly looked very gloomy.

Among his many apprentices, what he admires most is Qiao Ye, who has good looks, good moral character, good skills, and has great ambitions. Qiao Ye is very careful about all kinds of poisons and strives to develop various antidotes. Yao Cheng knew that Chu Zhongguan was a master of poisoning and detoxification, so he recommended Qiao Ye to come to Chu Zhongguan to worship him as a teacher and concentrate on learning the way of detoxification.

Not long after he came to Qianyoutang, Qiao Ye fell in love with Chu Tao, the daughter of Chu Zhongguan. Yao Cheng and Chu Zhongguan were very satisfied and held a marriage for them. Who would have thought that three months after Chu Tao gave birth to the child, Qiao Ye and the child would ride a horse and fall into the cliff and die!

Yao Cheng has always regarded Qiao Ye as his son. Of course, he is very sad when Qiao Ye is dead. After a while, Qiao Ye's wife is about to visit him, and she will definitely cry. Thinking of Chu Tao's broken heart, his tears have already gushed out of his eyes.

Yao Xue, who saw his father wipe his tears and came to the door of the living room, suddenly turned red and came to Yao Cheng to comfort him: "Father, my brother has always respected his father the most. If he knew that you have been too sad, he would have been uneasy underground..."

Yao Cheng sighed, "I am uneasy as a master. Qiao Ye's mind has always been cautious. How can he ride a horse and fall into the cliff and die? I can't give him justice. How can I meet Taotao? How can I face my own heart?"

When Chen Lai heard this, he sighed and thought that he must tell him the truth when the time was ripe.

After a while, Chu Tao trotted all the way to the courtyard. Seeing Yao Cheng from afar, he cried, rushed into the living room, knelt to the ground, and threw himself into his arms. "Master, Taotao is stupid. You can't see the cause of your husband's death. Can't you see it?"

Yao Cheng felt ashamed when he heard this and didn't know how to comfort him.

Yao Xue also cried with them.

Chu Tao cried again and said, "Master, my husband and child have only died for three months, and my father insisted that I marry an old man soon. I am his daughter. I can't bear to see him sad, and ask Master to decide everything for me..."

Chen Lai saw this, extremely sad and indignant, and suddenly rose up. The teapot, teacup and other things on the tea table suddenly made a trembling sound.

Everyone was shocked and looked at him with tears in their eyes.

Chen looked at Chu Tao, Yao Xue, and finally looked at Yao Cheng. He gritted his teeth and said, "You don't have to be so sad... I know which one is the murderer."

At this point, he felt that he could not quench his anger without telling this secret.

"Miss! Miss!"

Just as Chen Lai was about to tell the truth, Meng Deng suddenly rushed into the yard.

Yao Cheng and others hurriedly stood up to help each other.

"What's the matter?" Yao Xue looked at Meng Deng coldly.

Meng Deng bent down and saluted Yao Cheng and explained with a smile, "Doctor Yao, the child needs to be taken care of, so I came to invite the young lady back."

Seeing that Yao Cheng and Yao Xue frowned, Chu Tao pointed to Chen Lai and explained, "It's Chen Lai's child. He has always been sleepy. My father is dispensing medicine and hasn't been treated yet."

After a big salute, Chu Tao left. Yao Xue took her hand and sent her away.

Meng Deng smiled at Yao Cheng again and said, "Doctor Yao, my master said that he is coming to visit my uncle's cemetery with you..."

Looking at Yao Cheng's eyes with tears, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Chen Lai understood that this was driving him away. He said goodbye to Yao Cheng with his fist, and waved his hand to Meng Deng like a fly and walked to the gate.


Yao Xue sent Chu Tao out of the gate and came to the road. The two sisters haven't seen each other for many days. Chu Tao really wants to talk to Yao Xue and keeps her up.

Seeing the two disciples standing sneakily on the road, Chu Tao scolded rudely, "Why are you constantly staring at me? Can I still run? Believe it or not, I have irritached Miss Ben. I have dug your dog's eyes!"

The two disciples were ordered to monitor Chu Tao. Seeing that Chu Tao was angry, they did not dare to make a mistake and slipped away with their tails.

"Sister Taotao, this kind of dog slave has to be scolded." Yao Xue felt very relieved and pulled Chu Tao to a slate path next to her. There are high stone walls on both sides of the path, and walking inside is like walking in a long alley.

"Sister Taotao, you take that teenager with you, and you seem to know him very well!"

After talking about his heart for a while, Yao Xue suddenly mentioned Chen Lai. She always felt that the teenager was different, but she couldn't tell what was different about him. Anyway, she was curious about him.

Chu Tao talked about Chen Lai's rescue and stressed, "Xue'er, Chen Lai is very good..." With that, there was a faint smile on the corners of her mouth.

Yao Xue has begun to fall in love and understand some feelings and other things. She suddenly saw something and smiled, "Sister Taotao, don't say anything, I find that he and Qiao Ye really have a little similarity."

"Can you see it too?" Chu Tao looked into Yao Xue's eyes.

"Their eyes are very similar, and the feeling is also very similar..."

Yao Xue nodded, took Chu Tao's hand and smiled cunningly, "Sister Taotao, this teenager will leave here soon. You must seize the opportunity."

When Chu Tao heard this, she smiled shyly, suddenly blushed and turned around, "Xueer, look at what you said. We have only known each other for a few days and have been thinking nonsense..."

After saying that, he lowered his head and sighed, "After all, I have been married, but he is still a teenager... It's hard to say whether people dislike it or not."

"My sister! Aren't you bringing his child?! He also had a marriage!"

Yao Xue smiled sweetly, patted her not-high chest, and made a promise: "Sister Taotao, as long as you like, I will be this matchmaker."

"Why are you thinking nonsense again?"

When Chu Tao heard this, he frowned and sighed, "There is still a stubble on Dad's side!"

"Sister Taotao, don't say it's you, even I won't promise to marry an old man! I will ask my father to help you with this!"

As if she was going to marry an old man, Yao Xue's little face suddenly became cold, "He really forced people. My father and I will take you away to see who dares to stop him?"

It's not that Chu Tao didn't think about such a situation. He immediately took Yao Xue's hand and nodded with tears. Last time she wanted to escape from Tianbian Town, but the guards guarding the gate knew her. She couldn't escape at all, so she thought about throwing herself into the river. This time with the help of Yao Xue and Yao Cheng, she felt very confident.

At this time, footsteps suddenly came from behind them, and they all hurriedly turned their heads.