Break through the void

Chapter 90 "The charm of blood" is not satisfactory at all

"Chen Lai! Chen Lai..."

After playing the red snow swordsmanship, Yao Xue spewed out a mouthful of blood. She knew that her sea of air had been seriously damaged, but when she thought of Chen Lai, she couldn't grit her teeth and got up and ran to the well where Chen Lai had just disappeared to call out.

There was an empty response from the well, but only a few times came back and rumbled together! After a few shakes, it stood still.

Thinking that Chen Lai was completely dead this time and didn't even have a chance to escape, Yao Xue sat on the ground and cried despite the mud and water by the well.

"Sier, get up..."

I don't know how long it took, Yao Cheng ran over and helped Yao Xue, "It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's get out of here!"

Yao Xue shook her head and didn't want to get up and cried, "Father, Chen Lai died for me. I must find him..."

"Xueer, Chen Lai will not die!"

Chu Tao, who followed Yao Cheng, held the child in one hand and held Yao Xue in the other, "I once told Chen Lai how to resist the 'blood of evil'. He can't come out yet and needs to retreat... Let's find an inn in the north of the city first and wait for him for a few days!"

Yao Xue looked at the well with tears in her eyes, and her satisfaction was nostalgic.

Seeing this scene, Chu Tao understood something and couldn't help biting her lip gently.


Chen Lai has always been dizzy and feels as if he has fallen into the abyss.

At the moment when Chu Zhongguan's palm hit Chen Lai's Tianling cover, he remembered the prevention method that Chu Tao had told him before, and immediately carried out his work to accumulate all the energy of the air mask to the top of his head.

Despite this, he still felt a heavy blow, and his body did not listen to the command at all, and kept drilling down and falling.

In fact, he didn't know that his cultivation could not resist the attack of "bloody". At the moment of his operation, the "Dragon Pushing Secret" on his waist suddenly emitted a purple light, driving the five small pimples around his navel to immediately emit purple aura, forming a layer of air covering around his whole body, especially It's the spiritual cover that protects him!

Under great pressure, when his body quickly broke through the soil and rocks and drilled deep, it was still the purple aura that rushed to the front! Otherwise, the huge friction will kill him!

Because he was too tired, he still went to sleep.

I don't know how long it took. He narrowed his eyes and woke up. He still felt dizzy, but he could sit up.

I saw a cave surrounded by a radius of five or six feet, surrounded by white stone walls and stones. These stones emit a faint white light, reflecting the hole room also bright.

Chen Lai's only feeling was dry and hot, which was so hot that he was thirsty. He saw a pool in a corner of the cave, which could accommodate ten people and hurried over.

Next to the spring, there is a round stone with white light, which is brighter than other stones, shining the spring brightly. Chen Lai jumped to the edge of the pool, regardless of whether the spring was clean or not. He submerged his whole face in the water and drank happily.

Then he raised his head and gasped. The water on his face ticked on the water, making a tinkling sound.

After a rest for a while, Chen Lai still felt thirsty and lowered his head to prepare for another drink.

When he noticed the face reflected on the water, he was stunned and his eyes widened.

The water surface clearly reflects his bald head and red face like a mirror. This is an ugly face full of red earthworms, which reminds him of the extremely disgusting face that changed after Chu Zhongguan took the poison of "enchanted blood"!

Except that his eyes are black, which are different from Chu Zhongguan's red eyes, everything else is exactly the same!


Like ten thousand arrows piercing the heart, Chen Lai shouted, jumped up, grabbed his cheeks as hard as a stone, lay on the cold floor again, and began to roll on the ground!

He grabbed his face and couldn't wait to tear his face. He shouted and cried and grabbed the hard floor. For a moment, he dug the floor out of the pit.

He felt that his fingers were particularly beneficial, like claws. Only then did he find that the skin on his hands had changed, and the skin on his body had also changed. His whole body became like a devil, which was red and extremely ugly!

Enchanted blood!

While sending a fatal blow to Chen Lai, Chu Zhongguan concentrated most of the toxins in his body on the aura of the attack. Even if "Dragon Tips" helped Chen Rai resist the attack, but because Chen Lai's cultivation was too low, he could not resist the invasion of extremely strong poison gas at all!

The poison gas destroyed his skin and eroded his sea of air in a very short time!

Chen Lai never thought that he would become like this. He couldn't accept it at all. He shouted and slapped his face and chest. The last head hit the stone wall and knocked the stone wall out of the pit, but because his scalp was too hard, his head was not hurt at all, but his head was full of white lime!

"How can I meet people in the future?! ...How can I meet people in the future?! ......”

Chen Lai rolled on the ground again, crying and screaming again and again.

It seemed that he could not vent, and then jumped up again and jumped into the spring.

I don't know how deep the spring is. He keeps drilling down, thinking about drilling down forever and never coming out of the water again. As he sank, a large number of white bubbles appeared on his skin, like red iron pieces put into the water, making a rumbling sound.

The five small pimples in his abdomen slowly became bigger and became as big as eggs, with the most blisters. At the same time, a white airflow rotated on his abdomen and body surface, like a little white dragon playing.

However, this is his cultivation of practicing the deposition of "Tianyuan Qigong" since he was a child. When the owner encounters suffocation, these practices will provide the owner with enough air and directly enter the lungs to help the master breathe. Therefore, it is very difficult for Chen Lai to kill himself in the water.

The purple pamphlet "The Dragon Tips" that had been placed on his waist was tightly pasted on his waist at this time, emitting a purple light, but then disappeared.

Chen Lai doesn't care about this and keeps going downstream, thinking that it's best to sink to the bottom of the water. But as he swam, he didn't have much power and eventually had to rise slowly with the buoyancy of the water.

When it came to the surface of the water, the water suddenly rolled like boiling. After soaking in the water and seeing the air again, this reaction occurred, making Chen Lai's skin more red and more miserable.

After the time of half a column of incense, the water becomes calm.

Chen Lai lay on the water with his limbs open, staring at the top of the cave, and his body remained motionless.

Keep lying down like this and never go out for the rest of your life, so that your face will not scare others and cause harm to others.

Chen Lai told himself this and closed his eyes in despair.