Break through the void

Chapter 96 Lost Love

When he came to Tianbian Town, Chen Lai dreamed of finding a nursing woman to help him take care of his children, and he provided them with protection. Now Chu Tao is undoubtedly the most suitable person. She can not only feed her child, but also chat with him.

What makes Chen Lai more happy is that Chu Tao is not only beautiful, but also cares about him.

In the following days, they followed the broad official road and headed for Hufeng Mountain. Generally, Chu Tao walks in front of the child with her arms and can walk forward unimpededly. There is only one reason when passing through the city gate: to carry the child back to her mother's house. Chen Lai followed Chu Tao closely in a cloak, and the two sides always kept a distance of more than ten feet.

When they stay in one place to stay, they will be together quietly.


Tianchun, the inspector of Tianbian Mansion, has been sleeping for five days and five nights since he was sent to the house. Tian Chun's wife and son Tian Peng, as well as Tian Chun's personal bodyguard Zhu Tang, were very anxious. They couldn't wake up Tian Chun even if they asked famous doctors to wake up. Finally, they died one evening.

Tian Chun was already dead. Because Chu Zhongguan's elixir and reiki are working, he has some life characteristics and weak breathing. But the elixir and aura will eventually be exhausted.

Tian Peng and a group of confidants felt suspicious and immediately launched an investigation. They found that Tian Chun had been poisoned before his death. Zhu Tang had also been poisoned. They found that it was an ecstasy prepared by Chu Zhongguan, and immediately took people to Qianyoutang to investigate.

At this time, the government officials of Tianbian Mansion have launched an investigation into Qianyoutang, because Qianyoutang was razed to the ground overnight, Chu Zhongguan disappeared, many of his disciples died, his wife and servants also disappeared cleanly, and only dozens of black horses were left in the yard.

Tian Peng and others found out that these horses were the horses of Mai Dujing, a disciple of the helmsman of Tiezimen, and immediately traced the connection between Mai Dujing and Chu Zhongguan.

Under the dark room of Chu Zhongguan's dilapidated study, they accidentally found some letters from Chu Zhong and Mai Dujing secretly. One of them mentioned Dr. Yao Cheng and a teenager named Chen Lai with a child and "Dragon Tips".

As the bodyguard of Tianbian Mansion, Tian Peng certainly knew Chen Lai, because the upper class asked the catchers of Tianbian Mansion to catch the teenager Chen Lai with the child and "Dragon Push"!

"Your Excellency, I infer that this must have something to do with Chen Lai!"

Zhu Tang quietly touched his crotch. The last time he was kicked by Meng Deng's people when he stayed in Qianyoutang, and now he still hurts a little. "Lord Tian and I have eaten with Chen Lai. I can see at a glance that the little thief is not a good person. He colluded with Yao Cheng and with Chu Zhongguan. He has tried several times to offend Lord Tian... When I returned home protecting Lord Tian, I saw him sneering and whispering to Chu Zhongguan. At that time, I was thinking that there must be some conspiracy here..."

He was responsible for Tian Chun's death. He tried to push the responsibility on Chen and others and described it viruly.

Tian Peng and Zhu Tang grew up together. They have always believed in Zhu Tang. They nodded and pointed to him, "You take my magic weapon 'Black Yuan Fan' to hunt down Chen Lai and take back the child and Dragon Tips."

pointed to another confidant and arranged, "You take someone to hunt down Yao Cheng's father and daughter, kill Yao Cheng, and bring Yao Xue back. My father wanted to take Yao Xue as his wife, but unfortunately his father was killed... This time I will take her as a concubine and avenge my father."


The weather is getting colder and colder. On the day of the light snow season, the sky suddenly snowed heavily. It floated for three days and nights in a row, and the snow on the road reached people's waist, which was difficult to walk.

For Chen Lai, this is nothing and can still move forward, but it is not good for Chu Tao and children, because the snow is heavy, the wind is strong and the temperature is low, so they have to sit in a closed carriage to keep their bodies warm.

At this time, Chen and the others came to a small town. The name of the town is Huwei Town. It is named because the town is slender, like a tiger's tail. The tiger whip in the town is extremely famous. It is said that men who need aphrodisiac hundreds of miles or even thousands of miles away come here to seek precious tiger whips.

After Huwei Town, and then over Hufeng Mountain in the northwest is Xijing. Chen Lai originally planned to climb Hufeng Mountain before the winter solstice. In that case, he could return before the Spring Festival. If it goes well, he can return to Liushui Town to spend the New Year with his master. Of course, if the master is still in Liushui Town.

After the heavy snow, I don't know when it will take. Chen Lai and Chu Tao have to pack a small courtyard in a small inn called " Hakka Inn" to continue to live.

"Chen Lai, the color of your face is fading."

Chu Tao used her medicinal herbs to wipe and touch Chen Lai's face every day, making Chen Lai's bright red face earthy yellow, which looks less horrible than before. "If I continue, I don't think it will take long."

"Maybe..." Chen Lai sat cross-legged ** and smiled faintly. He knew very well that his face could not be treated with medicinal materials at all, but he felt Chu Tao's warm fingers and elastic **, and he was still in a wonderful mood.

Chu Tao massaged his face for a while, sat down, looked at the child in the cradle at the end of the bed, and asked with a smile, "Chen Lai, do you like this child?"

Chen looked at the child, grinned at the corners of his mouth and nodded.

Chu Tao smiled, "Why do you like him?"

"Because he has followed me since he was born... His name is also mine."

"I don't know what it's called yet. Tell me quickly." Chu Tao smiled and leaned on his shoulder very cleverly.

"His name is Chen Sien."

Chu Tao blinked her eyes and thought about it and smiled, "His surname is Chen. His surname is Si En, which means that you are thinking about a person's kindness... Am I right?"

Chen Lai nodded and returned to Panjia Village. "When I took my child through a small mountain village called Panjia Village, I met a big brother named Pan Lang. He taught me to shrink bones, let his wife take care of my children, and helped me kill the Iron Purple Gate killer... So I want my children to remember their kindness."

looked at Chu Tao again and smiled and said, "He has a little daughter, and I also named her. Guess what her name is?"

Chu Tao tilted her head and smiled, "Chen Lai, you must want to reunite with them. Your name must have something to do with this... Is it Pan Tuantuan or Pan Yuanyuan?"

Chen Lai laughed, "Chu Tao, you are not as stupid as I thought..."

Chu Tao put her arms around his neck and giggled, "Is I a very stupid person? You don't always think that I can't guess that my husband's death was framed by others, do you? ...That's because I've been immersed in sadness."

Smile and mention the sadness of the past, which means that she has forgotten the sadness of the past. Chen came to see Chu Tao now very happy and very gratified, and gently patted her face.

Chu Tao giggled and slapped him on the face.

Neither of them remembers when they became so intimate, as if they naturally had a tacit understanding and had that kind of feelings that they could not give up.

Although Chu Tao is not a few years older than Chen Lai, she is an experienced person after all. When she comes into contact with Chen Lai, her body will change very significantly, her breathing will become tight, her cheeks will turn red, and she is extremely eager to hug and touch Chen Lai. Several times she wanted to go further, but she always felt inappropriate.

She knows very well that Chen Lai is not that kind of person, not the kind of man who will have sex with women as soon as they hook up! Maybe if you overdo it, it will cause Chen Lai's disgust.

However, this time in the small room where the fire was getting hot, she felt that she was going to lose herself.