Break through the void

Chapter 106 Tiger Tail Jade

Huwei Town is just a small town with a population of less than 150,000. Its economy is not rich, and the traffic is also very blocked. It is said that it has not formed a climate and soil for powerful bullies at all.

However, Bai Zaido is that he is fooling around in the world within thousands of miles, and there is nothing to know about his name. Anyone who is a little familiar with him can count his crimes, and also knows why he has become a bully that shakes everywhere.

On the one hand, he is a cultivation genius. The 40-year-old has broken through the spirit and become the first level of the mysterious world!

On the one hand, there is a powerful and mysterious* behind him.

On the other hand, he holds Huwei Town and even the most precious resource within thousands of miles - Huwei Jade!

The reason why Huwei Town is called Huwei Town is not only because the shape of the town is like a curved tiger tail, but also because it produces a kind of beautiful jade called Huwei jade in the northern mountains of Huwei Town.

This kind of tiger-tailed jade is a kind of curved soft jade, which is different in length. The short one can be bent into a bracelet, and the long one can be bent into a belt. No matter which one, it is extremely warm and beautiful, noble and pure, which is loved.

What's more surprising is that this kind of beautiful jade is rich in a natural aura, which is extremely special, which can nourish the body and eliminate all kinds of diseases. If a practitioner takes it with him, he will get twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, both ordinary people and practitioners are full of yearning for Huweiyu and want to wear one or two. Of course, there are countless murders due to the robbery of Huweiyu.

There is an extremely precious tiger-tailed jade in Huwei Town, called the tiger-tailed jade belt. It has not appeared for a thousand years, and it is even more talked about by people who like tiger-tailed jade.

Bai Zaidao has such one, and this beautiful jade, which can be used as a belt, has been nourished in the world for more than 3,000 years. It is extremely spiritual. It can bend freely like a snake and fly freely like a dragon. It is also known as the tiger-tailed jade.

Bai Zai Dao practiced smoothly and made rapid progress. He became a master of Xuanjing in his 40s, among which he had many contributions to the tiger-tailed jade belt!

Bai Zaidao controls all the tiger-tailed jade in Huwei Town and pays tribute to Tianleimen and Tiezimen every year. For this reason, he often comes into contact with the senior officials of Tianleimen and Tiezimen, which is becoming more and more influential. At the same time, he also sold tiger-tailed jade to other practitioners, especially Sanxiu, so his wealth also accumulated more and more.

With power, wealth, hard currency, *, and skills, coupled with his rage and impermanence, Bai Zaidao gradually became a powerful local overlord.

Therefore, when Zhu Tang came to Bai's compound to visit Bai Zaido with 100,000 silver tickets, he couldn't see it at all!

100,000 taels?

In the eyes of Bai Zaido, it's not as good as a penny!

The gift is received, Guancha, and leave quickly!

There was nothing he could do, Zhu Tang returned to the inn empty-handed.


Tian Peng, who has never scolded his childhood, couldn't help cursing Zhu Tang, "You didn't mention my master to them?"

It turned out that Tian Peng's master had practiced Tianleimen skills with Bai Zaidao, and he was a disciple of the same family. According to the generation, Tian Peng should call Bai Zaidao uncle.

But Zhu Tang forgot this stubble and scratched his big red nose and said, "Your Excellency, shall I go again?"

Tian Peng was worried that he would run errands and waved his hand impatiently, "I'll go in person!"

The Bai family compound is on the north side of the town. It was already evening when Tian Peng and others came to the gate. They saw the bright lights and traffic in front of the gate.

You can see at a glance that there will be a major dinner this night. After listening, you will know that today is Bai Zaidao's 41st birthday. There will be a birthday banquet in the evening. The guests are all celebrities within thousands of miles. Tian Peng is not worthy of joining such a dinner.

Zhu Tang said helplessly, "Your Excellency, it seems that we can't see each other tonight."

Tian Peng sneered, "Bai Zaidao will definitely come out to see me tonight."

When Zhu Tang heard this, he couldn't believe it, "Your Excellency, what's your plan?"

Tian Peng looked at the gate and pointed to a middle-aged man in a yellow robe. "That man is Bai Zaidao's housekeeper. Just call him."

In the afternoon, Zhu Tang had already had a relationship with the white housekeeper, who was so arrogant that he did not look at him from beginning to end. Zhu Tang was stunned and walked to the door.

The guard in front of the gate met Zhu Tang, and his attitude was not very bad. "Why are you here again?"

Zhu Tang smiled bitterly and said, "The little one wants to talk to the housekeeper Bai."

The guard nodded and agreed, "Just wait here and talk outside in a minute!"

He strode to the white housekeeper who was welcoming the guests and muttered to the white housekeeper. After a while, Housekeeper Bai walked to Zhu Tang impatiently and stared at him and said, "It's your boy again. Why are you here?"

Zhu Tang bent down and saluted and said with a smile, "Housekeeper Bai, my young master Tian wants to talk to you." With that, he pointed to a figure on the road in the distance.

Tian Peng is dressed in a white cotton robe. Under the lights at night, he is also a talent. His slender eyes are arrogant, which looks like a young master. After all, he is the general manager of the bodyguard of Tianbian Mansion, and his subordinates are in charge of hundreds of people. Once they put on airs, it looks good.

Housekeeper Bai couldn't see Tian Peng's details and asked softly, "Where did your young master come from?"

Zhu Tang smiled and said, "When you meet your young master, you will know everything."

Housekeeper Bai greeted the people around him and strode to Tian Peng. He saluted with his fists more than ten feet away, "I've seen Master Tian."

Tian Peng replied with a fist and did not talk nonsense. He took out a 100,000 taels of silver note, took out another letter and handed it to Butler Bai, "Housekeeper Bai, give this secret letter to General Bai. These 100,000 taels of silver tickets are yours."

Zhu Tang was stunned at a glance. He didn't see Tian Peng writing a letter at all and didn't know where his letter came from.

Bai Zaidao did not care about 100,000 taels of silver tickets, but Bai Butler rarely took them, took them with both hands, stuffed them into his arms, and smiled and said, "Master Tian, please hand them in later."

made a salute, turned around and strode to the gate.

After waiting for someone to go away, Zhu Tang couldn't help asking, "Your Excellency, when did you write the letter?"

Tian Peng sneered, "I just wrote three words."

"Three words?" Zhu Tang wanted to ask which three words were, but when he saw Tian Peng's cold face, he didn't dare to speak again. However, relying on a three-word letter to meet Bai Zaido, he felt that there was no possibility.

Several people standing behind Zhu Tang were also puzzled and couldn't believe that Tian Peng could walk into the gate of the Bai family compound tonight.

With the skill of two teas, the white housekeeper strode out of the door, came to Tian Peng and saluted with a smile, "Young Master Tian, my lord, please!"

Zhu Tang and others were shocked.

Tian Peng smiled coldly, put his hands on his back, and strode to the gate.


Just as Tian Peng walked into the Bai family courtyard of Bai Zaidao, Chen Lai was practicing the sixth level of water in the courtyard of the inn.

He wants to replace the sword with a sleeve arrow and try it once!