Break through the void

Chapter 133 The swarming Golden Rope

Chen Lai ran all the way east to a quiet mountain.

His purpose is very simple, which is to attract Yang Cheng and others away and no longer pay attention to the Shuanglong Inn. The farther you go, the better.

This is a dense mountain. The tall birch forest emits dazzling white light in the sun, and green woodpeckers fly around in the woods. Chen Lai used his light skills of the ninth level of the water to shuttle through it, flying fast, like a big bird flying close to the ground, shocked that the woodpecker flew around.

However, Yang Cheng's cultivation was higher than Chen Lai. His speed was faster. He chased all the way to the mountains and forests, followed Chen Lai's figure.

Other disciples also followed closely and chased Chen in an encirclement posture.

Where to escape! Leave your life!" Yang Cheng chased closer and closer, shouting, and there was already an extra golden rope in his hand.

This golden rope is Yang Cheng's most proud weapon. It is a medium magic weapon, and it is stable to arrest defectors.

With a sound, the golden rope suddenly flew out and flew to Chen like a golden snake. Although it is winding, it is extremely fast.

When Chen Lai heard the sound, he felt a cold back, jumped up, stepped on a birch forest with a crack, made a big turn, and ran south.

The golden rope was very magical. Suddenly, he turned around, chased Chen Lai, and looked lively behind him. As Chen Lai changes direction, it also changes back and forth, but he can always guess which direction Chen Lai will run next.


The golden rope suddenly rushed forward a few feet and rushed to Chen Lai's waist.

Bad dish! Chen Lai turned sharply and bypassed a thick birch forest, but as soon as he flew two steps away, he felt a sink in his waist. He looked down and saw that his body had been surrounded by a golden rope and was trapped and strong.

"broken!" He waved his right arm and shot the emerald sleeve arrows at the golden rope behind him, shooting several in a row.

Dangdang, after a few sounds, only a spark splashed on the golden rope, safe and sound!

"You can't escape!" Yang Cheng saw that the golden rope had been tied to Chen Lai, sneered and pulled hard.

But when I pulled halfway, I suddenly felt that my hand was suddenly empty! Looking up, Chen Lai actually broke away from the golden rope and was galloping south!

"Bone shrinkage!" Yang Cheng shouted and continued to chase. While chasing, he threw out the golden rope again.

Chen Lai just used bone shrinkage to escape. As he flew, he laughed and said, "I know that I have some ability, why don't you retreat quickly?"

Yang Cheng was furious and shook his hand violently, "Sang!"

The golden rope that was still a rope just now suddenly dispersed into a thin rope. In the sun, like blonde hair.

One by one, they were very excited in the wind and rushed forward, chasing Chen.

Chen can see clearly that this scattered golden rope can form a cover, which will cover people layer by layer like a silkworm cocoon, suddenly raise the height, and gallop south on the treetops. In this way, the treetops will block a lot of flying golden "hairs".

There is a cliff not far away. Chen Lai knows that this is the only cliff in Xijing City, called Xishui Cliff, which is more than 20 feet wide and bottomless. There are many cracks in the cliff of the cliff, which can be completely hidden through bone shrinkage.

"There is a cliff ahead, and he can't run away!"

Many disciples gathered around and surrounded Chen in a semicircle. One by one, they are getting closer and closer.

With Chen Lai's cultivation, he could not fly over the cliff at all, so they thought that Chen Lai had no way out, and it became easy to catch him.

"He can shrink his bones!" Yang Cheng shouted and pushed the golden rope, "If you drill into the gap, you can't find him!"


With Yang Cheng's strength, the golden rope suddenly dispersed and scattered into sections, shooting at Chen like an arrow. It turns out that the golden rope is composed of a very short golden rope, which can be long or short, large or small, can be gathered together or separated. Although this kind of "arrow" can't take people's lives, it's still a good thing to catch a person.

But without waiting for the scattered golden rope to come to his side, Chen Lai has jumped down, jumped into the cliff, and disappeared in an instant.

"Where have you been?"

"Where did you jump?"

"Where has it been?"

The disciples followed Yang Cheng to the edge of the cliff and looked down in the dark. The cold air is coming down, which makes people chill! Everyone stretched their necks, and no one dared to jump down.

"He can't run away!" Yang Cheng smiled coldly, twisted a few mice' whiskers on his chin, and suddenly raised his right hand to the golden rope flying in the air.

As he waved his hand, the golden ropes fell down one by one, like golden snowflakes.

In Yang Chengsui's incantation, the golden rope penetrated into the cracks on the cliff like insects.

"As long as he can drill, my golden rope can drill and push him out!" Yang Cheng smiled proudly and waved his hand, "You spread around to prevent him from escaping from the side!"

Everyone immediately dispersed in an orderly manner and guarded all the places that Chen Lai might pass by.

Chen Lai did hide in the gap, which was not narrow, so he seemed very free in it. However, he understands that Yang Cheng, as the owner of Xijing Hall, is not in vain. He will definitely take measures to move into the gap below while observing the surrounding movement.

Suddenly, a long caterpillar climbed over from above, emitting a bright golden light in the slightly dark gap. If you look carefully, it is a golden rope.

Chen Lai didn't know anything about this and didn't know what power this golden rope had. He widened his eyes and watched it change.

Looking at the golden rope slowly approaching, he retreated a little lower and kept a distance from it from his body.

But when a piece of golden rope slowly approached from around and trapped him in the center, he panicked and had no way back. What are they going to do?

Is Chen Lai the one who sits and waits for death? He hurriedly hit the King Kong mask, surrounded himself with a layer of aura, and made a layer of air mask outside. As his hair spread out, he explored the reaction of the golden rope.


A golden rope rushed first to the air mask, which easily broke through the air mask, and then rushed to the second layer of air mask beside Chen Lai. Other golden ropes swarmed.

But when countless golden ropes break through the first air mask, they no longer move forward, but flow out a gap on it. A piece of gold rope emits a golden light, and a gap left shows a yellow fog, which looks obvious.

This is strange. What are they going to do? Chen Lai stared at the gap and was very puzzled.

"Chen Lai, climb up along the cracks, or I will give you an order to make you feel pain!" Yang Cheng laughed proudly on it.

It turned out that these golden ropes were controlled by Yang Cheng and obeyed him at any time! Chen Lai observed around and did not move.

After waiting for a while and didn't hear any movement, Yang Cheng seemed impatient, "Will you come out or not?"

Chen Lai's mouth was stiff and did not respond. If you go out, you will be arrested. It's better to let go!

"This is what you asked for! This time let you experience the power of the golden rope!" With Yang Cheng's proud sneer, many golden ropes suddenly climbed up and quickly climbed to Chen Lai.