Break through the void

Chapter 138 Secret Letter from Father to Son

The snake-headed sword emits white light, which makes the black words on the letter paper clearly visible. Lu Zhongyi held the letter paper in his hands and couldn't help shaking. The light in his eyes became soft and even a little sad. Obviously, his whole body seemed to be touched by something.

Then he stared at Chen Lai, as if he were looking at something.

Chen Lai was also stunned and observed the other party.

Two people stared like this, you looked at me, I looked at you, and guessed what each other was thinking.

"Chen Lai, where did you come from this letter?" Lu Zhongyi took the lead in asking questions.

The attitude suddenly became very friendly, as if asking his friends. Chen Lai listened and felt even more confused. He stretched out his right hand and rubbed his earlobe. "This... didn't you just say that? It was written by my friend and asked me to give it to his son.

"What's your friend's name?" Lu Zhongyi took another step forward, and both boots stepped into the shallow water by the pool.

Chen Lai suddenly felt something, "I always call him Elder Lu..."

Lu Zhong pointed to him and raised his voice, "Did he teach you the bone shrinking skill in the water?"

Seeing that he was very excited, Chen Lai was stunned again, observing the other party and nodded gently.

In order to be more accurate, Lu Zhong took a few steps forward, and both boots had been submerged by the pool. He bent down and asked, "What's the name of old man Lu's wife?"

At this time, Chen Lai clearly saw Lu Zhongyi's face and suddenly found that he looked a little similar to old Lu. He was more sure of his guess in his heart, "Call... Zheng Tiecong."

"Oh! The flood rushed to the Dragon King Temple, and the family didn't know each other!" Lu Zhongyi suddenly smiled apologetically, stretched out his hands to pull Chen, and pulled him ashore.

It turned out that Lu Zhongyi was the son of old man Lu. Three years ago, Lu Zhongyi insisted on joining Tianleimen in order to have a good future. He was rejected by old man Lu. As a result, the two fell out, and Lu Zhongyi ran away from home in anger. It's been three years since I left. Later, old man Lu found out that his son was in Xijing City. After looking for several times and couldn't find it, he dragged Chen to bring a family letter, which turned out to be Lu Zhongyi's nickname!

In fact, old man Lu didn't have any hope. Who would have expected that Chen Lai would really hit him!

After some introduction, the two completely met. Chen came to see that Lu Zhongyi was a few years older than him, called him Brother Lu, and sighed with a smile, "If I knew the identity of Brother Lu, I wouldn't have to suffer in the water!"

"I'm all confused! It's all that I'm confused..." Lu Zhong couldn't help apologizing. Thinking that Chen Lai was very cold at this time, he hurriedly worked hard on Chen Lai to help him drive away the cold, and then took out the Dragon Pushing Secret from his waist and returned it respectfully.

"Brother Lu, how do you go back to work?" Chen Lai understood that even if he gave it to Lu Zhongyi at this time, he would not accept it, so he thought generously for the other party.

Lu Zhong smiled faintly and stuffed it into Chen Lai's arms. "No one saw me fight with you!"

After a few years away from home, he now misses his parents very much and has also figured out his father's previous warning. Since joining Tianleimen, he has actively practiced and done his best for Tianleimen. Although he has mixed into the position of deputy master, he has seen the intrigues and intrigues between disciples at all levels, and also seen all kinds of persecutions of Tianleimen against the people. He has long had a desire to retreat, but once he returned home and saw that his parents had moved. After migration, he had to return to Xijing Hall again to muddle along.

Now Chen Lai has brought him the exact news, and of course he is very grateful.

Just now, he was still a pair of sworn in pairs, and now he has become a brother. Chen Lai is also very happy. What's more exciting is that Lu Zhongyi knows Zheng Tiehui and can help him find Zheng Tiehui! According to the blood relationship, Lu Zhongyi should be called Aunt Zheng Tiehui!

found a stone, and the two sat down, and Chen Lai came to find out the purpose of this visit.

Lu Zhong heard it and sighed, "Zheng Tiehui is indeed my aunt, but I haven't seen her for more than a year. I'm afraid you can't find her!"

Chen Lai's heart suddenly sank, "Why is Brother Lu so pessimistic?"

The purpose of coming here this time is to find Zheng Tiehui. If he can't find anyone, all his efforts will be in pain. This is something he can never agree to. Anyway, we must find Zheng Tiehui and give the child to her! That way he can do nothing!

"My aunt was originally the head of the Xijing Academy, but she retired after passing her seat to the despicable villain Tianwen. Who would have thought that Tianwen would find a way to investigate my aunt? He couldn't touch my aunt and the people around her, so he used the power of Tianleimen to pressure her, and finally suppressed my aunt with the crime of corruption. In the big prison of the college!"

Lu Zhong sighed and patted his knee, "I tried several times to save my aunt, but I was weak and there was nothing I could do! It's not because I care about my aunt. I'm afraid I've left here a long time ago!"

Things have become complicated! Chen Lai didn't expect to save Zheng Tiehui before he saw her. He stretched out his right hand and rubbed his earlobe. "Brother Lu, why can't Tianwen get along with Master Zheng?"

Lu Zhong smiled coldly and shook the snake-headed sword beside his hand. "When my aunt was the head of the hall, she didn't like Tianwen, and she didn't want to cultivate Tianwen to become the next head of the hall, so Tianwen held a grudge and began to press him step by step after taking over the head of the hall!"

Thinking that his aunt had done her best for Tianleimen all her life, but in the end she became a prisoner, Lu Zhong sighed and burst into tears.

Chen Lai stood up and looked at the foggy water. He felt that Tians steady tracking down Zheng Tiehui was not just for revenge, but might be related to the mission he received, related to the "Dragon Tips" and the children, but Lu Zhongyi did not know the truth.

"Brother Lu!" Chen Lai suddenly turned around and said, "Can you try to save Master Zheng?"

Lu Zhong smiled bitterly and waved his hand dejectedly, "Don't mention us, even if there are two mysterious masters, they may not be able to save my aunt!" After all, the dungeon organs inside Xijing Academy are so heavy that they can't even melt into a drop of water!"

He tried three times, three times failed, and once was seriously injured! Thinking of these past events, he was even more depressed and was completely different from chasing Chen.

Even if you can't save Zheng Tiehui, you must see her! Chen Lai thought so and looked at Lu Zhongyi, "Brother Lu, can you find a way for me to see her?"

Lu Zhong sighed, "Chen Lai, even if you can use the best bone shrinking skills, you can't get in!" The dungeon of Xijing Academy is divided into four floors. Usually, only the masters of Xijing College and the masters and deputy masters of Xijing Academy can enter the core area of the dungeon, that is, the fourth floor. For example, I can only enter the third floor at most!"

Chen Lai was silent for a moment, raised his toes and crushed a small stone under his feet. "You can take me into the third floor. As for the fourth floor, I will figure it out."

"None!" Lu Zhong stood up one by one, as if Chen Lai was leaving and grabbed him, "Go, you're going to die!"