Break through the void

Chapter 146 Letter Appraiser

It is common to escort the prisoners in the dungeon of Xijing College to the upper level to seal the mountain. The general procedure is that the closure of the mountain will give a letter to the Xijing Academy, sometimes a flying eagle to send a book, sometimes a flying pigeon to the book, and sometimes let the messenger directly convey it. After receiving the letter, Xijing College first identifies the authenticity of the letter and then archives it for the record. Then the prisoner was transferred.

If you want to fake the truth, the key to doing this is the secret letter, which must escape the eyes of the appraiser. Lu Zhongyi knows the letter appraiser in Xijing Academy very well. His name is Wu Li. He not only has a pair of bright eyes, but also has a cultivation that others can't perceive. It is extremely difficult to deceive him.

"Chen Lai, you don't know Wu Li... It's impossible to lie to his eyes. Don't lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot at that time." Lu Zhongyi briefly introduced Wu Li to Chen Lai and said his worries.

Chen Lai had never heard of Wu Li before. After listening to Lu Zhongyi's introduction, he was very interested in him. He thought that he should know him in more detail and asked a lot of questions about Wu Li.

With Lu Zhongyi's answer, the image of Wu Li gradually became clear in Chen Lai's heart. Wu Li originally worked as a letter appraiser in Kyoto and told his hometown to return to return to Xijing City. Because of his close relationship with Tianstable, he helped Xijing Academy strengthen letters and some important materials. There is a set of courtyard in Xijing Academy, and there is also a set of courtyard in Xijing City. He is in his 80s, with a childlike hair and a good spirit. Last year, he also let his concubine give birth to a pair of twin sons for him, which is called "God Man" by Tianwen. He only loves two things in his life, wine and beauty.

Chen Lai thought that maybe he could do something on this wine and beautiful women and arranged for Lu Zhong: "Brother Lu, you prepare for the letter. I'll make friends with Wu Li."

Lu Zhong was stunned and said, "Wu Li is a master. He is old and has a high status. It is very difficult for a stranger to contact him."

Chen Lai smiled and nodded, "Of course I know this. Brother Lu just waits for my news."


There is a red-walled and red tile courtyard in the West City of the West Capital, which is the courtyard of Wuli. The scenery inside is very beautiful and the decoration is very luxurious, which is one of the best in Xijing City. But it is very quiet inside. Whether it is day or night, it is very quiet, which is very different from rich and lively people.

All this is related to Wu Li's personality. He likes a quiet and calm life and has few friends. Usually, most of the people who are close to him are several famous local literati.

Chen Lai couldn't figure out how Wu Li could get close to Tianwen. After all, Tianwen is a master who likes to wander in officialdom, and he is not the object of Wu Li's appreciation at all. For a moment, he felt that there are still many problems in it. Wu Li and Tianwen are either because of a special relationship or because of some huge interests, otherwise they will never Work closely together.

He turned around in front of the gate of the Wuli Mansion, and Chen Lai came to the back street again.

In the winter sun, everything is a little white and looks depressed. Chen Lai stood lazily under a willow tree and watched.

Wu Li is just a letter appraiser. His status is not high, but both the gate and the back door are guarded by a very formal guard, and these guards are still disciples of Tianleimen. Only the master can enjoy such a guard size. Chen Lai felt that Wu Li's identity was very suspicious.

was observing, and there was a cry around him. Chen Lai turned around and saw a girl who was bowing her head and crying. Judging from her clothes, she was a poor daughter, but she was outstanding.

The girl was surrounded by a middle-aged woman with tears on her face. She helped the girl as she walked and persuaded her, "Daughter, the Wu family compound is a rich place. If you enter it to serve Master Wu, you will become a rich person."

The girl covered her mouth and cried, "Mom, you have sent your sister in. Why did you send me in?"

The middle-aged woman sighed helplessly, "Who let Master Wu hear about you? He took a fancy to you, and we can't help it..."

Chen Lai heard that it was related to Wufu, stopped them and asked carefully. It turned out that the girl was sent to the Wu family compound as a close maid of Wu Li. The girl did not obey, but Wu Li's bodyguards forced each other and asked them to go to the house in person to act willingly. The girl's sister was forced into the compound and was humiliated. She was hanged in the compound last year. This year, it was the girl's turn. The mother and daughter were extremely sad, but they had to obey.

When Chen Lai heard this, he was full of anger. His impression of Wu Li suddenly couldn't be worse. You old man is so sinister and cunning. It seems that I have to make friends with you once.

"Aunuch, since you are not happy, why don't you escape from here?"

The middle-aged woman sighed, "There are their people at home, staring at us. The money on us has also been searched by them. Where are we fleeing?"

"What are you doing?" There was a sudden roar behind them, which shocked the mother and daughter.

Two guards strode over and shouted at the woman, "Didn't I tell you to hurry up?! What a fart!"

The two had a fierce expression, like a jackal, which scared a mother and daughter to walk quickly.

How can Chen Lai stand indifferent? He stretched out his arms to stop them and asked them to calm down.

"Who are you? ...How dare you be wild here!" As soon as the two guards saw it, they both shouted at Chen Lai's back and walked towards him angrily.

Chen Lai listened to the footsteps of the two people and determined their position. When he judged that the two people were only three steps away from him, he suddenly slapped his palms back.

With a shout, the palm of the cloud palm hit the door of the two guards like two white dragons.

The cloud palms hit by ordinary practitioners are huge in energy and will explode, but Chen Lai hit silently and nailed the two guards to the same place. Only he knows best that dragon pushing is added to it, and he can decide the time of the explosion.

Chen Lai put one arm around the middle-aged woman and the girl in one arm, as if he were his own family, walking to another alley. When he came to an intersection, he took out a 2,000-liang silver ticket from his waist and some broken silver, which were stuffed to the middle-aged woman, "Auntain, run for your life..."

The money given to the mother and daughter should not be too much or too little. He thinks more than 2,000 taels is just right. However, the mother and daughter felt that the money was too much, enough for them to live for half their lives. They cried and knelt down to kowtow to Chen Lai, but they were stopped by Chen Lai, "Go quickly, or it will be too late."

The mother and daughter no longer dawd around and hurriedly ran away. The girl looked back as she ran.

Chen Lai smiled at the girl, carrying one hand and making a goodbye gesture with one hand, which seemed very elegant. Ha ha, since they have become a hero in their hearts, they have to be like a hero in image!

Thinking of leaving two guards in the distance, he smiled coldly, slowly put his palms together, and then turned sideways to make a look of listening.


A sound of explosion came from a distance. After hearing this, Chen Lai thought of the situation of two people blowing into blood fog, and his heart was very comfortable. "The letter appraiser, it's all you to identify letters and women... This time I'm going to identify you."