Break through the void

Chapter 154 Secret Discussion

In the last conversation, Chen Lai mentioned that the purpose of his coming to Xijing was not only to find Zheng Tiehui, but also to make some changes in Xijing. Once this idea took root in his heart, it would never linger. He looked at them and then at the children. "I will continue to stay in Xijing. I want to change some people and some things."

"Young master, you have been changing some people and some things." Chu Tao has never forgotten what Chen said before. The reason why he didn't mention it is that Xijingtang and Xijing Academy are so powerful that it is difficult to change much by him alone. Now what needs to be done is to find the person behind Zheng Tiehui and then hand over the child.

Seeing the child wake up, she quickly held the child in her arms, put a bib under the child's chin, ready to breastfeed him, and said, "Young master, I think you'd better investigate the news that Zheng Tiehui is dead. In addition, Zheng Tiehui has been the head of Xijing Academy before, and her confidant disciples and close friends must have a lot. Through Lu Zhongyi, she can know a lot. If she dies, those people must also react.

When Chen Lai heard this, he felt that this was very reasonable and secretly praised that he was really a meticulous person. "Yes, I just have to see Lu Zhong."

Seeing the two singing together, Bai Yinfan turned around and looked out of the window very un joyfully. She didn't want to say anything more about this topic. She changed the topic and said, "Last time Master had a deal with Bai Zaido, I don't know what's going on now. I want to go out and see him."

With that, he secretly glanced at Chen Lai with the corner of his eyes.

As soon as they heard this, the two knew that she was lying, because Huang Laoqi went out to retreat. Except for Huang Laoqi, who knew the specific location, there was no way for anyone else to find it. Chen Lai understood that Bai Yinfan was still a little frustrated at this time. Thinking of falling in love with her in the deep dragon pool, he suddenly felt pity for her. He put his arm around her shoulder and comforted her softly, "Faner, I always need you, especially in Zheng Tiehui's matter."

This time, he naturally called the name "Fan'er". On the one hand, he sincerely comforted Bai Yinfan. On the other hand, he wanted to tell Chu Tao that his relationship with Bai Yinfan had become closer. At the same time, he believed that Chu Tao had already noticed it.

Hearing this, Bai Yinfan took the opportunity to lie down in Chen's arms, regardless of Chu Tao's existence, and scolded him, "Do you still need me? You, you have forgotten what you have done and what you said..."

These words are said to let Chu Tao hear it, so as to prove her position in Chen Lai's mind and around her.

And Chu Tao seemed to have forgotten that they were in the room and fed the child very attentively.

She knows very well that Chen Lai and Bai Yinfan will fall in love sooner or later, and they will have to face it sooner or later. In this case, then deal with it calmly. She believes that she is important to Chen Lai and will accompany him for a long time. The only thing she is worried about is that as Bai Yinfan will not bully others in the future.

At the moment when Bai Yinfan relied on Chen Lai, Chen Lai touched her and quietly glanced at Chu Tao.

Bai Yinfan smiled, stopped when she saw it was good, and stood up straight. She thought that if she had been sitting in ** feeding the child, she would have made the child cry long ago, but Chu Tao did not, which means that her heart was not bad at all. She turned to Chu Tao and smiled and said, "Chu Tao, it's time for the child to change diaper again. Come on, I'll change it."

It happened that the child peed on the diaper, and Bai Yinfan changed the diaper clumsily, but there was no unhungry on his expression. He glanced at Chu Tao and smiled instead, which made Chen Lai in the distance a little moved. You two women are really united, and my backyard will not catch fire!


In the high-walled courtyard of Xijing Hall, there is a small red-walled courtyard called Siqinyuan, which is where Lu Zhongyi lives. Every day, in addition to working and practicing, he reads all kinds of swordsmanship books in his study.

Lu Zhongyi is only in his 20s and has not yet got a family. He is a person who pursues simplicity. In the whole yard, there are only two miscellaneous disciples who do chores except him.

According to the distribution specifications of Tianleimen, a deputy master like Lu Zhongyi should be equipped with at least four miscellaneous disciples and four maids, but he only needs two male disciples, and he doesn't want maids and maids at all. He believes that his energy should be focused on the sword, not elsewhere.

In general, the two miscellaneous disciples are also very leisurely, except for cooking, washing and doing chores, they are not in the yard at all. Therefore, Lu Zhong is usually alone in the yard, which looks extremely quiet.

This is exactly what he wants to be quiet. In the intrigues of the disciples in Xijing Hall, he has been bored for a long time and wants to calm his heart through the quiet environment around him.

More importantly, he can face those who monitor him. Since his aunt Zheng Tiehui was imprisoned, he has tried his best to rescue him. From that day on, he felt the ubiquitous surveillance outside.

Quiet, always as quiet as water, which can make his watchers relax some vigilance.

"Who?" Lu Zhong suddenly noticed a movement by the back window, put his hand on the hilt of the sword and asked softly.

The back window slowly opened a gap, and a gentle sound came out, "Brother Lu, I hardly made any sound..."

Chen Lai?! Lu Zhongyi didn't expect that Chen Lai would dare to come again. He looked at the back window in surprise. The Xijing Hall was heavily guarded, but Chen Lai could easily come in, indicating that his bone shrinkage skill had become amazing. "Be careful, there is surveillance outside."

When he came, next to the yard, Chen Lai noticed that someone was monitoring Lu Zhongyi's every move on the tree or on the high wall, and there were several excellent cultivations. Now it is a very special period, and he should be more careful. Chen Lai hid under the withered yellow climbing tiger vines by the back window, so he didn't plan to come out and asked softly, "Brother Lu, do you have any news about your aunt?"

Lu Zhong poured a cup of hot tea, picked it up and put it at his mouth, blew the tea and shook his head.

"Two hours ago, Tianwenwen went to Wuli's compound and told Wuli that Zheng Tiehui had died in prison..." Chen Lai thought that Lu Zhong would be very surprised to hear the news and stopped halfway.

But Lu Zhongyi was very calm, drank tea and said, "Is there anything else?"

So far, he has heard that Zheng Tiehui died more than three times, but in the end, Zheng Tiehui was "resurresured from the dead".

"Tianwen and Wu Li discussed that they used a disciple to pretend to be Zheng Tiehui and then escorted to the upper level to seal the mountain to seduce us." While talking, Chen Lai carefully observed the backyard and surroundings.

"Tianwen and Wu Li doubt each other and want to kill each other. This must be Tianwen's trick..." Thinking of Tianwen's cunning, Lu Zhongyi sneered, "My aunt is the old master of Xijing Academy. Once she dies of illness or abnormal death, Tianwen must report it, and the upper class I will definitely send someone to review, but as far as I know, no upper class has come into Xijing Academy.

"Maybe the news of stability has not reached the upper level..."

Lu Zhong shook his head gently, "Xijing is not far from the upper mountain in the west. I can conclude that my aunt is not dead yet. If you die, someone will tell me the news.

When he suddenly thought of something, he stood up and said, "No, something big is going to happen to Xijing Academy!"