Break through the void

Chapter 175 to Xijingtang

Chen Lai had long expected that Bai Yinfan and Chu Tao would form the same camp. They didn't say much to the outside world. He smiled and said, "Why didn't you talk?"

"Who are you not with? Of course, he is a disciple of Tie Zimen!" Bai Yinfan did not show weakness.

This can not only represent Mai Wanxiu, but also did not directly propose Mai Wanxiu, which skillfully fought back against Chen Lai and showed her attitude.

Chu Tao had already come to Chen Lai, grabbed him, began to ask questions, and hurriedly poured hot tea to warm him up. She knows very well what the current young master likes and dislikes. After all, the young master is a man.

Chen Lai was very satisfied with Chu Tao's performance. He patted her on the shoulder and smiled at her.

As soon as Chu Tao saw his smile, she suddenly thought of Chen Lai's smile when she fell in love with **. She immediately lowered her head and smiled, and her cheeks also turned red. As the saying goes, the two of them have a strong sense of love in these eyebrows. But Bai Yinfan was still angry and sat aside angrily.

Chen Lai motioned to Chu Tao again. Bai Yinfan has been angry, which is not conducive to the next work. It is important to change her mood first.

Chu Tao understood and walked to Chu Tao's side to comfort him softly. Seeing this, Chen Lai came forward to persuade him again.

Bai Yinfan was originally a happy person. Seeing that Chen Lai and Chu Tao were sincere to her, they also forgot about beating Mai Wanxiu for a day.

Chen Lai came to the head of the bed to visit the child again.

Chen Sien is already half a year old. He is lying in ** and sleeping soundly. He is fatter than a few days ago, and his body has become longer. His skin is white and tender, and his nose and mouth are small. He looks very pleasant.

This is all thanks to Chu Tao. Chen Lai looked at Chu Tao with grateful eyes, and then bent down to kiss the child's forehead.

In a few days, Zheng Tiehui can be rescued, and then the child can be handed over to Zheng Tiehui. Thinking that the child will not be with him in the future, Chen Lai feels a little reluctant. But the mission must be completed, and then he can start his new life.

Chu Tao and Bai Yinfan also stood at the head of the bed and looked at the child, with a smile and reluctance on their faces. They also knew that they would leave the child forever in a few days, and they may never see each other again.

Especially Chu Tao, looking at it with tears in his eyes. She has already regarded Chen Sien as her own child, and she will give it away in a short time, and she is even more reluctant to give up.

"Chu Tao..." Bai Yinfan saw Chu Tao sobbing and put his arms around her shoulder. "Don't you think the child will have a few days left? Besides, if this child is gone, there will be another one in the future. Don't worry, I'll let your husband go.

She laughed first, and Chu Tao also laughed when she heard it.

Chen Lai smiled, put his arms around their shoulders, looked at this, and then looked at that, "Well, I'll let you give birth together."

Boo laughed happily again. Bai Yinfan pushed him and said anxiously, "The problem is that you have to have that ability."

Chen Lai whispered to Chu Tao and Bai Yinfan. Suddenly, both women looked like peach blossoms and gave Chen Lai a pink punch.

Chen Lai laughed when he saw this. Two women were worried about waking up the child and immediately covered his mouth.


At noon, the weather turned cloudy and the sky was cloudy.

In the evening, the sky began to snowflakes. Large snowflakes are like goose feathers, which make the big snowflakes dazzling in a moment.

Due to the extremely low temperature, the snowflakes are as sharp as a blade, and the roaring north wind makes people almost unable to breathe. At night, there are not many people wandering in Xijing.

But Chen Lai, Bai Yinfan and Mai Wanxiu went out. This time, Chen Lai didn't want Bai Yinfan to come, but Bai Yinfan was determined to follow.

When killing the enemy, they must cooperate closely. Chen Lai is a little worried about Bai Yinfan and Mai Wanxiu, and that if they do not cooperate, there will be internal fights again, so he warns first.

In this case, Bai Yinfan had to face Mai Wanxiu and shake hands with her. The two women understand that they are already in the same position and can't change.

After they all made a promise to Chen Lai, Chen Lai took them to Xijingtang.

The Xijing Hall is also covered with snow, and there is almost no one in the whole courtyard, and even the guards are difficult to see. The weather was so cold that even the guards kept the cat warm in the room.

Lu Zhongyi led a group of confidants who were already ready to move. At that time, Chen had arrived. They quietly came to the gate of the inner courtyard where Yang Cheng lived, quietly killed the guards in front of the gate and waited for Chen Lai's arrival.

Lu Zhongyi's confidant disciples are not many, only about 30 people, of course, less than the thousands of disciples in the whole Xijing Hall. In order to get rid of Yang Cheng, the head of Xijing Hall, and his confidants, they must cooperate with Chen Lai and take a sudden attack.

The wind roared and the snowflakes fluttered. Lu Zhong stood in a small place in front of the gate with everyone, motionless.

Suddenly, three dark shadows flew from the south, and Lu Zhong hurriedly gestured.

It is Chen Lai, Bai Yinfan and Mai Wanxiu. Among them, Chen Lai and Mai Wanxiu are both dressed as disciples of Tiezimen, especially Chen Lai, who wears a black cloak and carries a long oblique-headed knife on his back. It is very horrible to stand in the snow.

"Master, now is the most lax time for defense. We can rush directly into Yang Cheng's inner courtyard and kill him." Lu Zhongyi proposed.

Call Chen Lai as the master in order not to reveal his identity.

Chen Lai looked around and found that the surroundings were too quiet and a little abnormal. Especially when he flew with Bai Yinfan and Mai Wanxiu just now, he could hardly see anyone. He felt that there was something wrong with it.

There is an ambush!

Obviously, among Lu Zhongyi's confidant disciples, someone betrayed Lu Zhongyi and reported the news to Yang Cheng. However, Chen Lai did not point out, but rushed to Lu Zhong a little bit and took the lead in the inner courtyard.

Yang Cheng's inner courtyard is very large, with a large area of 10 mu. It is picturesque, but now it is covered with heavy snow.

Chen Lai observed again and found that the situation inside was not normal. It was too quiet! Yang Cheng, a disciple of Tianleimen, has many wives and concubines and many servants. It is impossible not to make a sound in this yard, and it is impossible not to shine in the yard.

There is indeed an ambush!

Lu Zhongyi's people also flew into the inner courtyard and quietly moved forward to Yang Cheng's bedroom. Everyone moved forward with light kung fu without making a sound.


More than a dozen disciples first put a cold arrow at the bedroom and didn't hear any sound before they stopped. One of the disciples quietly approached the window, listened for a while, opened the window to observe, and said in shock, "Master, there is no one in it!"

Open a few more rooms, and there is no one inside!

Only then did Lu Zhongyi know that the news had been leaked!

He looked at Chen Lai, gently pulled out his sword, and said calmly, "Master, there will be an ambush. You take people first, and I will fight with Yang Cheng!"

Looking at Lu Zhong's loyalty and courage, Chen Lai appreciated it very much and nodded to him and said, "I knew that Yang Cheng was ambushed, so I came here."

Before the sound fell, shouts were made inside and outside the yard. The disciples who were ambushed in the dark room of the courtyard and the bamboo forest outside the courtyard rushed out and surrounded the whole inner courtyard. Yang Cheng, the head of Xijing Hall, like a mouse, stood on the high wall and pointed his sword at Lu Zhongyi and Chen Lai. "Lu Zhongyi, you actually colluded with the disciples of Tie Zimen. This time, let you break thousands of corpses!"