late spring

Chapter 165 Mo Li's appearance

After saying that, Xingchen looked at the people in Zi's house.

After listening to Xingchen's words, others also looked at the people in Zifu.

Mr. Mo Li is different from Ziyi and Zifu. His prestige in this town is very high. They can abuse Zifu and the county government, but no one dares to abuse Mo Li, because he is a teacher for a lifetime. Even if they don't have children to study with Mr. Mo Li, they have heard from others. After that, Mr. Mo Li's character is definitely a bright man, nothing to say.

It is also because of this that there is a little in everyone's eyes looking at the people in Zifu... (Cough, what should I say? It's like the kind of eyes that violate his most respectful authority), with some excitement, some seriousness, and some enthusiasm. It seems that as long as someone in Zifu dares to say a bad word, they are ready to tear the man alive, making everyone in Zifu tremble.

And under the pressure of everyone's eyes, the old lady was pushed out by Sanniang and Si Niang and said, "The old man believes that Mr. Mo Li is just that." As the old lady said this, Xing Chen said loudly, "Well, in that case, let's ask Mr. Mo Li to come and say a word."

Xingchen said this, and everyone took action. Knowing where Mr. Mo Li lived, they ran to Mr. Mo Li's residence and wanted to call him over, but they didn't know where Mr. Mo Li lived, so they waited quietly.

In their hearts, Mr. Mo Li is definitely more authoritative than the county magistrate Xingchen.

When Ziyi and Xingchen saw this scene, they were both envious and jealous, but when they saw their friends, they were still happier than anything else, so when they looked at this scene, they smiled a little. The people in Zifu looked at this scene, but their faces turned white.

As early as after the axe came out and said those words, the people in Zifu understood that they must have come for nothing today. Not to mention the charge of being uneasy in the room, I'm afraid it is still a problem for them to walk back to Zifu with decently.

Thinking about this, the faces of the people in Zifu became even worse.

Although the faces of the maids are relatively normal, the third lady, the fourth lady and the old lady have all risen like this. No matter how innocent these maids are, it must be necessary to go back and have a scolding. If the master wants to be more harsh, there may be a beating.

After all, the sullenness in their hearts is to be vented, and everyone's way of venting is different. Some people will choose to drop things, some people will choose to run a few laps outside before going back, and some people will choose to transfer their anger to others.

The last one should have been the least worth advocating, but for these privileged people, the life of the maid has never been the life, so in order to better vent their anger and better cover up the ugliest side of their hearts, they often give up the previous two choices, and Choose the latter.

In this way, the maids' faces became ugly.

However, Ziyi, Xingchen, Mozhu, Qingya and Qingcheng's family did not look at the people of Zifu. In their hearts, Zifu has long been irrelevant. What they cherish most is still in front of them. These people who really love them, so they formed a circle and stood there. Start to exchange heartfelt feelings.

Qingya and Qingcheng have not seen each other for a long time, and Ziyi and the so-called cousin have never met. Therefore, when the family comes together, it is inevitable to say a few more greetings, not to mention that Qingya and Qingcheng have always had a good relationship. As for Qingcheng's wife, who is also known as Ziyi's aunt, she used to be good friends with Qingya, so when these three people stand together, the words must be endless.

Although they were still a little unfamiliar with Ziyi, Xingchen and Qingling at the beginning, they soon became familiar with Ziyi's matchmaking.

Qing Ling is very interested in Xingchen, and Xingchen rarely talks to boys like Qingling, so the two also talk happily, while Ziyi stays alone on the other side. In addition to occasionally talking to Xingchen and Qingling, she has been talking to Axe and others.

The axe has been very busy recently, and almost no one can be seen in the county government, so Ziyi is very interested in his recent whereabouts. Well, when the axe came first, Ziyi rubbed against him and pulled his sleeve. "Uncle Axe, what have you been doing recently? Why haven't I seen you for a long time?"

Ziyi opened her eyes wide, raised her head, looked at the axe, and asked softly.

Hearing this, the axe couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. "I..." The axe took me for a long time before saying a sentence, "My mother asked me to go back for a blind date. She said that I was so old now that it would be too late if I didn't marry my wife." As the axe said this, a pair of eyes secretly glanced at Mozhu standing next to him, and his whole face turned red.

And Ziyi was very surprised when she heard this, "So Uncle Axe is going to get married?" Which daughter is so blessed? Can you be looked at by Uncle Axe?" Ziyi asked curiously, but the look on the axe's face became more and more embarrassed.

After Mo Zhu heard the conversation between Ziyi and the axe, he suddenly lost his expression.

She didn't know what was going on. Originally, the axe was stupid, naive, and sometimes stubbornly annoying, but she didn't know when the figure of the axe had stayed in Mozhu's heart. From a smile at the beginning to his every move later, even he Mo Zhu remembers everything he said to her.

Originally, she thought that the axe might have sensed her heart, so every time she met, he looked so nervous and "shy", but now when she saw the blush on the axe's face and the happiness in his eyes, Mo Zhu suddenly felt a heartache, which was different from anything else before. Heartache at that time.

This kind of pain seems to be everywhere and seems to be nowhere to find, which makes Mozhu's whole body start to worry.

And Ziyi carefully looked at the change of Mo Zhu's expression, and she had already understood the meaning in her heart.

Mozhu and the axe should have developed a long time ago, but the axe is too stupid about this matter, and Mozhu is too conservative about this matter, so the two have never gone together. Isn't the axe's family urging him to get married this time? Then she would like to see if this stupid axe dares to chase her Aunt Mozhu. She would like to see if the two of them can live happily together this time.

Thinking of this, Ziyi did not wake them up, but gave up the space to the two parties, but she watched the play.

At this time, Mo Li has come out of the other side. After these days of serious illness, Mo Li's look is not as good as before. Although his body is still elegant when walking, as long as you take a closer look, you will find that his originally tough body is now a little more erratic. Just look at it. Then, Ziyi's eyes were already red.

After he walked in a little more, Ziyi quickly ran over and held Mo Li in one hand. Although she knew that this might be a little unreasonable, Ziyi could no longer take care of so much. Mr. Mo Li was definitely her first friend since she came to this world, and now he has become like this. How can she not be sad?

So for the sake of Mo Li, who was talking and laughing in the past, Ziyi also decided that no matter what kind of shocking secret was hidden behind that incident, she would find out the secret and return Mr. Mo Li a quiet sky.

Thinking so, Ziyi has brought Mo Li to the center of the crowd. At this time, Xingchen has already come over. He has held Mo Li's body on the other side. Over the past few days, Mo Li has been hurt too much. Now he can't let him be hurt again anyway, so...

After Xingchen set up Mo Li on the other side, he said to the people in Zifu, "Well, now that Mr. Mo Li has come, let's ask Mr. Mo Li to tell us what happened to the well in this clear garden!" Xingchen said so, looking at Mo Li's eyes with trust.

After Mo Li nodded slightly to Xingchen, she looked at Qingya, arched her slightly, and then said to the crowd, "If you want to hear the truth, then now I will tell you the truth.

That day, I was invited by Ziyi to visit her house. Everyone knows that it is common for students to invite teachers to their homes, and there is nothing to discuss at all, so I went that day.

When I got there, I found that I was not the only one invited, including Xingchen. Your county magistrates, axe, Liu Zi and others, all helped dig wells in Qingyuan. They usually collect the wages of a few workers, and then Qingyuan management has two meals at noon and evening, which can be said to be regarded as The price is fair, and the child is not deceived.

And after we finished working or eating in Qingyuan, we all left together. No one left alone, and no one said anything to Mrs. Qingya. All of us can testify about this. Moreover, Mrs. Qingya's words are basically conveyed by Mo Zhu, the maid beside her, so I think if you all want to blame Mrs. Qingya for this matter, it should not be.

Of course, I didn't say this because I know Mrs. Qingya and Ziyi. I believe that everyone called me here this time because they believe me, so for everyone's trust and my own reputation, I won't lie about such a thing. Please make a mistake to Mrs. Qingya. People who understand can think twice.