
073 Leisure

073 Leisure

In life, disasters are always one after another, and this may be what people often say.

The two troublesome teams have just been solved, and the people of the desperate team have not realized that they have got into an extremely strong opponent.

The battle with the two teams was delayed until noon the next day. At this moment, Guo Fengxiao lay on the grass in front of the camp, wearing a blindfold and basking in the sun, enjoying the rare leisure after the war. A shadow covered his sunshine. "I'm in a good mood. I'm basking in the sun here."

Guo Fengxiao lazily lifted the blindfold, narrowed his eyes and saw the bitter face of sand tears, and then yawned, "You are blocking my sun, captain!"

Sha tears angrily said to him, "Hey! You lazy guy! Do you think it's all right? According to the past situation, the next day will never be so easy for us to spend!"

"I know..." Guo Fengxiao turned over and lay lazily on the ground unwilling to get up.

Sha tears pressed the impulse to beat Guo Fengxiao and continued, "Do you know? Do you know that you still lie here so nothing?"

"What else?" Guo Fengxiao took out his earplugs from his arms and said, "Liu Yulong did the treatment of the wounded, and Wang Rui's splitter was also completed. Now I haven't encountered any special situation. What should I do? Are you as worried as you? Sorry, I mean, I don't have such a strong sense of responsibility as you. What do you think about it yet? The way of literature and martial arts, one by one! Only when you live well now can you see the future. After saying that, he didn't give Sha tears a chance to nag. He stuffed the two earplugs at one time and lay lazily on the ground motionless.

Sha tears really can't do anything about him. On second thought, he always thinks too much. Proper rest can ensure that he has enough energy to face the real crisis. Thinking that he lay down like Guo Fengxiao and closed his eyes.


These stupid egg thieves! Do they think that there is nothing I can do about them if they don't appear in front of me? Even if we are thousands of miles apart, I can also feel the breath of the birth of my ancestors! That's right! Right here!

The holy dragon fluttered its wings and fell down like a sharp sword, "It's really here!" This is the breath of the birth of the ancestors, and it won't be wrong!" Several simple tents appeared in front of him, and there were many corpses not far from the camp. The holy dragon's wings quickly approached the target, but there was no one in the camp, and even the breath of the birth of the ancestors disappeared! How could this happen?"

"Damn! Someone must have used a confined space to block my perception of the birth of my ancestors!" The angry holy dragon roared crazily and spewed a hot dragon breath from his mouth, trying to destroy all the eye-catching tents in front of him! However, when Longxi touched those tents, he did not see some small bottles hanging inside the tent, which looked like explosives often used by Guo Fengxiao.

So, there was a loud noise, and the earth was shaking.


The ground shook, and the sand tears sat up and looked around warily: "What happened?"

Guo Fengxiao beside him was lazy and slowly sat up. "Someone accepted the small gift I left in the old camp, hum! What a trouble! It's really hard to find a job for me to do again so soon!"

A few minutes later, everyone gathered in the central tent, and the target "Tyrannosaurus Rex Egg" was sitting square on the table in the middle of the tent!

"I have sealed this egg in a single space with my ability. I can cut off most of the detection equipment and spiritual exploration from the outside. The other party should not be able to detect it at a certain distance." Shangguan Xinyi's face was cold. Because the front had just been injured, her face looked a little pale and looked particularly pitiful.

Sha tears nodded, "That's good. We just need to hold on until the end of time!" After saying that, he took a look at Shangguan's haggard face, "Well, Miss Shangguan, it doesn't matter if you hurt."

Shangguan Xinyi was stunned for a moment and said coldly, "It doesn't matter. Moreover, I think we should focus on how to deal with the enemy now, Captain Sha Tears!"

"Yes, yes!" Shaqi's face turned red, touched the back of his head awkwardly, turned his head and motioned Wang Rong to analyze the current situation. The latter touched his earlobe and said in a mature tone that was not like a child: "There is nothing to analyze now. Since the other party can find it, it shows that he can detect the location of the Tyrannosaurus Rex egg. This perception It's very amazing. If we talk about strength, according to the law that the stronger our opponents are, the stronger we will never be weak!"

"Okay, okay! Don't you look so ugly? Isn't that right? Guo Fengxiao stretched out and was about to go out: "Haven't they called in yet? Maybe it has been blown into scum by some of my cannons! Ann, Ann! Before the sun goes down, I'll go out to bask in the sun for a while.

"Guo Fengxiao's attitude may be a little loose, but he is right!" Sha Lei smiled gently and became more and more like a captain, appeasing the nervous people: "Everyone also knows that since we embarked on this road of death, we will face more and more obstacles. If we tighten our nerves, I'm afraid that we won't wait for the enemy to invade, and we will exhaust ourselves first! Miss Shangguan also said that with her shield, we can still stay peacefully for a while. Let's take advantage of this time to relax!" After saying that, he waved his hand and motioned everyone to disperse.

When everyone left the tent, the smile on Shaqi's face gradually collapsed. Although he agreed with Guo Fengxiao's words, as a captain, he had just issued a grand ambition. With such a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, you told him to relax. In this adventurous world, how could he be in the mood to relax? Shaling is gentle and responsible, but this sense of responsibility tortured him a lot at this time.

Suddenly, there was a violent dragon roar from the forest in the distance. Sha Qi stood up quickly and quickly walked outside the tent, condensed the acceleration to his eyes. He saw the thick smoke rising from the original old tent and a dark shadow standing in the air. It was really too far away to see clearly, but it was certain that The terrible dragon roar was undoubtedly made by him.

"Hmm! It's a pity that I didn't blow him up!" Guo Fengxiao closed his eyes and yawned and turned over again. He was not nervous and extremely leisurely.


"Damn it! Damn ants! How dare you use such a sinister trap to kill the great Wu!" He was blown black, the holy dragon did not have the original majestic appearance, and the red hair on his head was as messy as an abandoned bird's nest, but the explosion only hurt his fur, just rose up.

The Holy Dragon roared crazily in the air, "Damn egg thieves! I will definitely not let you go. I will definitely wait for you to be smashed!"

Suddenly, the dancing Holy Dragon stopped his crazy movements and sniffed the smell in the air: "Is this?"

A cruel smile flashed in his red eyes, "There is no place to break the iron shoes, and it takes no time to come. Egg thieves, wait for it!"