
190 xie zhiqiang

190xie zhi qiang

After the powerful lightning and thunder, "Wow! This lollipop tastes good. Sure enough, you should eat some sweets when you have low blood sugar!" A lollipop appeared in Jiu Moron's hand, and now he is nibbling happily!

Everyone fell to the ground, "Hey! What are you kidding! I thought it was a great thing. Are you playing with us? What is that lollipop? The people who were teased immediately narrowed the scope and further compressed the scope of Jiu Morong's activities. "It seems that he is exhausted. Let's go up and divide him with knives!"

Speaking that one person in the formation takes a step forward, raises a knife and cuts it!

The dazzling purple thunder and lightning gathered in the heart of Jiu Moron's hand, "You just said you wanted to see my energy swallowed? Transform the kinetic energy of the array? Then let me see if the maximum capacity of your array can swallow me completely!"

After the roar of the ancient fierce beast, the purple thunder took shape, and a long gun appeared in the hands of Jiu Moron, stabbing the oncoming enemy straight, which was incompetual!

The man laughed: "Don't overpower yourself! How much energy do you think you have? How can you hurt us protected by the array? This..." The gun actually ignored the defense ability of the magic circle, as if it had not received any obstacles, and passed through the magic array and entered the enemy's heart!

The man's movements suddenly stopped, and time seemed to stop at this moment. Everyone watched Jiu Moron slowly pull out the gun from the man's heart! Surprisingly, the man's body seemed to have been unharmed, with no wounds and blood stains! Is this * crooked?

The man touched his chest and was intact! He opened his mouth and laughed wildly: "What a dove Moron! What a gun! But..." In front of his eyes, the dead fish of Jiu Moron looked at him in a daze, as if looking at another dead man.

The scene in front of the man suddenly changed, and his mind blurred: "This! Where is this?" In the dark cabin, two people were running desperately in front of him. A man couldn't see his face clearly, and a girl behind him followed the man closely.

"Where is this! Why does it look so familiar!" The man said to himself, just as he couldn't figure out the situation, an unusually ugly monster suddenly appeared behind the two running people! The monster chased after the two people in front of him and shouted vaguely: "Hungry! I'm so hungry! I want food! ......”

The man running in front suddenly stopped and suddenly turned around and elbowed the woman behind him. The woman flew back with an incredible expression and was bitten off her neck by the monster. The monster stopped chasing. The dim light in the corridor lit up the man's face with a ferocious smile on his face!

"That's me! I remember, this is my second adventure! I... I killed Xiaoping, I..." The man suddenly stopped, and everything in front of him began to change. "I" disappeared. Xiaoping, whose neck was bitten off, stood up, carried his head, and walked towards him step by step...

"Don't come here! Don't come here..." No matter what ability he wanted to exert, it didn't help. Xiaoping came to him slowly, with a strange smile on his bloody face: "Shi Lei! You said you would protect me! Is this how you protect it? Now, it's time to accompany me..." Shi Lei is stiff and can't move...

Xiaoping with a broken head put his hand into Shi Lei's chest, took out a hot heart, and slowly nibbled...

The people who besieged Jiu Moron didn't know what had happened, so they saw Shi Lei, who was shot, suddenly stop and his eyes faded! Then, "Go!" With a sound, a blue flame emerged from Shi Lei's heart and ignited his whole body in an instant!

Jiu Morong said slowly with a lollipop, "It's a just magic beast!" Torture your soul, whether it deserves to die, your soul will tell you the answer!"

One person was killed, and the formation was immediately broken. Under the haunt of Jiu Moron, the enemies standing around him were shot without exception, one by one naturally, "Evil souls will choose to perish!" In fact, the appearance alone can also have the same effect, but the strength of the itself is limited, and it is more than enough to deal with miscellaneous fish. After being shrouded in the array, it must rely on the power of Jiu Molong to penetrate the array. The gun directly acts on the soul, easily penetrates the defense wall and kills those in black.

Those people, without exception, experienced the most regrettable events in their lives before dying, and spontaneously ignited to death without exception! This is just part of the ability to carry the gun...

Waving the crack in the space, Jiu Moron put it away, and his eyes immediately focused on the battle under the wall. The battle there is just over...

"Wah..." The Czech shook his head helplessly, "You are not a combatant, why do you have to stand still here? I have no intention of taking your life. Please don't hinder me!"

Bai Lin knelt on one knee and his body was full of bullet holes. He knew that if the Czechs really wanted to kill him, he would not have been in this world, but he could not retreat. He could not live up to Bai Qi's trust. He could not fall down: "Before you kill me! I will never back down! Come again!"

The Czech shook his head again: It seems that let's break his limbs first and make him lose his mobility! Otherwise, it will definitely be entangled! Czech raised his hand with a shot, targeting the shoulder blade of white phosphorus's right hand!

But who knows that Bai Phosphorus suddenly slipped under his feet and left the key heart position to the bullet coming to his face, "Oh no! Recycling! Bullets come back!" The Czech Republic's startling ability wants to change the trajectory of the bullet, but the distance is too close! The speed of the bullet is too fast. Even if it changes a little, white phosphorus still can't escape the end of death. White phosphorus looks like dead ash!

As soon as Jiu Morong's eyes opened, he was about to take action. Suddenly, a crack opened in the sky, and a gold flew out of it, shooting at the bullet of white phosphorus, saving the life of white phosphorus. White phosphorus and the Czech Republic breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The two looked at the sky at the same time, where a figure came out of the crack, holding a big red apple in his hand.

"It seems that I have caught up with it! Now Guo Fengxiao has to thank me well!" With a long bow on his back and a hood on his head, Hongyu said with a smile, "Our dream club, arrived at the battlefield as promised! Hongyu participates in the war!"

"Dream Club?" Hearing the name, the Czech face suddenly changed!

At the same time, Guo Fengxiao also cracked a big crack in the northern battlefield, and a familiar voice came from it: "Hahaha, old friend! Long time no see!"

Guo Fengxiao smiled faintly at the corners of his mouth...