The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 3 I woke up from my dream 2

Just as I was about to find out, the door opened from the inside, and the gray-black suit trousers stood in front of me, stopping my curious eyes. Looking up, Shen Nange was wearing a white shirt, the corners of his clothes were exposed, and the buttons on his chest were opened to the third. You could see his strong body, healthy and beautiful but never exaggerated, and his sleepy eyes and half-closed eyes that seemed to be awake, and his long eyelashes trembling slightly, simply ** to the extreme.

It was dark in front of his eyes, and a veil was covered. Shen Nange's joking voice came, "Wipe your saliva. It's like I've never seen the world. It's a shame." At the same time, there is the sound of locking the door.

In his heart, he wondered what the hell Shen Nange was doing, but he wiped the corners of his mouth like a reflex, and then found that there was nothing. He pretended to wipe his mouth, his shoulders were timid, spread his hands, and broke the jar. "What's the way? Although I have read countless people, I can't match the small people. You see, I'm only 14 years old. Do you know? It's incomparable to an old man in his 20s like you, don't you know?

He couldn't help laughing, completely spoiling, and looked like a good old man who was grinded out of temper by a wayward child. "You know that I'm here. If you have that kung fu, it's better to look more and say it. Don't drop your homework after leaving the hospital."

It's strange!

Isn't this thing evil?

I looked at the door of the closed living room and pointed casually. He was very calm and nodded slightly.

I'm happy. It seems that there is a play this time. Alas, it's not easy for a lot of people of age!

Deliberately lowered the line, "Is it him?"

He pushed his finger over and tilted his head to one side under great pressure. "Don't be so curious about the children's family. Don't look at how old you are. What are you doing with such a useless heart?"

I'm full of disdain. Sister, how about you and I are in the same year? At the beginning, when I picked you out of a bunch of little children with a runny nose and biting their fingers, you were still salivating! Moral!

It's just that the bigger this man is, the less cute he is. I can only say with regret, "All right! I have always respected human rights. Since you don't tell you, I will never force you. I will only come to see it quietly. After reading me, I didn't make a clear deal with Shen Lanxun. You can hide it. Look at Shen Lanxun's coming and not deal with you.

He rolled up his sleeves, put on his white coat, prepared for work, and pointed me the direction of the door. "If you have nothing to do, go out quickly. You can also see me. It's not as rare as you."

I muttered to myself, "It's not strange that it's rare! You just don't show it, wait..."


"Nothing! Got it. Got it. I'll go out. Like an old man, do you think it's nagging?

Thinking like this, he went out obediently, and then hung up the phone. After ten minutes, Shen Nange hurried out and closed the door carefully. I secretly laughed until my internal injury. Did Shen Nange really become an idiot in love? I still don't pay attention to ten or twenty locks of this level.

When he took the elevator downstairs, I went into the office again.

As soon as I entered the door, I felt cool and instinctively felt dangerous.

When the muscles of the whole body are tightened and alert, you can hear--

"Here you are!" Elegant and indifferent words, a little hoarse, are about the inevitable defects of all boys in the voice change period, but his voice is just right and comfortable, of course, if you don't look into his eyes. Those eyes have an unavoidable edge, as if they can see into people's hearts at a glance.

The man sat on one side of the sofa, and the miscellaneous things on it were not cleaned up, but piled up on the side. He just moved out of a seat made by a person. He was wearing a white shirt, each button, his legs were folded, and his back was straight against the back of the sofa. He looked lazy, but he was sitting there upright. It seems that he has been sitting there and never leaving.

He held a cup of brewed coffee in his hand, which was full of enthusiasm, and the smell of pure fragrance permeated the air.

His eyes passed mercilessly from me, as if he were observing the prey and looking at a very meaningful work of art. No matter what, it keeps giving me goosebumps.

This person exudes a strong gentleman's atmosphere, but there is a kind of evil and arrogant. For a moment, I suddenly felt the chaos of time and space. I forgot his age in a trance. This man is not a teenager in the third grade of junior high school, but a hunter who has been immersed in ** shopping malls for a long time. Anyone and everything has their own value under his eyes, without exception!

Is he really that person?

I can't help but doubt.

No wonder I have to find a positive and sunny personality like Shen Nange. How cunning is this in front of him?

A little hesitant and uncertain, "Are you?" Suddenly, I was looking forward to it. Don't be the person I thought was!

As soon as he raised his eyebrows, his sharp eyes were unconcealed, "Forbearance, it seems that you are Liu Sheng that he often hangs on his mouth?"

"Do you often talk about it? What does it mean?"

"He said you would be back soon. It's really good." Instead of answering my questions, he said unspeakable words, which made me confused, as if I had caught something and thought carefully about nothing.

What the hell is this?

Instead of solving my puzzles, he put down the coffee and went into the living room. When he came out, he had already put on a dark coffee coat, a pair of borderless glasses on the bridge of his nose, and the navy blue bangs hung down. There was no such aggressive edge as before, and the whole person had the gentleness of disguise.

Well, everyone likes to disguise these days.

"I heard that Miss Liu Sheng lost her memory?" He asked.

This is my shield now. Naturally, I nodded and admitted it, and then said, "Although I don't know where you don't like me, I still hope you can call me Liu Sheng, or directly call me Xiaotong, Miss Liu Sheng, Miss Liu Sheng, as if we don't know each other." Of course, we are not familiar with each other. In addition, we met once or twice a few days ago, and we only met three times in total. And I didn't even talk to you the first two times.

I couldn't help but look at me quietly. The eyes behind the lens are like a cold pool for thousands of years, deep and distant, clear as if they can see through everything, but they can't capture anything.

I realized.

Shen Nange fell on such a person, not wronged at all.

I still raised my smile and asked gently, "Is it okay?"

He said, "Okay, little pupil."

The distance of a name is the boundary of time and space. In many cases, the breakthrough of this layer takes a long time, and there may be no way.

However, obviously, I understood my intention, and after asking questions, we became an alliance.

"I'm going out. I don't know what else Xiaotong has to do. If not, why don't you leave with me?" Listening to this semi-forced words, I suddenly found that the boy's voice was really beautiful. I just paid attention to his sharp appearance, but I didn't notice that when he spoke, he was particularly gentle.

"This... In fact, it's nothing. I just want to know who Dr. Shen is hiding in his room! As you may know, Dr. Shen is very nice and takes good care of me. I like him very much. Do you know? Dr. Shen doesn't know why he is single so far. I don't know him so well, so I don't know what kind of person can match him in the future. By the way, he didn't come today, so I just wanted to see him. I didn't want to tolerate you. I'm a little embarrassed. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Shen Nange and I are just a relationship between patients and doctors. No matter how close we are, after all, there is still a line of defense.

But it is too unreasonable for me to break into other people's territory so easily.

Forbearance is very understanding and more gently changed the topic, "Dr. Shen is a surgeon invited by our hospital,..."

I didn't finish talking, and I suddenly shouted, "Ah! Forbearance, tolerance, is this hospital forbearance to your family?

He smiled, as bright as the moon. Only with such a smile did I realize that this is still a teenager, a gentle teenager "Yes. That's why I had a chance to get in touch with Dr. Shen.

"It seems, well, you get along well!" I tilted my head, and my eyes flashed with gossip and jokes.

He was very calm and didn't avoid it at all. "It's good."

"Will you come to see me more in the future? You know, in the hospital, I was miserable. I lost my memory and my friends didn't come. Dr. Shen was not only a patient. He didn't allow me to go out. He was always facing the white ceiling. I bet that in the near future, you would see me covered with moss. - If you don't talk, that's promise! Great, you are such a good person! That's it. Let's go down!"

"...It's an honor to be here." I swear, I really saw the corners of my mouth unnaturally **.

Our topic is no longer around Shen Nange, and we are tacit.

He talked about everything, but I didn't expect that people at this age were so knowledgeable. From world history and art to China, it was not bad at all. Coupled with his gentle and magnetic voice, he talked happily. Obviously, he was just a junior high school student like me. Well, it's a year older than me.

When I went back to the ward, I saw Liu Sheng's brother's face full of anxiety and a little guilt.

Curiosity kills the cat. Fortunately, there is a Shen Nange covering for me, otherwise I may be recognized when I go to such a strange place alone. There are too many things in the world that are beyond the laws of nature. Many ancient families have the magical power, and people with a little family accumulation may guess it.

When Liu Sheng's brother saw me coming back safe and sound, he gave me a little look and asked you to settle accounts later. However, there was a ninja and Yushi present, and he didn't say anything. The two looked at each other, and the electric current was sizzling, as if it was going to thunder the next second.

It was the brother of Liu Sheng's family who spoke first and broke the deadlock. It seems that maybe the two of them have seen each other, and there is a little sense of narrowness of heroes meeting enemies.

Liu Sheng's brother smiled and said, "It turned out to be the forbearance of the Ice Emperor. Thank you for sending your sister back today."

This side also laughs, "It's hard to raise your hand. On the contrary, it makes my sister lively and cute, which is really painful. No wonder Dr. Shen likes to take care of her as his own sister. If it were me, I would definitely do it. This is obviously very uncomfortable, and it is said in that kind of gentle tone.

It's so annoying.

Renzu Youshi and Liu Sheng's elder brother have a big holiday, right?

Of course, Liu Sheng's brother is not willing to show weakness. "I'm also very happy to have one more person to take care of Xiaotong. It's rare for Xiaotong to get into Dr. Shen's eyes. In this way, I'm much more relieved as a brother.

He endured and said, "That's for sure. But Xiaotong," he said to me, "you can call me when you are bored in the hospital. I welcome you at any time. As for the past, it's okay to forget it. Don't worry about it. What can be forgotten must not be a happy thing. Just remember to be happy, you know?" After a while, this man has basically dug out everything I know from my mouth.

Sweat! Why am I so useless!

nodded sullenly. I'm very depressed. Obviously, according to my actual age, I'm much older.

Also, when you said you wanted to quarrel, just open your mouth, cross your waist and stare at your eyes, and take out the shrew to scold the street! Don't cut me down.

"Well, Liu Sheng, I'll say goodbye. Xiaotong, come back to see you." Can I say no?

"That's troublesome." Brother Liu Sheng answered for me. I'm a little better.

Liu Sheng's brother is a good man. He was still struggling with ninja at the previous moment. At this time, he is still gentle to me, the person with his sister's skin, without a trace of complaint. He should care about the relationship, should be considerate, and a very good brother. If it weren't for the sadness in his eyes.

It seems that the appearance of the post-autumn account is just for making a look.

So, I was unscrupulous. It doesn't matter what he thinks.

Play coquettishly and come up in the same way. Liu Sheng's brother didn't intend to settle accounts with me in the first place. After this, he couldn't even remember this.

Later, I learned that Liu Sheng had more ninja than Lu Shi. The reason why the two of them could meet each other had something to do with their own school. Ninjazu belongs to the Ice Emperor Tennis Department, and Liu Sheng's brother belongs to the Lihai University Tennis Department. The two schools are the same seed team in the Kanto region. The two are also the backbone of the tennis department at the same time. They are still in the same grade. Naturally, there are some festivals in it. And naturally, there can't be such a good atmosphere in the process of the competition. In addition, Lihai Da was the champion of the national competition in the last season, while the Ice Emperor stopped at the second place in the national competition. Naturally, the kindness and resentment is...

But fortunately, both of them are measured people. Although the strong enemy is in front of them, they can restrain themselves. At most, there is a little friction in words, and the others are not so much. Although I think this situation is a little strange for early people like them, there is nothing to explore in depth. I have nothing to do with the feud between the two schools.

Renzu said that the next time would come soon. In fact, the next afternoon, Renzu took a large group of enthusiastic teenagers to the hospital for examination.

The energetic teenagers, not to mention their appearance, are different from the quiet and depressed life of the hospital and a little fear of death, which can't help but make people look down.

Ninja quickly finished his examination. He walked in with absolute leisure, but I just felt that he must have sneaked into my ward.

I was drowsy under Shen Nange's nagging at this time. No wonder, whoever asked me to go out, he felt that my recovery speed was too fast and unreasonable. In fact, it's not that exaggerated, but he is too nervous.

Of course, before he was in the corridor, Shen Nange heard footsteps, so he became how I had to run around regardless of my physical condition...

Ninjazu greeted us and sat quietly listening to Shen Nange. He sat so casually, with a quiet appearance, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his sharp eyes covered behind the lens. Occasionally, he could see the lens reflect light. Forbearance made me feel like a vast ocean, under the calm water. There is one abys after another. If you make a mistake, you will lose your foot. Irreparable.

Why is there such a person?

Although Shen Nange is a little careful, most of the time he is a strong man. Shen Nange and Shen Lanxun are a pair of identical twins. The two look exactly the same, even in the same position as a mole. However, Shen Nange looks gentle but unconventional. In essence... Alas, Shen Lanxun looks sanctimonious and upright, but in fact, he is a real scheming. Yin people have never been soft-handed. In addition, his body is strong. Shen Nange has never played enough to Shen Lanxun.

To get back to the point, now he is obviously not the opponent of Shen Nange, but he is still young and young, only 15 years old. He will become more mature and more sophisticated due to the passage of time, and he will also have more city government. At that time, ten Shen Nange will not be enough for him to play.

I'm not as ambitious as my family, which is true.

Otherwise, why did Shen Nange dare not complain after being squeezed by Shen Lanxun for more than 20 years? Although power politics is ahead, he has also lost this time! Shen Lan sought to teach Shen Nange a lesson and never disdained the means. For him, physical attack alone is enough!

Soon, Shen Nange, who was thicker than the city wall, couldn't go on. He hurriedly said a few words as a conclusion, and told me what to pay attention to, what not to do, and not to move casually, and scolded me openly and secretly. Fortunately, I am broad-minded, so I don't have the same knowledge as him.

After being quiet for a long time, he suddenly said, "There are still two months left for the final of the East Competition. I don't know if Xiaotong can go at that time?"

can go out justly!

Shen Nange took an unhappy look and said to me in a very unhappy tone, "Don't be happy too early! Then it will take two months to go. Just wait. During this period, you have to find something for me to see if I won't let you go out.

I spit out my tongue and was seen. I looked at each other and turned my face away.

He said to Shen Nange, "Dr. Shen, I have something to discuss with you today..." He looked at me and pulled Shen Nange out with him.

The crisis is resolved.

"What's the matter?"

"I just want to ask if Dr. Shen can also serve as the assistant of our tennis department. Tennis is the most gentle and intense sport, and there are many surprises..."

Shen Nange didn't know what he was thinking. It took a long time to say, "It's not impossible, it's just..." The words behind him were far away and he couldn't hear clearly. Liu Shengtong's body is also a mortal fetus. No matter what the core is, his physical quality is there, many things can't be done, even the sensitivity Much worse. I don't know if there will be any chance to return to the previous state in the future.

After thinking about it, I feel that I am too greedy. Such days are calm. In the future, I will just take you to make a little trouble. It is not as good as before, and I don't need it. Moreover, with the previous good qualifications and abilities, it's not that he hasn't escaped his wrists, and he just needs to be careful.