The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 11 Questions

"Don't my brothers and friends hate me? If I continue to stay at Lihai University, no matter how much I avoid it, I will meet it, so what will my brother do after the conflict? Even if I don't want to do anything, who knows what others think!"

"Is that why you want to leave? If so, you can rest assured that no one will embarrass you in the future. Although you have done unforgivable things before, you have also been punished, and you have forgotten the past and written off the past.

I laughed angrily. It turned out that this is how he treated Liu Shengtong.

Where can I decide unilaterally? He doesn't even think about it. Even if I forget, I don't know anything and don't care about anything. What about those people? They have no amnesia!

"What my brother said doesn't represent them! And I haven't done it. Even if I have lost my memory, I haven't done it. Since you don't trust me so much, why do you have to keep me here? Who are you going to show me like this? Who is your relative? Brother, the closest people in your mind are them!" The last words were almost shouted by me.

Maybe for him, my words were so hurtful that he was silent.

I haven't said a word for a long time.

The ward is quieter, leaving only our breathing. I looked at him stubbornly, hoping that he would compromise like this. The more persistent he was, the more he could arouse my remaining conscience, which made me feel guilty and guilty.

Shen Nange and Shen Lan were uneasy and kind-hearted.

He seemed to have been thinking for a long time before he opened his mouth with difficulty. His voice was not bitter and even a little painful. "Xiaotong, since you think so, then stay and prove it to me! Stay in Lihai University, restore your memory and tell me that we are wrong. You have to remember it yourself.

I snorted coldly, "What's the use even if I remember it?" Before I tell the truth, you are making a lot of noise! You have chosen to believe them, so I have nothing to say. Besides, take a step back, who knows when my memory will be restored? Are you kidding! What can I think of as a fake? That's something that can't be achieved in a lifetime.

"Can't you remember or not? Is it what Dr. Shen said that you have never thought of returning to Lihai University?

Yes! Since I met the predecessors of Lihai University, I have never thought about it. Dr. Shen is right. We should not only solve the conflicts between us, but also not involve the past. The only way is for me to leave!"

Unfortunately, he always disagreed and suddenly opened the topic. "Although Dr. Shen is kind to you and better than me, he is just your attending doctor. You know, you're just his patient."

"What are you talking about? I'm his patient, what else can I do?" I didn't expect Liu Sheng's observation to be so strong! Since our rebirth, we have been trying to control it. Just when we were complacent and no one found anything abnormal, Liu Sheng actually saw through it.

However, it seems to lead him in another direction.

Think about it, few people can think of such a strange thing.

The person Shen Nange and Shen Lanxun cares about is indeed not Liu Shengtong, but another person, a person who was born in the Jing family and died in the struggle between the two families.

Jing Baosheng, a name that represents the past, those kindness and resentment, sadness and pain, as well as the grace from the family, all disappeared with the burial of the name.

Liu Sheng stubbornly squeezed his lips, as if he was annoyed. He quickly ended the topic, "Nothing. Anyway, remember, I won't promise you to stay in Tokyo. You are my sister, and I will take good care of you. As long as you are good, no one will embarrass you when you go back to school. As for Xingcun, if you don't provoke them, they won't embarrass you.

Then pushed the door and left. The back is straight and as stubborn as his people, but I feel a trace of sadness.

Leave my heart beat faster! So close!

When Liu Sheng's mother came at night, I told her about it. She just sighed and comforted me.

"Xiaotong, don't blame your brother. Let's tell him again that he is your brother after all. You are also well prepared. Your brother looks gentle, but he is more stubborn than you. It is difficult to have room for him to do anything he doesn't agree to.

Liu Sheng's father agreed to stay in Tokyo alone, but Liu Sheng's mother still objected. Maybe she hopes that Liu Sheng and I can reconcile, but as a mother, she prefers to take good care of her children.

For good, I still have some time to be discharged from the hospital, so I'm not in a hurry. I still have this kind of patience.

Besides, Liu Sheng and his wife have just agreed, and no matter how much Liu Sheng opposes Lu Shi, it is ineffective. Therefore, I should eat, sleep, and have no conscience to worry about it at all.

Because I was too relieved, I grew a little swimming ring on my body. I'm embarrassing.

Shen Nange didn't know how to see it. He pointed at me and laughed, so that I almost didn't find a hole to get in.

It's all weird. Where did the food come from so delicious that I couldn't stop eating it? When I remembered, I found that Liu Shengtong's original thin body was really fat.

So when the trace department came, I said with a sad face, "Senior, don't bring any more food!" It's not delicious at all. It's much worse than before. It's about face, so I naturally can't tell the truth.

Uncle Jibu glanced at me a few more times and said slowly, "Don't you still eat?" I dislike my things. Although I have never expected you to be gorgeous, you are too unable to support the wall. You are greedy and fat. It's because of the food given by Uncle Ben. You are too promising.

I was even more embarrassed and whispered, "Well, that's not that the food of my predecessor is too delicious. I'm still recovering from illness, how can I stand it..." I really have no face to continue to say this kind of slap.

He was laughed at again, and his clothes went away. How chic and unrestrained he was, how coquettish he was.

Tears! One or both came to laugh at me, the guys who were full and had nothing to do!

Because of gaining weight, Shen Lan and I discussed, "Should we remove the plaster in advance?" You see, I'm almost better. If I dismantle it early and rebuild it earlier, I can also leave the hospital early, right? Look, my meat has grown."

Shen Lanxun raised his head from a pile of cases, twisted his stiff neck, and said coldly, "Do you think you have fat?"

Extremely depressed! Yes!"

He looked at me carefully from beginning to end and said, "Don't worry, I haven't grown into a pig, and I can still be saved."


"Do you think it's okay to remove the plaster early?"

The man still had a sanctimonious and righteous face and said leisurely, "It's not impossible, but I can't think of any reason for you to dismantle it earlier!"

"You don't want to! If you want to tear it down, who can stop you?

He smiled brightly and made my hair stand on end. "Do you want me to pay for what you eat?"

I stiffened my neck and said, "You are my attending doctor!"

"You hurt your leg. Do you want me to repeat it again?" His smile remained unchanged, and my back was so cold that I finally dared not talk back.

He got up and put on his gloves. "Go** lie down, let me see!"

I pretended to protect my chest in horror, "What do you want to do? I'm still a minor!"


I smiled, "Dr. Shen doesn't need it. Don't bother you to get old! I will definitely eat less in the future. Don't worry, I swear!"

"I said, lie down!"

The protest is invalid! The world is full of power politics, and there is no one less than him!

His hand swam in my abdomen, and his face became more and more ugly. He asked with a blue face, "How much did you eat?"

I was stared and answered honestly, "There's not much! Even if you often come here with snacks, you haven't finished eating them. But recently, I always feel hungry, but I can't eat!"

"What's in your stomach is not digested. It looks like gaining weight.

"How come?"

"Rebirth after death is supposed to be against the sky, and we are still too careless. I'll discuss with Feimo first. You don't eat recently. Maybe..." He seemed to think of something, stopped and said, "Is your period normal?"

I was thrilled, "I've never had a period!"

"This is so abnormal!"

hesitated, "Maybe Liu Shengtong doesn't have a period at all?" I am weak.

His eyes fell straight on his mature chest, and his eyes were obscure. I don't even believe this explanation!

He thought for a moment, "Isn't it...? Impossible, the Jing family's secret art has never failed! The ancestors had a precedent and successfully resurrected. Our steps are right. What's wrong?

Shen Lanxun said that in the history of the Jing family, there was once a man, that is, my great-great-great-grandfathers. His lover died in an accident and had no choice but to find a person who matches his lover with the possibility of divine punishment, pulled away his soul and resurrect his lover.

Although such an act was finally punished by God, he did succeed. His lover did not show any rejection at all. He lived like an ordinary person for a period of time, if not by God's punishment.

In order to avoid my divine punishment, Fei Mo and the others waited for two years when they found Liu Shengtong and waited for her to die naturally before making a move.

However, the reality is in front of me, and I do have a problem.

"Is it because I didn't come back immediately?" After staying in the lotus ring for two years, he may be affected. "So there is a serious exclusion?"

"Impossible!" Shen Lanxun said categorically without any hesitation. The lotus ring itself has the effect of protecting the soul, and when I came out, the soul was not damaged at all!

"Didn't you find anything unusual yourself?"

"None! I was stunned by Liu Sheng!"

"Let's take a look first! I will discuss it with Feimo!"

Shen Lanxun gave me some medicine, expelling the food accumulated in his body, and endured the nausea. I pulled it open and looked carefully, and followed up exactly the same!

Shen Lanxun listened, and his face was so dark that he could drip ink!

The three of them failed to discuss for a long time. Feimo returned to the Jing family, and the result was even more disappointing. The Jing family did not keep such a record at all.

Just when we were worried, I was like a nothing happened. With the body temperature of a normal person, the leg injury also heals under the effect of the Jing family's secret medicine. Except for not daring to eat, the whole person is no different from a normal person!

I dare not move the things brought by the trace. Feimo said that I looked like a blood clan and looked like a normal person, but as long as it was a spiritual body, it must absorb strength. There was no way to laugh at ordinary plants. He suggested using an elixir for me to try.

I didn't expect it to be absorbed normally.

No one knows what's going on and doesn't dare to play a role. They can only feed me those treasures. Shen Nange looks like an ordinary meal to hide people's eyes and ears.

Shen Lanxun's whole body exudes a dangerous atmosphere that strangers are not allowed to enter at all times. Because of me, the silver in his pocket runs faster than running water.

Fortunately, the problem is temporarily under control, but you must leave Liu Sheng's house quickly.