The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 16 Girls

So you want to provoke the war between me and Ida?! If I am Liu Shengtong, whether I amnesiac or not, I will hold a grudge against Yi Tian because of this, but I am Baosheng. Naturally, I will not be fooled when I see her subtle expression changes.

Girls of this age don't stop at all.

"All's it!" I made a stop gesture, "Say something. Are you tired of going around?" I was impatient and angry, and I acted just right.

It seems that she should believe it, and she also said directly, "You are not allowed to set foot in the tennis department again."

"Do you have the final say?" I laughed angrily and asked.

"You will know whether I tell you or not. I can only advise you that it's up to you whether to do it or not. However, I can't guarantee the consequences." With a bad smile, he left with a group of menatical girls.

I blew the wind alone on the rooftop, with blue clouds and blue sky, quiet and peaceful. In the distance, there are buildings and streets, which are full of voices and lively. A little further away, there are vast fields, green and comfortably stretching, growing vigorously on this land.

One day a few months ago, Liu Shengtong also fell from here under such a blue sky.

I feel lonely like never before.

In the afternoon, Liu Sheng still took me to the tennis department. I found a place to play games as usual, read books, quietly and without saying a word, and never watched the teenagers play tennis again. The excitement is theirs, and loneliness is their own.

The footsteps sounded and it was getting closer and closer. I had to look up and see Sanada looking at me condescendingly. There is a faint and concealed disgust in his eyes.

"Senior Sanada, what's the matter?"

"Hmm." Even such a simple answer, it is with his unique tough style.

"What's the matter?"

Sanada sat down beside me. Even if he sat casually with his legs bent, he had a way to sit straight and neatly.

"A little farther away from Xia Shi in the future. Don't get too close."

I think it's funny. "You should say this to Xia Shi. It doesn't work if you tell me."

"You just need to remember. You will drag her down. She can't bear friends like you anymore.


He left without answering me.

I'm ridiculous. What day is it? They all come to "remind" me one by one. Am I too quiet to become easy to bully? That's enough.

Walk with King Liu Shengren in the evening. Ren Wang still looked shabbly, "It turns out that quiet is just an appearance. How long has it been? Are you going to toss again?"

I didn't bother to pay attention to him and lowered my head to go my own way.

"Wh! His temper hasn't changed at all.

Liu Sheng also said, "Little pupil!" There is a strong warning outside the words.

I'm happy, "What day is it today? Why is everyone like an appointment?

"What are you talking about?" I didn't see Liu Sheng's expression, but when I heard this, I could think of Liu Sheng's frown and disapproval.

"Nothing. What can I do? As soon as I move, someone will say that I'm going to toss again! Who am I going to toss? As long as my brother doesn't take me to the tennis department, everyone is quiet. It's better not to leave me alone. I'll move to Tokyo after a while.

"Little pupil!"


He walked forward quickly with his bag on his back, pretending not to hear Liu Sheng calling me behind his back.

In the next few days, Xia Shi was still close to me, and I didn't refuse. It's one thing that I want to alienate Xia Shi, but it's another thing to force me. If this is what Sanada hopes for, I don't mind adding obstacles to them without affecting my plan.

Liu Sheng still took me to the tennis department. Anyway, I can't resist him. Let him go. Those girls' words and Sanada's words don't have to be taken seriously.

The weekend is the day of competition. Without Xingcun, these people train harder in order to win the championship of the Kanto Competition and make gifts for Xingcun Jingshi to be discharged from the hospital.

Everyone is tired of seeing each other, but this heart is enough to move me.

These days, I am more conscious. Those who eat together at noon will never say a word. They will sit down and eat. After eating, they will leave. They will find a place with few good people's vision and stay honestly. They don't find faults for them, and they don't even look at their joint practice. Inscapable of them feeling uncomfortable and affecting the effect.

Xia Shi was warm-hearted and complained to me every day like this, but she didn't bother her brother with this sensiblely. I only listened to her and kept nodding, but I didn't pay attention to it.

On the day of the game, Liu Sheng wanted me to go to see it.

I said, "Brother, you have to concentrate on the game. If I go, I will only distract you. It's better not to go. Besides, my brother should know that my brother's companions also don't like me.

Liu Sheng looked at me for a long time, as if he had never known me. After a while, he said goodbye to me and left.

I was bored at home and didn't watch it on TV. Liu Sheng's mother gave me money, and then sent me out to the door in a few words and let me play by myself. "Young people shouldn't spend time at home like an old lady."

I have no choice but to be swept out of the house, so I have to go out.

I don't want to go anywhere. Because of my deliberate intention, most of the students in the school have become unfamiliar, and there is only Xia Shi. However, in today's game, she will definitely go to cheer for Sanada or something. Her sister, the deputy minister, is different from me. Most people in the tennis department like her. Even the strong Yi Tian saw her and had to avoid her sharpness.

is much better than me.

I was wandering aimlessly in the street, so I called me. Ask me where I am.

I said, "I'm walking on the street!"

"Do you have any plans?"


"I told you last time, would you like to come and play in our school game today?"

"Okay, it's okay anyway."

When I thought he was going to cut off the phone, he said, "Nan Ge is also in Kanagawa Prefecture. Come with him."

I immediately had a big head, "When did it happen?"

"He hasn't come back."

"Okay, I know. I'll go to him, but it's not certain whether I can find it or not."

"Well, thank you."

I immediately called Shen Nange, and this time the call was finally connected, "What the hell is going on with you? I want to die, don't I? Shen Lanxun is still in Japan. You still want to be beaten and lie down for ten days and a half months! Also, what's wrong with it? Didn't you just start? Why did you hide here with oil on the soles of your feet? ......”


Finally, the last question, "Where is it now? I'm in front of the ramen restaurant on XX Street. Hurry up and roll over.


I hung up the phone with a snap, and my heart was so comfortable! Shen Nange, Shen Nange, you also have today! Unexpectedly, it was found by a minor! Aren't you awesome? Have you met the nemesis?

I gloated once, and before I was happy, Shen Nange came over.

Wearing a black T-shirt from nowhere, messy hair on his head, and loose hip-hop jeans, he is like a street gangster.

I can't describe how I feel at this moment, "God,... how can I get you out of my hand?"

"No one called you."

I sneered three times, "Do you bother to soak in your gentle hometown? I'm really sorry!"

He knocked on the two chestnuts, "How did you talk?" I haven't seen you for a few days, and you're so weird. Can you do it in the long run?

Kun off his hand and didn't bother to talk nonsense with him. "Do you have two choices first, come with me or follow me?"


"Let's go! Do you really want Shen Lan to come to you and beat you to death? To tell you the truth, how do you know that you are in Kanagawa? - I don't know, your family told me."

He finally looked a little human and frowned, "What's good? I can't stand it and it's nothing."

"Yo! Look at your maintenance, did I say that it was forbearance?


"Where have you been? Such a virtue! If you want to have character, no character, no demeanor. If I can endure it enough, I will turn around and leave at the first sight.

"What are you fooling around? Baosheng, your memory is still 17 or 18 years old? I just felt so annoyed that I didn't do anything smoothly. I didn't care about the destination in the car. I don't know why I got to get to this place. I wanted to have a drink. I met a little boy at the door, - Don't fight! - I didn't do anything to him, ah - damn girl, hiss, gently - endless, do you still listen to me? I met a little boy at the door, the child who borrowed my clothes. He was quite beautiful, -- eh, listen! I'm not hungry. Anyone can do it.

I sneered, "Your credit has already gone bankrupt!"

"Go! I saw him at the door and didn't intend to pay attention to it. Unexpectedly, he pestered me and vomited me without saying anything and still entangled with me. I can't argue with a drunkard, right? Then I helped him go back to his house, and I recognized it as a good deed.

"As a result, he woke up when he arrived at his house, apologized to me and helped me take off my clothes. Er, he wanted to wash it - I had never seen such an enthusiastic person, and it was simply cheap. Then I didn't wake up and stayed in a muddle. Later, I saw that the boy was not bad. The family environment was good, so I lived there. Anyway, there is Shen Lanxun, and there is nothing worse!" After saying that, he sighed, as if he had been forced to submit.

"Don't mention Shen Lanxun, I want to smoke you!"

"You don't want to smoke me for a day or two!"


When he arrived in Tokyo, he first returned to Shen Nange's stronghold. Although the two did not deal with it, they still lived together, which was mostly Shen Lanxun's intention.

After cleaning up a little, Shen Nange came out and looked like a dog again.

Then I saw Shen Nange come out with his T-shirt and jeans in his hand. I asked, "Why don't you throw it away? It's so dirty!"

"I want to change it back for others. What can I do if I throw it away!"

Then Shen Nange sent the clothes to the dry cleaner. In front of the shopkeeper's very surprised eyes, I intuitively felt ashamed, "Why don't you just wash them yourself?"

Shen Nange smiled and said, "Actually, I also want to wash it myself, but I'm afraid that if I wash it out, it will become a piece of cloth. To be on the safe hand, it's still done by professionals. Social division of labor, should we do this?"

Can you be more shameless?