The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 74 Is it redemption or disaster

"Hmm! Not bad, please remember me." The bright face, with an expression smelly than the pit, returned strangely. I didn't know what to say.

But now it's saved. With him, Youmu Xun can fight.

In consideration, Qianxu, who suddenly appeared on the window sill, moved, and the silver needle as thin as a cow's light, which was invisible to the naked eye, flew out. It was much thinner than what I had hidden in the bracelet before. However, the secluded wood body was vigorous. As soon as he rolled on the ground, he left Qianxu's attack range. But you can hear the silver needle inserted into the floor, and the dull sound of "agdus" is like an iron smashing on the floor.

I'm in a cold sweat. Isn't this boy going to attack indiscriminately? My current force value is almost zero...

For good, Qianxu is trying to force the wood away.

As soon as Youmu moved, Qian Xu quickly stood beside me. Facing the tiger staring of Youmu over there, he easily turned around and said to me, "I'll calculate this account when I'm free. I'll remember it now."

I nodded hurriedly, "Okay, okay!" As long as you take away the wood now, you can let me jump into the pit of fire. Anyway, promise first, whether you want to do it or not, then... hey!

When Feimo comes back, I'll see what you do with me.

Youmu retreated from the gentleness of the past, and his face was calm, like a pool of stagnant water. "Mu Qianxu, you have left the Jing family now. Why do you have to interfere in this? I'll take it as if I didn't see what happened today. Go back to see Mu'an and say hello to him for me.

Youmu said this well. I really didn't find that he is quite diplomatic.

What do you mean by not seeing it? I don't understand that it is a threat. Speaking of Mu'an, isn't it just to warn Qianxu that he has judged the Jing family and is now a member of the Mu family. Don't care about me, the former master?

Unfortunately, Qianxu was not so simple. He only heard him say, "Youmu, no, Master Duanmu, you will be out of this. Baosheng is the fiancee of the master of my family and the future master's wife of the Mu family. The order given to me is to protect him. Even if Qianxu is blind, I will definitely swear to carry it out. I dare not slack off at all.

"Then there's no need to talk nonsense! Jing Baosheng, I'm going to make a deal."

"I will accompany you to the end."

Seeing that they were lively, I cut the palm of my hand with a scalpel, and the pain of tearing made me more awake. Taking a breath, I staggered from the ground and stood up and avoided their fighting range.

When Youmu saw me leave, he came to stop me many times, but he was blocked by Qianxu, so I was able to escape.

Blood dripping from the palm of the hand, I don't know how much was wasted. Although people usually lose 10% before they have adverse reactions, they have been injured one after another recently, not many times, but for me today, every drop of blood is extremely precious for a body without hematopoietic function.

If you want to do this now, it's too extravagant to make yourself happy to waste like this.

It's a pity that I don't have a choice.

There is also a person next door who is likely to be in danger.

If ordinary people return, the key is that this person is likely to be Shen Nange's future partner. Even if I abolish myself, I can't let Shen Nange experience such pain - Qianxu's betrayal made Shen Nange almost crazy - absolutely can't let him experience a second pain.

stumbled into the door, and the woman's slowly cooling body was still on the ground. The blood around her flowed all over the ground, making the floor bright red and the person fell into a coma.

I checked the wound carefully. The shot hurt the thigh artery. No wonder it quickly made him so weak.

I didn't dare to hesitate any longer. I rummaged through the box and found the medicine, poured a life-saving one and fed him first. However, he had fainted and could only jam his chin and stuff it into his mouth. Fortunately, the medicine melted in the mouth, closed his mouth, raised his chin slightly, and the medicine slid down his throat. Then a large bottle of hemostatic medicine was poured on the wound. The Jing family's product must be good. Soon the wound solidified and the blood gradually stopped.

The bullet is still embedded in his thigh. If Shen Nange or Shen Lanxun doesn't come back, it may leave him with sequelae. Then his future sports career... I can't imagine that now I can only save his life first.

My blood is mixed with his blood, and the smell of blood in my nose has been numb.

I picked up the phone and called Shen Lanxun. Listening to the prompt sound on the phone, my nose was sore. I suddenly seemed to see the trace department, and I had never thought of him so much.

Shen Lanxun answered the phone, "How's your side?" His breathing was heavy, and he went up and down regularly, as if he were running.

Qianxu and Youmu Xun next door are resisting hard. I don't know the strength of Youmu Xun, but I dare to say that there are few of his opponents in the ancient clan. I'm not worried about this. "I've been injured. Now I've lost consciousness and bled a lot. I'm afraid he won't be able to exercise again..."

To be imperred in our affairs, tolerance is to encounter a reckless disaster.

Shen Lan said, "I'll be there in a minute." Then I hung up the phone in a hurry.

I sat next to Renzu, holding my knees with both hands, and the wound on my hand had been sprinkled with powder. At this time, I didn't need too much reason. Sitting silently and looking at the old man, who used to be so energetic, is now lying here dead, which is a disaster caused by us.

For good, I had already agreed with Jibu to let him stay away from me in advance, otherwise, I would not have calmed down like this.