The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 118 Unexpected "Joy"

The celebration party of the Ice Emperor Tennis Department.

The trace opened the champagne, and the soda with gas made it everywhere like a factor of joy, falling on the sincere smiles one by one, joy and satisfaction.

The boys are coaxed, and the gameplay is quite wild and has no scruples. Even the two gods of trace and ninja have suffered - at this time, no one has taken care of the consequences, and it is rare to tease the usually high track and ninja. Naturally, they will not let go. Whoever let go is a fool!!

The stupid kind!

is a serious supervision, and the corners of his eyes are also stained with a smile. Then, a touch of cake is across his face. As soon as the originator took action, he jumped far and looked at the supervisor's face with a smile.

There are two, and people's courage will also be infected. Seeing that the supervision is unmatched by the four hands, they should be overwhelmed. The neat and decent high-end customized suit is full of traces of cream.


The shadow of Qingxue left on the head of the Ice Emperor has faded. At this moment, the long-depressed department members don't care how many consequences they have, just enjoy themselves now - there is no such opportunity to make them fool around.

If you don't play at this time, when will it be?

The shadow of youth on the head of the Ice Emperor is far stronger than we thought.

Just now, everything can be put aside and enjoy it to your heart's content.

The laughter echoed above our heads, and in the end, the supervisor was reluctant to scold people, so he could only wipe the cake with a strong warning not to fool around.

But in the end, he can't stand up by himself.

Boys have boys' gameplay, and girls naturally have girls' gameplay.

Although girls can also let go, after all, they are the age when they are ladies and refuse to take a wrong step. In such a relaxing moment, they will also smile and watch the boys fight.

I'm happy but expressed it in another way.

Kaoruko Takeuchi was very happy and poured low-grade red wine into her stomach one cup after another. "I'm happy! After working so hard for so long, I finally asked Xu Fei's design. Haha, from today on, I won't follow the plot!!!"

The last few words are more like her muttering, whispering almost inaudible.

"Looking at Kikukawa's appearance, I feel stupid, as stupid as me. Don't you think so?" She looked at me with confused eyes, "I knew that in your eyes, we are all stupid!"

I answered vaguely, prevented Takeuchi from drinking, invited the waiter, and called her juice. "Even if there is too much low-grade wine, it will hurt your body. It's better for you to drink some juice."

"You are very calm." She looked at me strangely, "I thought you were more concerned about winning or losing this game!"

What do I care about?

It has nothing to do with me. What do I care about? But it's the icing on the cake. If it's more, it's good. If it's less, I won't feel sorry.

It's just that he will feel sorry for the trace department, what he cares about.

Today, in the match between Echizenjun and Renzu, Echizenjun had no power to fight back in front of Renzu, and did not intend to hide his clumsiness from beginning to end. There is no need for that.

Even if you can't use any spiritual power.

His ability has reached a peak and does not require external force.

is the strong imitation ability of Yue Qianjun, and he can't bear to respond to all changes. Strong power is the king's way.

At the moment when the referee announced the promotion of the Ice Emperor, the whole youth school was like an eggplant beaten by frost, completely gone down and was full of confidence to enter the field.

From my standpoint, I am more concerned about the victory of the Ice Emperor and the honor of the Ice Emperor. However, I think it is a pity that this child can go further...

At the end of my memory, looking at Takeuchi waiting for my answer seriously, I suddenly felt very balanced. This person is really a simpler person than me.

"Actually, I still care about what I care about. But if you care more, I'm definitely not as good as them. He smiled faintly and didn't speak much clearly.

Fortun�, after all, Takeuchi has been in the big family for so long and has not investigated.

Turned a topic, slightly on the lower jaw, and towards the defense line of the trace department, "Look, even if I don't think of the trace department, there are many rivals in you?"

At the trace department, several girls have been surrounded, looking very attentive.

I remembered that Shen Nange said that there were girls who sent things during the game. This kind of thing······

Although it depends on whether the trace department is willing or not, but there are many times, the trace department can't give face to the headquarters, and the trace department is becoming more and more dazzling. More and more girls notice this person... I can't say, there are also men,

It has been dazzling in the past, but it will only be more dazzling in the future.

I have a headache!

At this moment, a familiar figure walked to the trace department.

Wearing a pure white dress, big eyes, fair skin, soft long hair behind the head, weak willow Fufeng's slender waist, I immediately felt that something was wrong.

How can this man come thousands of miles from the mainland?

Bao'er, Yue Bao'er, this woman doesn't want to follow her mother's old path, does she?! Damn it!

I was restless, but I still didn't move, and I coldly watched how to deal with it.

The trace department didn't let me down. When Yue Baoer approached, he had seen her. Before she could express her feelings, he said coldly, "Why did you appear here?" The trace department has never left room for girls.

Takeuchi smiled and was full of bitterness. "I'm a little close to the girl. As a result, I'm only special to you. I'm really dead now."

"Oh." My thoughts are all on Yue Baoer and Jibu, and I don't pay much attention to it.

Takeuchi looked at me with a little resentment. "Don't worry, I won't make trouble, but I'd like to see where you and Jibu can go - with the intervention of his mother."

With that, he was a little gloating. His whole body seemed to shake off the burden and smile, which was very dazzling and charming, full of vitality.

I couldn't take care of her, so I whispered "sorry" and went to the trace department.

He took his hand and said bluntly to Yue Baoer, who was about to cry, "I'm sorry! The person you like is already mine, so don't waste your time. Go home and cry."

Yue Baoer really cried out and choked, "What do you mean? Jingwu is obviously my fiance! Jingwu, do you want to go back on the marriage contract made by Uncle Jibu's mother?

I disliked the huge waves in my heart, and I looked fiercely at the same unknown trace department and said, "That's really boring. I'm the girlfriend of the trace department now. As for my fiancee or something, I haven't heard of it. Isn't it, the trace department?"

"I don't know what fiancee is, I don't know who you are, and I don't know where the female cat came from. I can't stand it and don't let anyone throw it out! It's annoying!"

I'm a little satisfied.

Yue Baoer's tears were generally scattered out for free. Before leaving, she looked at the farewell look of the trace department. She didn't know how much she loved the trace department. God knew that the trace department only saw her this summer vacation.

Secretly gritting his teeth, what on earth is this person playing?

He has been dominating the trail in front of everyone. The trace department is also very cooperative.

As soon as the banquet was over, I threw away the trail and left. My heart seemed to hold a fire, which made me feel uncomfortable everywhere, but I couldn't vent it. At this time, no one wanted to pay attention to it.

As soon as I go to school tomorrow, someone will know that I have robbed someone else's fiance, and their family background is better than mine. What's more, they are more sympathetic.

Is Yue Baoer and Mrs. Jibu's calculation to make public opinion fall on their side?

It's really easy to calculate!

What on earth did I do to get here?

Isn't it just like a person? Why is it endless? When I'm bullied, isn't it?

When he got home, he said to Shen Nange, "Try, check for me, who is so shameless! Dare to rob me!"

Shen Nange did not move.

"What's wrong? Can't I call you now?"

Shen Nange said lazily, "You can't call me now. It's impossible for me to investigate, but sir said that if we help you, you are ready to meet the Jing family directly.


"You heard it correctly, sir. He has never liked Jibu.

I was silent, and my father always said so.

took a few deep breaths, and the anger in my heart was slightly suppressed. Then he said, "What can I say? I won't ask you little by little!"

"It's a little troublesome. However, in a few days, Duanmu will come here to see you.



"Are you hiding something from me?"


"Can't say it?"

"I said that the person who went back to Jing's house was me. My forbearance hasn't let the Jing family meet yet. I won't be so stupid.

I jumped up and fought with him, "You forget your love and friends! ······”


When Renzu and Jibu came back, Shen Nange and I had already drumming and withdrew our troops, occupying a corner of the sofa and watching TV.

I waved to them, "Is it coming?"

He endured and said, "Nothing happened?"

I smiled and said lightly, "What do you want to happen?"

He endured and said, "It's good if you don't have it."

Jibu said, "My mother and the people of the Yue family have contacted each other. She hopes that the business of our Jibu family will develop in the mainland, and the people of the Yue family will naturally be the target of her.


He rubbed his forehead with a headache. "This is very troublesome. My father agrees with his mother's approach. However, my father doesn't want me to take a mainlander.

I calmly changed the channel and said lightly, "Really? What are you going to do?"

He snatched and said, "Let's drag it first. How long can it be? We still don't know what the other side's cards are. What do you think, Baosheng?

I laughed and said, "You are all well thought out, and I naturally agree. Don't worry, I'm not ignorant all the time, and I will never drop the chain at the critical moment.

Shen Nange sneered, "You will only cut the chain before the critical moment."

I put down the remote control and said, "I'm sleepy. I'll go to bed first. You have to rest early and have class tomorrow.

The next day, the trace department did not come to school.

Forbearance said that Mrs. Jibu pulled Jibu and asked him to entertain guests. In fact, she asked him to accompany Yue Baoer.

The forbearance is very clear, "In the human world, the ancient world also follow the rules. The Yue family's business is still good in China. It was only when Mrs. Jibu took a fancy to this that she agreed to Yue Baoer's request.

He looked at me deeply and then continued, "Here, the gap between Liu Shengtong and Yue Baoer is just like the gap between Yue Baoer and Jing Baosheng in the ancient world - all this depends on your social status."

I know what I haven't finished. He said that if I can bear it, I have to endure it. Even if I don't want to, I can't use the power of the ancient world without the support of my father and Jing Mingyue.

I have to agree that the surname Yue mentioned by my father is really malicious.

I soon saw this social status surprise.

On Wednesday, Liu Sheng's mother received an invitation from Mrs. Jibu.

The banquet of Jibu's family is scheduled for Friday.

Liu Sheng's mother was very happy, "It should be Mrs. Jibu who wants to see you, that's why she is so formal. Good daughter, you are going to get married so soon. Mom is really reluctant to give up."

When receiving the invitation, Liu Sheng's mother was busy and wanted to make me a set of amazing clothes. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time, so I had to ask for leave to go to the mall to choose a dress.

Looking at Liu Sheng's mother's busy and happy figure, I couldn't say anything, and my mouth seemed to contain lotus seeds. I can't open my mouth.

On Friday, Jibu's family sent a car to Liu Sheng's house to pick up people.

Liu Sheng's father Liu Sheng's mother Liu Sheng is better than Lu Shi. Everyone is dressed up and waiting to go together.

But the driver said, "Madam only asked us to invite Mrs. Liu Sheng and Miss Liu Sheng." No one else.

I really want to crash the car door. I won't wait for it, but I have to leave some room, so I said, "If my father and brother don't go, I don't want to go."

The driver smiled and said, "The ladies are all invited, and the men are no longer within the scope of invitation."

I don't buy it.

I wanted to forget it. Anyway, it didn't have much impact on me. If I went there, I would make fun for them, but Liu Sheng's mother insisted.

"This is still about your life. Don't be imprude."

That's what Liu Sheng's father means.

Liu Sheng said, "Although I don't like the trace department, there must be a reason for his mother to do so. Xiaotong, don't be capricious.

Everyone talks hard, but I have become the most wayward one.

When she entered the venue, only women attended - at this point, with the pride of Mrs. Jibu, she still disdained to lie.

Mrs. Jibu smiled gently, as if she didn't have our quite strange and discord before. She took my hand and didn't let go, and she also took more care of Liu Sheng's mother.

I don't know what she thought for a moment.

When Yue Baoer and her mother came out, I really knew that none of the women in this circle were fuel-efficient lamps.

This can be known from Mrs. Jibu's attitude towards them.

When Mrs. Jibu saw them coming, the smile on her face was much more enthusiastic, not as formal as she saw us.

This is how Mrs. Jibu introduced me to Yue Baoer and her son. "This is my goddaughter, a child that Jibu likes very much, but don't worry. They are as close as brothers and sisters. Baoer, don't be wrongly jealous."

Liu Sheng's mother immediately changed her face. The ruddy color of the face seemed to evaporate clean in an instant.

The ladies around echoed, but like me and Jibu are really brothers and sisters, they have admired how good my relationship with Jibu's brother and sister is.

Yue Baoer also smiled shyly, took my hand and laughed, "How come. My sister is so cute that it's too late for me to hurt. How can I be jealous? Isn't that right, sister-sister?"

Yue Baoer is 25 years old, but she has been weak and sickly since childhood and has been born prematurely. She looks very young and only 18 or 19 years old. No wonder I can hide it from Mrs. Jibu and think it's really eighteen or nineteen years old.

I felt that she held my weak and boneless hand like the most stinging scorpion, which made my heart hurt.

But I still have to laugh. Liu Sheng's mother looked at me with worries.

I can only laugh.

"I don't know about this, just look at yourself."

Yue Baoer smiled and leaned forward, as if whispering, and her lips fell to my ear. "What do you think of the lady next to you knowing that you are not Liu Shengtong?"

My heart fluttered.

Liu Sheng's mother's body is so weak, if she knows that the real Liu Shengtong is gone...

In my ear, Mrs. Jibu and Yue Baoer's mother were talking, "Look at them like that, I don't know. Do you really think they are sisters?"

"That's it. Baoer has been weak since he was a child, and it is rare to have a sincere friend. He can cherish it.

Yue Baoer continued, "Jing Baosheng, I won't live long anyway. I'm just here to disgust you. How about it? I'm not doing well. No one can think that I'm better than me.

She distanced us and winked at me, "Sister-sister, I'm going to give you a gift. You won't refuse, will you?"

did not ask for my opinion, but only smiled at me.

Yue Baoer's mother smiled, "Look, I said that Bao'er is the most sincere."

Who said no? Such a kind person. Crystal-clear, but heartbreaking. Jingwu is also a considerate child. She is the most considerate of my goddaughter.

Put the two together intentionally or unintentionally, as if there was no connection.

Everyone present is tacit.

I don't know what this gift is. But I dare not act rashly.

At this time, even if Yue Baoer gave me a bomb, I would follow it.

She didn't give me a bomb. But she gave me something more horrible than a bomb.

Mu'an is here.

As one of the two cooperative enterprises of the Jibu family and Yue family.

Mu'an, who once lived in the ordinary world, deeply knows how terrible the power is in the ordinary world, just like the power of the ancient world.

As soon as Mu An came in, he knelt down at my feet like a real prince, and his high-end customized trousers were not seen at all. "Xiao Tong, I have been in love with you for a long time. Can you accept me?"

sincere feelings, noble identity, and most importantly, they appeared like a common savior when I was most embarrassed... I clearly knew that this was their trap. Even so--

Liu Sheng's mother's face turned red. In her opinion, am I blessed by misfortune?

I seemed to see countless crawling corpses under Mu'an's knees, spreading from my knees little by little, drowning me...