The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 138 in the game without knowing

I don't want to go to school because I'm in a bad mood.

I asked for leave for help and didn't ask much. I only asked Shen Nange to take good care of me.

My father went back that day and didn't say anything. However, since Jing Mingyue and I were solved, my father must not be able to go back to my mother.

The two of them are very strange. Obviously, they are not together for love at all. At this age, they are even more inseparable, which makes me red. Not to mention Jing Mingyue.

For this reason, he also came to me to complain.

"Do you think it is possible for father and mother to be a resentful couple before, but I don't know why my father got involved with an ordinary person. My mother got married in anger. Later, the two regretted it and tossed and tossed together."

I deeply thought so and touched my chin and nodded, "Maybe that Yue is a poor transitional product?"

"Of course - impossible!" Jing Mingyue shouted at me righteously, "Who is your mother? Will she ignore the interests of her family for the sake of a moment? Let's start joking!"

We haven't come to a conclusion about the real truth, but we don't need it.

The mother's generation has their own solution. It's good for us to be a spectator. Those things buried deep in the soil will never be explored with the arrival of spring.

We have our own life, with what we want to encounter, meet, and meet. In the final analysis, we don't have to care too much. As long as we are good, "Father and mother will be happy, right, Jing Mingyue? By the way, when will you get married?

Jing Mingyue was silent for a while and said, "Children don't care about adults. Wash and sleep!"

hang up.

I looked at the sunlight coming in through the window with a black line on my face, with a thriving vitality - this is the morning!

I often don't show up at school. Eight thousand grass has been used to it for a long time, but today I specially called, "What's wrong with you? The school will eat you!"

"It's okay. I'm in a bad mood." Let me tell the truth.

Baqiancao is quite jealous, "You are really open-opened. You can not go to school if you are in a bad mood. However, if I experience such a thing..." I didn't hear the muttering after that clearly.

Ask again, she is directly perfunctory. Then changed the topic, "Hey! Do you know? He has been in contact with that woman, and our school is all boiling after knowing it.


"Oh? What are you? Is this the reflection? Shouldn't you be surprised to ask me what's going on? No, I should have asked you, "What's going on?"

"How do I know. I've been at home recently and haven't been anywhere. I didn't even set foot outside the community.

"Okay. I'm surprised why Jibu insists. Obviously, he doesn't like you more, does he?

Do you like me more?

"What do you mean?"

I heard that the other party wants to terminate the marriage contract. However, the trace department seems to have persisted and doesn't want to retreat. What the hell is going on?

"I don't know. You can ask the trace department himself.

"I went crazy! Forget it. You are in a good mood, and I still have to inquire about it. It's not that I'm talking about you, an outdated ex-girlfriend. Do you have to look forward? There are many good men in this world. Don't die. Although the trace department is good, it is not worth doing this for him!"

I suddenly sighed.

He lowered his head and wiped away his tears.

God, how can I have so many people appeared beside me, laughing and crying with me.

After a few days, I didn't want to go to school and didn't know what to do, so I went out to wander around. Unexpectedly, I received a phone call from Xia Shi, "I want to talk to you."

What can I say? Naturally, I can't refuse.

Xia Shiyue was in a cafe. She ordered two cups of Blue Mountain, which had a mellow taste, but unfortunately I didn't like it very much. For me, such bitterness is really unnecessary. So I added a lot of milk candy.

Xia Shi was stunned and realized for a long time, "It turns out that it's really different."

I'm calling coffee, and I can't hear it clearly. "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing." She took a sip of coffee to cover it up, "Aren't you going back to Kanagawa?" Yi Tian has already left.

"I don't plan. It's boring to go back. It's better to stay here. After graduating from junior high school, I'll go abroad for a walk. Well, let's live a different life.

Is that right? I thought you would like it."

"I didn't know much before, but now I definitely don't like it. I know it very well."

Xia Shi looked at me, clenched his fist without knowing it, and his eyes were full of sadness.

She closed her eyes, opened them again, and said in a low voice, "Tell me, are you her?"

"Is it her? Which one is her?

Xia Shi pointed to my cup and said, "You have always only drink black coffee. You said that only such bitterness can relieve your pain a little. Not to mention adding sugar to the quilt.

I stirred the coffee and didn't say anything.

"You used to wear brightly colored clothes, but now you only like these fresh colors.

"When you are nervous, you will unconsciously grasp the clothes. After that incident, when you are nervous, you can't see it at all.

"You are not Xiaotong at all. Who the hell are you?"

I am calm and calm. "Many times, people's habits will be slowly formed because of thinking. After amnesia, it won't be long before I arrive in Tokyo and live with different people, which will be naturally affected. Moreover, it is normal for me to change my habits when my memory is blank.

"No! You talk nonsense. A person's memory will disappear, but the habits of the body will never disappear. Even if it is affected, it will not be so thorough! Who the hell are you?"

"Xia Shi. You are so excited." I raised my eyelids and looked at her. "Maybe I gradually became estranged from you after that, and your memory of me still stays in the past. But I don't know that I'm not the person I used to be."

I took a sip of the already sweet coffee and smiled bitterly, "After so much experience, I can't still be the original me?"

Xia Shi's tears flowed down his cheeks, "Why is that? Why stay away from me? We are not best friends, are we? We used to have so many memories. It doesn't matter if you don't remember. We can slowly find them back, can't we?

"Xia Shi, the past has long passed. I don't know what's going on. When we react, we will no longer be able to go back to the past. You already have your own new life and new friends. It's unreasonable for me to hold you away, isn't it?"

Similarly, I also have my own life. It is impossible for me to get along well with Liu Shengtong's friends, love each other, meet, say hello and nod because of guilt.

Trapped in a person's memory is the saddest thing.

She just felt sorry and didn't really want to find that person. Liu Shengtong lives in her memory, which is enough.

Maybe after a long time, when she can remember that there is such a person who spends a happy girl's time with her. Liu Shengtong will be very meaningful in this world.

Moreover, not only Sanada Natsumi, but also Liu Shengtong's family. The past I "forgotten" has been preserved in my memory and has been renewed for a long time.

Natsuji Sanada silently immersed in sadness. This time, she confirmed that she would probably really let go.

If you find friends with similar interests in the future, this scar will almost be erased.

Then go to the counter to pay the bill.

Turning around, I saw a man standing behind me in a purple windbreaker. And around Xia Shi, there was also a beautiful boy comforting him and making her laugh.

Politely nodded, staggered, and left.

Jibu took a look at Xia Shi, who was still there but was no sadness, and pulled me out of the door.

Let him pull, and his back is arrogant and high. Such a word will also be used on him one day, which is very difficult for me to understand. Shouldn't this person be confident that he will always be brilliant?

However, maybe everyone will grow up slowly after experiencing things, and only I will stay in the territory I have designated and watch them leave one by one without looking back.

This is the first time to be alone after that banquet.

I feel very calm. There is no wave.

Jibu sat and drove. I quietly looked out of the window at the rapidly receding tree shadow. In fact, what I saw was just a shadow. Really, at the moment the car passed by, it had already regressed.

The car of the trace department drove to the Magic Purple Rose Garden.

That lake is no longer the season when the lotus leaves are infinitely blue. The lotus flowers wither, the lotus leaves are broken, and the yellow lotus leaves are decadent on the surface of the water. Life has gone downhill and is about to come to an end. In autumn, when the sky is clear, it also brings a signal of decay.

Is autumn just a sign of the decline of life?

I don't know. Those memories that once made you blush and your heart beat faster when you think about it are like remnants. After reading them, you can leave them behind. You don't have to forget them, but you can never remember them again.

It decays with those green leaves in autumn, and there are memories.

What remains in your heart will be slowly forgotten in the daily trivialities. Never find it again. It's like Muan.

Now when I think of him, I only remember the sea of burning fire, the crumbling buildings, the sparks floating around, and the burning pain of flames kissing my skin, and finally, it's just the darkness day after day.

It's like we have never loved each other and have killed each other.

Close your eyes.

Renji pulled me forward. Not long ago, I was the same. I closed my eyes, trusted him wholeheartedly, and let him take me all the way. At the end of my life, I don't think I will regret it.

But today, I try to believe him. The feeling of light seems to be conscious and naturally let go. Even if I close my eyes, I can know how the road ahead is, where there are stairs and where there are obstacles, which is clearer than what I can see.

Maybe my heart doesn't want this, but the soul is already on guard.

There was no one along the way. The silent building is as lonely as its owner.

The trace department took me to the room in my memory.

I still don't want to open my eyes.

I want to forget the trace in my memory, and now there is no need to fill the upcoming blank.

The kiss of the trace went all the way down from my forehead. I lay quietly **, thinking that I was a forest, silent and indifferent. The wind has never passed through here. The fragrance of green grass has disappeared because of the arrival of autumn, and the flowers and birds have become memories...

A forest lost its soul and left an empty body.

The trace was buried in my shoulder and cried bitterly. Crying like a real child, helpless and fragile, I remember that the crystal ball I snatched from Jing Mingyue when I was a child will break if I am not careful.

Tears slowly slide along the close skin and are stained with wetness.

I suddenly felt a burst of tingling in my heart.

The face of the trace flashed like a horse lamp in his head, and the fragments that I thought would disappear or would disappear are glued and reappear, as clear as immersive.

"Do not do this."

Later, it was dry and burning, as if it was not my own.

I tried to soften my voice, "Didn't we agree not to interfere with each other? In the future, you will inherit the Jibu family and become an arrogant and narcissistic company executive, hosting the company in your usual gorgeous style.

"Then, you will have a virtuous wife and lovely children. Gradually, you will find that the challenges at work and the fetters of life are the focus of your life.

"Emotions will gradually be cultivated, as long as they have a common purpose and values. Next, you will find that everything now is just an impulse when you are young, which can be missed, cherished, and not enough to spend a lifetime..."

I said lightly, saying that even I think that kind of life is suitable for this gorgeous track department.

A life as gorgeous as him.

There are no defects.

"Stop it! Stop talking, stop talking!"

"Why not? We have no reason to turn back on the planned road.

The trace recovered his superfluous emotions, and he was so cute that he pressed my shoulder and stared into my eyes. "I said there is."

I stared at him in silence.

I wanted to brew a sad mood, but I was dispersed by his words.

My heart was full of helplessness, but reason told me soberly that we could no longer do that.

He will know these things sooner or later. Instead of waiting for the day he knows and rejecting me, it's better not to have expectations at the beginning. Expectations fail, and the rest will only be despair.

"I have confirmed it. When did you see me repent?" He bites word by word, with clear words and firm meaning.

It can't go on like this. It's cruel to him and to me.

There is no hope, and the illusion created is particularly strong when it is shattered. I don't think he loves me more than his own arrogance.

That kind of life will only make faith collapse and make a mess.

"Do you know why my father asked me to stay?" If you don't want to go any further, make it clear at once. Everyone is relaxed. "From beginning to end, this is all a game, in order to test your game.

"My father is fully capable of stopping Yue Baoer. The Yue family is nothing to us.

"Do you know why Mu An Yuekun appeared at your opponent's table in the national competition? That's the promise given to them by his father. If you lose, we will not only have no possibility, but I also go back to the marriage obediently.

"Yue Baoer, who was originally his father's indulgence, let Mu An catch this gap and obstruct it." I stared at the expression on Jibu's face, the same word and said, "Do you think you can accept this test of trampling on your dignity and pride?"

The trace was silent.

That's true.

I felt the pain in my heart, but my voice was unusually calm. "Do you know why you didn't give me an invitation, but I received it? Shen Nange had to listen to his father. His father asked me to watch you with others with my own eyes! Father wants to tell me that your engagement is what you are willing to do.

My eyes are so astringent that I can't shed a tear.

"With such a thing, I can't mind at all - how can I allow such a flaw in my love? - Father is the person who knows me best in the world."

The trace let go of his hand and pressed heavily on me. The buried head made me unable to see his expression, and I don't know if he is regretting it.

I raised my face, and there were gorgeous chandeliers and crystal lamps on the ceiling, which were very confused and beautiful.

Reality is like a broken crystal lamp. No matter how beautiful the light is, it has become ugly again. If I can, I would never let it break - deceiving myself, at least I can tell myself that I am happy.

But now, I have to break it myself.

In a dark world, too bright lights will make everything look ugly.

This is simply an impossible test. If you chose me at that time, then you would never be qualified with your father. It's not me," I smiled bitterly and touched the position of my heart. "Here, a thorn was inserted and buried fiercely. If you think about it a little, it will hurt. I am always worried about whether you will leave me like this again because of family interests.

My words are extremely cruel, but what about cruelty? This is the truth. I can do it myself, but I can't allow him to do it.

"No," Jibu hugged me, "will never!"

I laughed silently.

This is our best ending.

"Let's go to our home now, we will get married, and we will get married immediately! As long as you become Mrs. Jibu, you are a member of the Jibu family, and we will never stand opposites. The trace department almost pleaded, "I have never lost my word."

"Do you think it's okay? Do you know what the biggest condition is for me and you to come back here? I can't marry you in any form. Mother said, I can never have any form of marriage contract - this is the condition!"

The trace seems to have been hit by something, and the whole person has been stiff.

Our love ends here. There is no further possibility. If you stop here, you may have it forever.