Where does the prince escape

Chapter 3 Beat to death!

For a while, I only heard faint screams and roars in the dungeon, mixed with painful screams, one after another, which made people shudder.

Although the face of Sanhufa was cold, he was faintly sweating. Listening to these screams, you can imagine what a sad scene inside!

With the ability of the three of them, it is absolutely no problem to go inside and retreat, but Bi Huantong has been severely beaten for a month. Even if he is as strong as they are, he may not be able to stand it. Now he still has to go to the dungeon to fight with those monsters. Half a column of incense is not long, but with Bi Huantong's body Besides, even a quarter of an hour inside can't hold on.

If the strange screams from the dungeon are correct, it must be the hungry monsters scrambling to bite the blue phantom body!

A series of howls rose and fell, and finally slowly calmed down. The man's eyes in white opened slightly, bringing out a frightening light, and said lightly, "Open the door of the dungeon."

The man who kept the prison answered and glanced at the incense column, no more or no less, just the time of half a column of incense.

The owner's careful thinking makes people admire him.

A heavy sound sounded again, and the iron door rubbed the ground, mixed with a crazy hoarse sound. The door only opened a crack, but the blood kept pouring out and winding all over the ground!

The blood red on the ground is very dazzling. It looks extremely chilling. In addition, the air is full of fishy smell. The stomachs of the attendants who are not powerful enough are churning, and some of them are already vomiting.

The man's eyes in the white robe sank, and his slender fingers were gently raised. The three guardians behind him immediately met and immediately dragged the dry servant away. The attendant shouted in horror, "Lord, please forgive me..."

The white-robed man's face was condensed, and such rubbish should be left to do!

The footsteps came from the dungeon, and the human figure flashed, and the beautiful figure appeared in front of everyone. The blue fantasy gasped and his body was stained with blood. Except for the original injury, there was no new scar!

With the dagger tightly in his hand, his eyes were full of perseverance and viciousness, and everyone present looked at her in surprise!

Is she still alive? She is still alive!

Bi Huantong took a deep breath. Even in the most unfavorable circumstances, she had to calm down. As long as she had a weapon in her hand, she could retreat all over her body. In addition, the back of the dagger was coated with poison. As long as she flashed the attack of the beasts and saw the opportunity to kill her death.

At the beginning, there was still a trace of panic in her heart. After hunting three monsters, the pleasure of killing made her excited. The dangerous elements in her heart were ready to move, and bloodthirsty appeared in her eyes. Kill! That's her current task!

When she slaughtered all the monsters in the dungeon, the iron gate slowly opened, and her heart amazed. Is it time for half a column of incense?

I can't help laughing. She hasn't killed enough yet!

The white-robed man's face flashed with a touch of praise, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. His slender and elegant body stood up from the seat, plated in front of her, and bent down slightly.

The faint fragrance floated out of the man in the white robe, stimulating the blue sense of smell. Compared with the killing just now, this fragrance made her heart slowly calm.

is obviously a cold-blooded man, but the breath from his body is so reassuring!

This can't be regarded as a kind of sarcasm.

"Tong'er..." The man spoke softly to her, and his voice was too lazy to bewitching, which made Bi Huantong's heart tremble slightly. His eyes were silent, and he couldn't help clenching his fists.

This handsome and unreasonable man is a murderous monster inside!

The slender ivory fingers gently stretched out and raised her chin slightly: "You are constantly surprising me."

Bi Huantong squeezed his lips: "Will the prince keep his promise?"

The man in white raised his eyebrows, and the little woman dared to question his words?


Such an interesting woman is by his side. He hasn't found it for a long time. Maybe she is not as simple as her.

It's a pity to let her die like this.

There was an evil smile on the corners of his mouth: "Death is inevitable, and life is unforgivable."

After saying that, he withdrew his finger and saw the little redness on his finger. He couldn't help but be angry. He took out a piece of white silk to dry the blood stains, threw it to the ground casually, and said coldly, "Slaughter the living things in the dungeon."

"Yes, my lord!" Everyone immediately bowed their heads and responded.

Turning around, with a fragrance, the white figure disappeared in front of Bi Huantong's eyes.

As soon as the man in white robe left, Bi Huantong's pressure was completely eliminated. In an instant, his body's strength seemed to be emptied, his eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground unconscious.






"Ninety" "Ninety-one"


She remembered the whip and the scars clearly, one by one.

Ling Yuexuan, her favorite man, left 180 scars on her body!


The skin is open and the flesh is open, and the eyes are full of blood.

I wanted to grow old with him, but fate was playing tricks on her. On the day of marriage with Ling Yuexuan, Ling Yuexuan knew her identity... The killer of the 'devouring' organization...

He was angry that she cheated on him, and he was angry that she was unfaithful!

He was furious, and he, who had always spoiled her, actually started his hand against her... whip and whip, leaving the indelible pain on her body...

He won't forgive her, he said he won't... No matter how hard she pleading, he will never forgive her...

Maybe this is a punishment for her. She gave up the task of assassinating him, gave up her identity as a killer, and was colonized into the giant pismen. In exchange, it was his disdain and alive.

Isn't love inclusive? Isn't love great? Why couldn't she see a trace of love for her in his eyes at that moment...

She was disheartened, and her heart... died at that moment. What's the point of living in the world like this?

"Yes, I'm a person from the underworld organization..." As soon as she said, she felt a current flowing all over her body. The next moment, she lost consciousness...

Is she dead? Death may be the greatest relief for her. Once any information of the 'devouring' organization is leaked, the giant poison tablet will immediately kill her...

I can't imagine that death comes so quickly...

It's soft, and there is a permeating sandalwood in the air. It feels so comfortable. I turned around lazily, frowned, and suddenly opened my eyes--

She's not dead, she's just fucking crossing!