Where does the prince escape

Chapter 30 Assassination!

(Dear friends, the collection is still not very good! Bingbing wants to kneel down and beg for collection!)

Looking at Feng Yixue's departure, Bi Huantong sighed. Seeing her sad face, Luo Xi asked, "What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, if Tong'er said so, don't be suspicious." Bi Huantong squeezed his lips.


"Sister Feng loves your majesty deeply. Now that I'm here, Sister Feng must feel uncomfortable." As he spoke, he grabbed Luoxi's clothes and bowed his head on Luoxi's chest: "Tong'er just wants to be with your majesty. Tong'er doesn't want to compete with anyone."

"Little fool!" Luo Xi's eyes were full of tenderness: "Yixue is very kind and will not tolerate you. You can treat her as much as her eldest sister." Speaking of this, Luo Xi smiled slightly: "Xi also regards Yixue as the eldest sister, so don't worry."

"Hmm!" Bi Huantong nodded. On the outside, it seemed that Feng Yixue did not pose any threat to her. A woman who had accompanied the emperor for several years was regarded as her sister by the emperor. It must be said that it was a kind of sadness, but was Feng Yixue willing? Feng Yixue... Do you know what Luoxi is thinking?

When he comes back every morning, Luoxi directly moves everything to Muxue Garden. Except for the court and Muxue Garden, Luoxi will not go anywhere else. Luoxi is a very dedicated man.

But today, Luoxi didn't stay for a long time before leaving and didn't come back until the evening. Bi Huantong was puzzled and asked Yuer. Yuer replied that Her Majesty was having a meeting with the ministers.

Bi Huantong's heart was slightly ached, from morning to evening? That must be something particularly urgent.

However, it's also a good thing that Luoxi won't come, so that she won't worry about whether Luoxi will treat her. Every time she pretends to go to bed early, Luoxi is a good person and looks at her with a smile and shakes her head. After looking at her affectionately for a long time, she branded a kiss on her forehead, and then goes busy with state affairs.

It's very late, and Luoxi hasn't come back. It seems that Luoxi won't come tonight, so Bi Huantong lay down and slept.

According to reason, no one knows that she is here to assassinate Luoxi. Today's special should not come for her.

I still don't think much about it, so as not to mess up my own feet.

Close her eyes and relax her whole body. Just as her consciousness was gradually confused, a cold breath suddenly passed by. The nerves of her whole body tightened, and her consciousness instantly woke up!

is murderous!

With his eyes half closed quietly, he turned over lazily, glanced past the bedroom, and finally stayed on a palace maid in green with her head down.

What a bleak breath! She lowered her head just to hide it. She could clearly feel that the eyes below were fierce and vicious!

The eyes of the killers when they are ready to kill their prey!

She is the most familiar with this breath!

Awesome, she actually sneaked into here. There was only a maid in the bedroom. If she did it, no one could stop her.

Thinking about it, I suddenly saw the maid slowly approaching her, and the corners of Bi Huantong's mouth rose slightly. Is it about to start?

The distance is getting closer and closer... The maid in green suddenly looked up, the cold light flashed, and a dagger suddenly stabbed at her!

Bi Huantong turned casually and only heard a 'pump' sound. The dagger inserted into the pillow next to it, opened his eyes, and looked at the murderous gaze of the maid in green!

"There are assassins!" Yuer shouted, and then there was a rapid footsteps outside the hall!

Without a blow, she also shocked the snake. If it was Bihuantong, she would definitely retreat immediately, but the maid in green seemed to have reached her goal and stabbed her with a dagger desperately. She pretended to hide in confusion and screamed in her mouth!

Although the martial arts was very fierce, it was a little rushed. Bi Huantong picked up the thing next to her and threw it at her, and her mind turned quickly--

Who sent this assassin?

Xuanyuan Yulin? No way, she hasn't completed her task yet... Who else wants her to die? Wait, she is not hiding the moon country. For Bi Haotian, she is a waste chess game! Then this assassin should be sent by Bi Haotian!

At this time, the guard outside the door rushed in and quickly surrounded the assassin. Yuer came to help her up and want to take her away, but found that she couldn't walk at all. The master's face was frightened, and it seemed that she was scared!

"Little Lord, little Lord! It's dangerous here. Let's go!" Yu'er shouted anxiously.

"Stab... Assassin..." Bi Huantong said bloodless. He looked at the assassin in front of him surrounded by guards and was desperately breaking through. He cut down many guards with one knife left and one right, but the guards outside the door kept pouring in. Such a big palace, unless the skill is very good, he must not escape. That's it.

The assassin missed the best escape moment and waited for her to be captured or killed!

But Bi Huantong wants to catch it alive. She wants to know who sent the assassin here!

Suddenly, the human figure flashed in front of him. The next second, he saw the assassin fall to the ground and struggled on the ground for a while and lost consciousness.

Soon the assassin was tied up and carried down.

The person who knocked down the assassin is Zheng Qi!

Zheng Qi is coming, so Luoxi should also be nearby.

Thinking about it, I felt a fragrance coming, and a white shadow came here in a hurry. After seeing her, I hugged her in my arms: "Tong'er, are you all right?"

"Your Majesty...!" At the moment when she was hugged by Luoxi, Bi Huantong's body relaxed and burst into tears: "Your Majesty, Tong'er is so afraid that I will never see your majesty again..."

Luo Xi's heart ached, and his hands were harder, as if he were going to press her into the inside of his body: "Don't be afraid, there is a stream. It's okay, Tong'er is not afraid!" Luoxi said as he stroked her back with his hand.

Bi Huantong held his skirt tightly and cried in his arms. Although she generally had no feelings on her face, she was a person who cried. In addition to her skills, an excellent killer also could play!

There is no doubt that she is an excellent actress.

Luoxi coaxed her for a long time, then picked her up and went to her bedroom. She was assassinated, but Luoxi's face was paler than her, and Luoxi was more nervous and worried than her.

The council hall is a long distance away from Mu Yuanxue. It was only more than ten minutes from the time she was assassinated to see Luoxi. It can be imagined that Luoxi ran over in a hurry.

Maybe Luoxi came with a good horse and rode a horse.

It was later confirmed that Luo Xi really came by horseback, so it took several minutes for the officials to come over after he arrived at Muxue Garden.

Bi Huantong was still shocked. After being taken back to the bedroom by Luoxi, he calmed him for a long time before he slowly came to his senses. Not long after he came to his senses, his eyes turned around and fainted!

If she doesn't feel dizzy, Luoxi will definitely 'appease' her well at night. In order to avoid losing her body, she can only take this worst, but the moment she closed her eyes, she clearly felt that Luoxi's heartbeat suddenly disappeared. The next second, Luoxi roared and let the imperial doctor come over.

As if the most important thing is missing, Luo Xi is crazy.

The imperial doctor was on standby for a long time. Seeing that His Majesty was out of control, they were more worried than the unconscious Bi Huantong, but Luo Xi was extremely difficult to let the imperial doctors diagnose and treat him quickly. Finally, Feng Yixue was shocked. After Feng Yixue arrived, he comforted Luo Xi and slowly eased his mood.

The calm and calm Luoxi actually had this kind of abnormality, and you can imagine the status of Bi Huantong in his heart.

Overnight, Feng Yixue's future queen's determination seemed to waver, and His Majesty met the woman he really loved!

Luoxi didn't sleep all night and looked at her quietly. After looking at her for a long time, Bi Huantong's heart was tightly held tightly. It was not until the sky gradually turned white that Luoxi slowly fell asleep.

On this day, the king accompanied his beloved woman without early morning.


Since that incident, Luoxi has been inseparable from Bi Huantong, and even wanted to take her with him in the early morning. After Bi Huantong repeatedly refused, Luo Xi arranged a strong martial arts guard to protect her after careful thinking about it.

This is a peerless master!

Bi Huantong can feel it!

Slim and strong figure, clean and neat breath, high black hair, a long ponytail hanging down, sharp light in his eyes, just a look will make the enemy retreat!

A peerless master who is as quiet as a virgin and moves like a rabbit!

"Go back to the little master, my name is A Yan!" A Yan saluted with his fists in his hands.

Bi Huantong raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but feel a little good at it. He was a handsome man.

According to A Yan's own introduction, he is also a royal guard who has received professional training since he was a child. However, according to A Yan's skills, he is not an ordinary royal guard. He has the same atmosphere as Zheng Qi.

is the top master of Qihuang in China!

There is no such master beside the top and even the ice muscle princess.

A Yan didn't say much, and after answering the question, he would not say another word. He stood aside like a statue, which attracted Bi Huantong's attention.

This is not to protect her, but to seduce her!

The corners of her mouth rose slightly and found that Yuer beside her also peeked at Ayan from time to time. It seemed that the girl was moved.

"The Empress Feng of Lingxue Pavilion is here!"

The reader made a loud report, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and came!

"Ayan," she called, and the latter immediately saluted: "Yes!"

"Can you hide in the dark?"

"Yes!" As soon as A Yan's words fell, his body suddenly disappeared, which made Yuer stunned!

Extremely understanding, clean and neat!

After A Yan disappeared, Bi Huantong knelt down and saw Feng Yixue coming in blue.

"Tong'er, see the Wind Lady!"

"Free of courtesy." Feng Yixue helped her up: "Sister, didn't I tell you that my sister's identity is the same as you now. You don't have to do this big gift."

"My sister's status is noble. How dare my sister compare with my sister? In my sister's heart, my sister will always be my sister's master!" Bi Huantong was coquettish, took the initiative to reach out and hold Feng Yixue, and then saw the blue stringed harp with lavender flowing light.

It seems that Feng Yixue came to 'play the piano' for her today.

"My sister was frightened a while ago, and my sister came to stroke a few songs for my sister to stabilize her mind." After Feng Yixue finished speaking, Qinger behind him put the piano away and retreated.