Where does the prince escape

Chapter 54 Give another

Jiang Fei's voice was very sharp. As soon as her voice fell, she only heard an exclamation. Liu Yingying's body softened and collapsed to the ground.

"Yingying!" Bi Huantong was shocked and hurriedly helped her. Her face was white, and cold sweat kept oozing out. She gasped and felt guilty. It was she who took her out of the prime minister's house, but she suffered a lot. Just now, when she heard Jiang Fei's words, she must have been unable to bear her fragile spirit anymore, like a broken pillar. Collapse.

Seeing Liu Yingying fall, the people in the hall were in a mess for a moment. At this time, Chu Nanxian entered the hall with an anxious face. Seeing that Yu Chen was about to speak, he found something wrong in the hall. He only heard Yu Chen say to him, "Chu Xiangguo, pass on to the imperial doctor and settle Miss Liu first."

Chu Nanxian answered 'yes' and quickly came forward. Seeing Liu Yingying's pale face in Bi Huantong's arms, he couldn't help but feel her and ordered people to carry her down to rest quickly.

He originally planned to visit Yuchen in the Jingxin Hall, but he didn't expect that there was no one in the Jingxin Hall. He couldn't help but feel anxious, so a slave maid told him that His Majesty was in the council hall, so he hurried over and saw such a scene.

"Your Majesty, the minister will leave first." Seeing Liu Yingying being helped out of the hall, Chu Nanxian also hurriedly followed.

Bi Huantong wanted to leave, but Fan Li and A Yan were still there. Just now, Jiang Fei said harsh words to A Yan, but if she left now, A Yan's martial arts skills are strong, but after all, this is the imperial city, and he will suffer losses.

"Phil!" Jiang Wu shouted harshly, "Don't kneel down!" These people know Princess Yongning, but Jiang Fei shouted at Princess Yongning regardless of superiority and inferiority. Your Majesty is watching and letting her servants torture in front of the emperor, which is really disrespectful!

After being yelled at by her father, Jiang Fei was stunned for a while and pouted and said aggrievedly, "Father, how could I do anything wrong? That man just threatened me!" She stamped her feet and pointed her hand at Ah Yan: "He is so bold that his daughter is going to condemn him!"

"You!" Jiang Wu was so angry that he waved his hand and wanted to slap her, but he stopped in mid-air and knelt down to Yu Chen and said, "Your Majesty, the daughter of Wei minister is useless. I am extremely ashamed. I hope the emperor will forgive me..."

"Dad, what's wrong with you? The princess also smashed the jade step given to her daughter. Your Majesty's brother hasn't punished her yet!" After saying that, he stared fiercely.

Jiang Wu was stunned and slowed down for a long time before saying, "What? Yubu was shattered?"

"Yes! "Break it for her!" With one hand, he pointed to Bi Huantong.

It's not a big deal for the daughter who offended the princess just now, but now it is said that the princess smashed Yubu... Although the daughter's expression doesn't look like a lie, this is really weird!

"This...this..." Because he had just returned to the city, Jiang Wu didn't know that things were primitive. For a moment, he couldn't speak, so he had to look at Yu Chen sitting in the middle.

"Phil, have you had enough?" Yu Chen said slowly, his face was expressionless, and his voice was even low, with a look of anger. It clearly reached everyone's ears.

Hearing Yu Chen's words, Jiang Wu's face changed greatly. Although Yu Chen traveled around the world and ignored national affairs, he knew everything about what was going on in Tianxing. His Majesty, who was calm by nature, had never seen such a look on his face except after the incident with the incident with the Moon. At this moment... Your Majesty was moved!

"Emperor Brother..."

"Jiang Fei, why don't you kneel down!" Before Jiang Fei finished speaking, Jiang Wu shouted, pulled her hard, and pulled her to the ground. He ignored his daughter's pain. He turned around and knelt down to Yu Chen and said, "The little girl is young and ignorant. I hope the emperor will forgive me!"

Yu Chen was expressionless and said coldly, "I don't want to pursue the matter of Yubu Shake any more. If Yubu Shake is broken, I will give you another Yubu Shake! I hope Princess Jiang can take good care of it this time.

"Brother Emperor, this is not a matter of Yubu Shake..." Jiang Fei was about to go down, but she saw Jiang Wu staring at her fiercely. She couldn't help taking a breath of cold air and swallowing what she wanted to say.

"Thank you, Lord Longen!" Seeing Jiang Fei's peace, Jiang Wu kowtowed to thank him.

"General Jiang, you must be tired all the way. You and Fei'll leave first." Yu Chen said he was concerned, but his tone was cold. After that, without waiting for Jiang Wu to reply, he stood up and left the council hall.

"Your Majesty!" Jiang Fei quickly caught up with her, but Bi Huantong stood in front of her and said lightly, "Princess, haven't you heard what your majesty said? General Jiang is tired. As a daughter, you can accompany your father!"

"Get out of here, I don't need you to teach me!" Jiang Fei was so angry that she reached out and wanted to push Bi Huantong away, but she was pulled by Jiang Wu.

"Princess, I have been offended today. I hope the princess will forgive me and don't argue with the little girl. The old minister will definitely** her well when she goes back." Jiang Wu said in a trembling voice, and he saw the fantastic eyes. This Princess Yongning is not an idle person!

Bi Huantong smiled faintly: "This is the best. Otherwise, when I am away, my friend will not know when my eyes will be dug out by Princess Jiang. I am very worried."

"No, the princess can rest assured that the little girl was reckless and bumped into the princess. The princess's status is noble. I hope you don't care about the little girl."

"Dad, you don't have to whisper with her. She's just a fake princess..."

"Bang!" After a sound, Jiang Fei was slapped hard on Jiang Wu's face and fell to the ground. She touched her swollen face and looked at Jiang Wu with an incredible face.

"Dad...you hit me?" Tears flowed down his face, and Jiang Fei could not believe it.

Jiang Wu clenched his fist, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out. He was so angry that he couldn't say anything for a moment.

No longer paying attention to the father and daughter in front of him, Bi Huantong raised the fence, A Yan followed him, and the three left the council hall.

When Bi Huantong returned to Yunying Pavilion, she saw Liu Yingying sleeping peacefully. Chu Nanxian was waiting aside, while Yu Chen sat on the eight Sendai and tasting tea carefully.

"See the emperor..." Bi Huantong saluted Yu Chen.

"Xiaotong," Yu Chen frowned slightly: "Let's avoid the etiquette between us."

Bi Huantong squeezed her lips and nodded.

Fan Li was injured and has ordered the imperial doctor to treat her. What she is most worried about now is Liu Yingying's physical condition, so she went to Liu Yingying's bedside. Chu Nanxian saw this and wanted to salute her. She raised her hand to Chu Nanxian and asked softly, "How is Yingying's health?"

"Princess, the imperial doctor has been diagnosed and treated just now. Miss Yingying has been working hard for days. In addition, she was frightened and couldn't support her and fainted. The doctor said that she should take good care of herself during this period, and she can recover quickly."

Listening that Liu Yingying's body was not a big deal, Bi Huantong breathed a sigh of relief: "It's hard for you."