Where does the prince escape

Chapter 87 Silver, Seek the World

It turned out that A Feng thought they were dirty. Bi Huantong subconsciously smelled his clothes with a smell of sweat. The imperial medical prison was very clean, and no wonder A Feng was like this.

"Well, my grandfather and grandson didn't clean it well all the way. Of course, it's good to take a bath. Then it's troublesome for me." Xuanyuanyu said with an impatient face, with a wrinkled smile on his face.

"Then Lord Yuan will rest here for a while, and the schoolchildren will take you there later. I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you. If there is anything, send the school children to find me.

"If you have something to do, just do it. Don't worry about my grandfather and grandchildren. If you miss your work, Yuan will feel sorry."

A Feng smiled and said, "Then I will leave." After saying that, he made a salute, told the child next to him a few words, and left the room.

"Grandpa, I'll help you adjust the water. Grandpa is waiting here!" As soon as A Feng left, the schoolchildren said childishly, and Xuanyuan Yulin smiled and thanked him repeatedly.

The schoolboy trotted out, and there were only Xuanyuan Yulin and Bi Huantong left in the wing. Bi Huantong held the white clothes and compared them with them.

This kind of clothes has a piece of underwear, and the coat is a white gauze, which is very comfortable to wear. After comparison, I saw Xuanyuan Yulin smiling at her maliciously.

That smile is very ambiguous and...indewd.

His face sank and he said angrily, "What's so funny? Haven't you seen a woman!"

Xuanyuan Yulin paused slightly and sighed softly, "I'm going to take a shower later. The imperial medical prison is full of men. Tong'er should be careful."

"Thank you for your concern. Because the imperial medical prison is full of men, who will notice that there is a woman bathing in it? Tong'er is only worried about you."

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled and did not answer. At this time, the boy ran back, his little face turned slightly red, and he gasped, "Grandpa, the water is ready, please come with me."

The two looked at each other and followed with their clothes.

After walking for another while, he went to the bathroom. Looking at the situation in front of him, Bi Huantong was dumbfounded.

Why are there two bath trays in a bathroom?!

Shouldn't there be one in a bathroom!!

Aware of the strange expression on Bi Huantong's face, the boy asked, "Little brother, what's wrong?"

"This..." What did she say?

"Little brother, my grandson has always taken a shower by himself, and it's very inconvenient for him to have two bath plates together." Xuanyuan Yulin took over.

"Oh..." The child scratched his head: "I just thought that grandpa, you are old. What if you fall down in the shower? If your grandson is by your side, it will take care of you, so that you can do this. If the little brother doesn't like it, don't do this next time."

"So that's it. Grandpa thanked the little brother."

"It's okay. I'll do it next time. It's a trivial matter. Brother Feng likes to be clean. Grandpa, take your time to wash it. I'll wait outside. After saying that, he trotted out again.

Xuanyuan Yulin gave Bi Huantong a meaningful look and untied her clothes. Bi Huantong's face turned red and her face slightly. It was not until she heard the sound of water that she turned her face.

The black hair is like ink, sticking straight to the edge of the barrel. Xuanyuan Yulin's whole body turned his back to her and soaked in the water, and his skin on the water was white and snowy, which made people think.

Although it was a man, this scene was more ** and more attractive than a woman. Bi Huantong's face was redder and she gasped slightly.

"Tong'er, wash it quickly. I don't look at you." Xuanyuan Yulin said lightly, with the white fake hair next to it.

Bi Huantong squeezed her lips, turned around to take off her clothes and walked off the bath plate.

Although everyone is back to back, the masculinity behind her and the charming atmosphere are vivid in her eyes, just like Xuanyuan Yulin is beside her, and she has nothing to escape!

The air seemed to be filled with lead, which made Bi Huantong feel very depressed and had no mood to take a shower at all. After washing a few times, she had to put on her clothes.

Maybe she was too nervous. As soon as her feet slipped, she was about to fall into the water. At sight, she was about to hit the edge of the basin. At this time, the figure in front of her was a flower, and the splash sounded, and her body was held tightly.

"Little fool, why are you so careless!" Xuanyuan Yulin cursed softly, with a faint trace of anger on his face.

Xuanyuan Yulin's hot body temperature came from behind him. Xuanyuan Yulin hugged her from behind, and the two of them were naked!

His face was as red as tomatoes, and Bi Huantong whispered, "Your Majesty, let me go."

The big hand on his waist tightened, as if he was reluctant. The slightly hot breath blew in her ear. The air was filled with a strange atmosphere. Bi Huantong did not dare to move. Behind him, he had a reaction!

After a long time, as if he had made a major decision, his big hand slowly let go, and the sound of water jumped again. Xuanyuan Yulin left the bath plate and walked to his clothes, wearing clothes.

He breathed a big sigh of relief, and Bi Huantong also hurried to get dressed. He only heard a very low curse next to him, which was the word 'despert'.

Xuanyuan Yulin was angry. Except for the last time she hit his weakness in the bath and got angry, she had never seen him so angry. By the way, Xuanyuan Yulin's hair and pupils turned silver...

When she thought about this, she turned her head and saw that her beautiful long hair turned silver!

She didn't care about her untidy clothes. She hurried over and looked straight at his face. The disguise on her face was not removed, but it could be seen that her eyes were silver!

The mysterious silver, enchanting!

"Your Majesty, you..." She opened her eyes wide in surprise, and last time she was so scared that she thought he had really turned into a ghost.

The hair was hung with beads of water, and his face was like water. His eyes widened with surprise were crystal clear and unspeakable **. Xuanyuan Yulin's face sank and he turned around: "Tong'er, don't get so close."

Bi Huantong was shocked and hurriedly retreated. Yulin's 'fire' rose because of desire/dissatisfaction.

Wait, will Xuanyuan Yulin's hair and eyes turn silver when he is angry?

"Tong'er, have you seen it?" Xuanyuan Yulin said in a low voice, with a mute sound caused by congestion.

"Uh..." My heart is empty, a little like stealing other people's things.

"Do you know the reason?"

"Hmm..." I just thought of it.

Xuanyuan Yulin sighed: "Have you said the phrase 'Silver, the world's plan, success or not, Danshi Zheng'?"

The three words 'Mouxiang Pavilion' appeared in my mind. Is these three words also related to this Yan language?

This Yanyu is sometimes mentioned by the palace people. At that time, because he wanted to live, he did not delve into it. From this point of view, this Yanyu should say Xuanyuan Yulin!

"This Yanyu is about the prince, right?"

"Well, the silver man refers to me."

"'Silver primer, the world's plan, success or not, Danshi certificate', how can there be such a Yanyu? Who said it?" There are verses in the world, either people who want to seize the world, or extremely cruel emperors. Xuanyuan Yulin is young and a noble king. It should be impossible for people to let people know their strangeness. Since they don't know, where can they come from?

"For Yanyu, a peerless master said that it existed before the birth of the king."

Bi Huantong raised her eyebrows and dared to say that this master was really accurate. Such a sentence revealed the sky.

"Does this Yanyu mean that the prince wants to seize the world and become the hegemon?"


What does the last sentence mean? Danshi certificate, what kind of Danshi?

"There is a kind of black ore in China. The weapons made of this kind of ore are invincible and invulnerable. That elixir refers to the black ore."

"Black ore... Is the sword in the prince's hand made of that kind of ore?"

"Well, the main component of my sword is black ore. The war of destruction decades ago was also for this kind of ore.

Oh, my God, a sword is so powerful. If the whole army is armed, it will be invincible in this era!

However, if there is really this ore, according to Xuanyuan Yulin's personality, it has been mined and made into weapons long ago. The knife and gun are invulnerable, which means that if it is made into armor, even the sword will not be hurt. It is so powerful. Why is Xuanyuan Yulin still worried?

"Your Majesty... rumors outside, it's not true, is it?" She asked tentatively.

Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes said with a trace of appreciation: "Presumably Tong'er also thought of something wrong. That kind of ore is extremely difficult to collect. The material needed for this sword in my hand was obtained by using the strength of an army. In addition, after the War of Extermination, the State of the Moon was monitored by the three countries. In order to maintain the calm of the State of the Moon, the last Emperor Kanyue made a contract with the Three Kingdoms not to mention the black ore again. The State of the Moon is not allowed to collect black ores. In the place where the black ore is produced, there are heavy soldiers of the Three Kingdoms guarding. If there is anything wrong, they will immediately stop and arrest those who violate the ban.

At this moment, the truth is revealed, and black ore is not a mascot for the moon country.

Silver phase, seek the world, success or not, Danshi proof. Controlling the black ore is equivalent to controlling the 'silver phase', so you don't have to worry about this prophecy.

But after all, the black ore is in the moon, which is equivalent to a time bomb that will be blown up at any time. The other three countries want to get rid of it quickly. Who doesn't want this treasure, but no one is allowed to get it.

Xuanyuan Yulin's hair gradually turned black. After wearing a wig and clothes, he turned into an old man again.

Seeing this situation, Bi Huantong couldn't help joking, "The prince is a real gentleman, and his endurance is very comparable. Tong'er admires it.

Xuanyuan Yulin glanced at her and said unhappily, "I don't want to get close to you with this look!"

The black lines on Bi Huantong's face cut off, and he put up with his body's instincts for the image! Who says men don't love beauty!