Where does the prince escape

Chapter 95 Everything

The sound came from near to far, as if it was gathering to go to a certain position. Bi Huantong carefully identified it. The direction of the sound was the imperial medical supervisor!

The Royal Medical Supervisor, where Xuanyuan Yulin is located!

Oh, is it that Xuanyuan Yulin was discovered? No, Qinglong is a subordinate of Xuanyuan Yulin. It is impossible to plot a rebellion so quickly. After all, the life and death of the owner of the worry-free country is unknown. Slow down... Xuanyuan Yulin said that Lin Jifu and Qinglong are very inappropriate. He has long wanted to unite with Liusang. Could it be that Qinglong has stood on the same front with Liusang? Or did Liu Sang find something wrong and then gathered heavy troops?

The more she thought about it, the more serious the situation became. Maybe it was safe for her to stay here at this moment, but she was very worried and wanted to see if Xuanyuan Yulin was safe.

But the current flowing ice is also dangerous. The flowing ice's will to survive is not high. If the wound is not treated as soon as possible, he may die every minute and every second!

Consuming this, Bi Huantong forced herself to calm down and operated on the ice with her hands quickly.

Xuanyuan Yulin is guarded by Xuanwu and Baihu, and A Yan is also in the dark. Coupled with Xuanyuan Yulin's quick reaction, he should not be very dangerous.

By the way, since he entered the imperial city, A Yan seems to have disappeared and has never seen him appear. Isn't he protected by her side?

After the last knot was knotted, Bi Huantong wiped the sweat, cleaned the blood stains on his hands, carefully took off the ice clothes, and washed the blood stains on his shirt.

There is no food here, and she is very weak after Liubing's big surgery. She can't last long. She must find a second way out as soon as possible.

Before Liu Bing fainted, she should ask clearly where to go out.

Looking at the big medicine cabinet, there is an inspiration in my mind. This big medicine cabinet is made from the mechanism on the phoenix wing, so there should also be some useful things hidden behind the portrait of the dragon and the phoenix.

Thinking of this, Bi Huantong walked to the wall and carefully observed the differences between the two paintings. The dragon and phoenix were carved very vividly, and I don't know which craftsman came from. No matter the coloring and lines, they are extremely fine. Maybe it is because of the age. Some colors are darker and some are lighter. If How magnificent it should be when it was first carved.

Oh, no, this is an empty underground palace, and the walls are carved with supreme objects. It is reasonable for a craftsman to pay attention to the paint problem. This deep and shallow phenomenon should not appear. If it appears, the color of the whole painting should be dim.

What is the meaning hidden in this dark and light color?

Conning this, she reached out and touched the painting and felt that some parts of the carving were deeply carved, some were shallow, and the color of the light carving was correspondingly lighter. Does this mean that there is a mystery inside?

I used my hand to force the light color and found nothing unusual, so I pressed it to the dark color. I only heard a slight touch, and the wall slowly turned.

Find the right way! Bi Huantong was secretly happy and stepped back a few steps. After the wall slowly turned over. After a crisp sound, the wall turned over and set its position. What he saw were colorful small bottles.

There are labels on the small bottles, Tsinghua dew, lotus dew, requiem dew... There is a small note under each bottle, detailing the functions of the things in each bottle.

Have a clear mind, a clear purpose, relieve pain, and replenish physical strength...? Well, how can you replenish your physical strength? Interest was suddenly provoked, and Bi Huantong picked up each bottle and looked at it. She was surprised to find that there were not only physical strength, but also some that could supplement some functions of the body, just like ankylic acid and glucose!

These small bottles contain not only healing pills, but also a lot of things to supplement the body. Even if there is nothing to eat and drink the nutrients in the bottle, you can hold on for some time.

With this in mind, she took away several small bottles containing different nutrients, picked up the flowing ice in the coma, hugged his body, and gently held his face with her hand. There was no strength in his weak body. He fell softly in her arms. Her lips were as warm as jade, thinly squeezed into a line, gently opened his lips and put the bottle. The water in the child slowly fed into his mouth.

Most of the water fed in was drunk, and only a little flowed outside. After feeding a bottle, she carefully wiped the traces off his mouth.

It is no wonder that Lin Jifu is moved by such a gentle man. If it were her, if the first sight she saw in this world was Liu Bing, she would not hesitate to fall in love with him.

But at this moment, she thought differently, and the weight of another person has prevailed.

She doesn't know whether love is wrong or not, and she may suffer the disaster again, but she sees through it. It's just a dead word.

"Uh..." he muttered in his arms.

Wake up so soon? It seems that the nutrients in this small bottle are not covered.

My eyes slowly opened, and when I saw the hibiscus-like face coming out of the water, my heart warmed, and I said gently, "Xiaotong..."

"Well, I'm here. You're awake." As if blown by the spring breeze, Bi Huantong's heart is soft, and his hands can't help tightening.

Consciousness slowly recovered. Liu Bing just wanted to nod and answer, but found that she was ** with her upper body and was still held in her arms. Her face was slightly red and she was about to get up.

"Your injury has just been dealt with. Don't move!" Bi Huantong pressed him.

"My... clothes..." he said naively.

"Uh, oh, wait a minute." Bi Huantong was a little embarrassed. He gently put him down and went to take back his clothes. The wind in the underground palace was very good. At this moment, the clothes were dry. He took them back and carefully helped Liu Bing put them on.

"I'm sorry, your clothes are full of blood... so I washed them..." When she found the water, she was very surprised.

There is water and wind in this underground palace, which proves that there is a way out. Liu Bing knows the entrance of the underground palace and should also know where the way out is.

"I just heard some unusual movements above. I'm afraid something big has happened in the imperial city."

Liu Bing was stunned: "When did it happen?"

"Not long ago, I think we should go out quickly to see what happened."

Liu Bing thought for a moment and said, "This underground palace was built by the emperor to deal with the emergency situation. Only the entrance and exit is known by the country owner. Even my uncle did not know that there was such a underground palace," Liu Bing said here and breathed, "Once the entrance to the underground palace is sealed, it can no longer be opened. If you want to go out, I'm afraid it will spend One day."

In a day, with these nutrients, it is not a problem to go out. The problem is that the exit of the underground palace does not know where to go. After going out, you have to return to the imperial city. Depending on the physical condition of Liubing, it may take several days to return to the imperial city.

Don't think so much about today's plan. Let's wait until we go out.

"Yes," Liu Bing said as if thinking of something, "Xiao Tong, press the dragon's front paw."

Bi Huantong nodded, walked to the dragon's front paw and pressed it down. It was strange that this time it was not the wall flip, but the whole front claw retreated. After retreating for a distance, it closed aside, leaving a large space to come out, and there was a golden carriage in the space!

Although it is a carriage, there are also horses, but this horse is not a real horse, but a bronze horse!

Bronze carriage? Bi Huantong is very puzzled. Isn't it a car pulled by a real horse? Can it walk around?

"Xiaotong, what did you see?" Liu Bing asked behind him.

"A bronze carriage."

"Help me go there."

Bi Huantong helped Liu Bing and walked to the copper carriage. A trace of surprise flashed through Liu Bing's eyes and praised, "I didn't expect that the legend of this bronze carriage is true."

"The legend of the bronze carriage?"

"This bronze carriage was made by a hermit master at that time. The hidden organ could walk by himself. Unexpectedly, he really met here."

Bi Huantong raised her eyebrows and said, 'Oh'. To be honest, she has seen a lot of moving objects, so this copper carriage is not very strange to her, but she admires the carmaker with wisdom of more than a thousand years. I don't know how Xiao Han compares with this person, but it can't be compared with this person. This person has already He passed away.

"Xiaotong, help me to the sleeping place."

"Oh...uh." Bi Huantong smiled treacherously at Liu Bing. While Liu Bing was stunned, her hand crossed Liu Bing's waist, put her arms around his waist, and said quietly, "Your Majesty, grab Xiaotong's back."

Liu Bing's eyes widened. After being stunned for a while, he mechanically grabbed her shoulder. Bi Huantong raised his breath and hugged him and rose to the air. This posture was like she was holding him, which was very ambiguous...

There was a smirk on her mouth, haha, she ate flowing ice tofu!

Put Liu Bing in the seat, and Liu Bing's face has already turned red.

Ha, it's really easy to bully, just like a little sister. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would not believe that this was the Lord of Wuyou.

Looking left and right, it seemed that he didn't see a seat belt. Bi Huantong said helplessly, "Your Majesty, you have an injury. You have to hold it firmly later. If it is unstable, Xiaotong doesn't mind lending you a shoulder."

"I... don't worry about me." Liu Bing said this very softly, holding the guardrail next to him tightly, and his face turned eggplant-colored.

Looking at his Myanmar appearance, the cunning smile on Bi Huantong's face softened and whispered, "Your Majesty, Xiaotong is your medical officer. Xiaotong has the responsibility to protect you."

The ice paused, and a touch of complexity flashed in his eyes. He said with a serious face, "Aiqin, don't worry..."

"Haha!" Before Liu Bing finished speaking, Bi Huantong couldn't help laughing. Why did this sentence sound so awkward in this situation? "Your Majesty, don't be polite to Xiaotong here. Where is the starting mechanism of this copper carriage?"

"Look at the mark in front," Liu Bing said as he removed the jade spot on his finger and handed it to Bi Huantong, "Just put the jade spot finger on that mark."