Where does the prince escape

Chapter 101 Resist

(There is another update in the evening. The time is uncertain. By the way, I would like to recommend my friend Wuyuan's new book "Magic Lord" http://book.zongheng.com/book/112758.html. I hope you can support me!)

"Well, here we are." She replied softly and carefully helped him get out of the carriage.

The servants in front of the gate of the Zhenguo Mansion were lined up in two rows. They planned to welcome the master back. When they saw Xuanyuan Yulin's blood-filled appearance, they were scared to surround him back to the house in a hurry. In their minds, Xuanyuan Yulin had already been like a god, and they never dreamed that their master would be injured. This.

What kind of foreign masters can hurt their masters like this!

Xuanyuan Yulin told him not to spread the news of his injury, but the imperial doctor in the palace came to the town government for the first time. Everyone in the town government was extremely worried, and someone rushed to the imperial city to pass the news.

Looking at the panicked royal doctor in a room, Xuanyuan Yulin was helpless and had to repeatedly warn him not to spread his injury.

Liu Sang forced him to drink the poison specially made for him. In addition to the red one, there are other poison ingredients inside. The imperial doctors are puzzled about why the poison can be suppressed in a short time, and it has been delayed for two days and is not poisonous.

However, with the rare antidote in the Zhenguofu and the careful conditioning of the imperial doctor, Xuanyuan Yulin's life is not in danger for the time being.

But it will take a long time to completely remove the poison from the body.

Hedinghong is famous all over the world. Even if he dies without poison, his physical function will be greatly damaged. Xuanyuan Yulin's body is like this. Within two years, he can't engage in tired work or use force. Otherwise, his body will never recover.

After returning to the town's palace, Xuanyuan Yulin fell asleep for a while, and the imperial doctor did not know how to treat him. Bi Huantong stayed by his side until the imperial doctor prescribed the last patch of medicine.

Although Xuanyuan Yulin warned not to expand the news of his injury, many officials came in to visit. Bi Huantong was also too lazy to receive and did not want to meet him. He handed it over to Xuanwu Baihu to deal with the matter.

However, one thing made her very strange. The officials and ministers have received the news. It is reasonable that the Lord of the Moon should also know a little. Why did the Lord of the State keep silent? Even if you are busy with official business, you have to send a message to express his greetings.

She felt very inappropriate in her heart, but she didn't think about it any more. If the emperor didn't come, she was still free.

Looking at the warm sleepy face, Bi Huantong's heart was tight, but at this moment, she felt very relieved, and a dust-like mentality emerged. The imperial doctor said that it was not appropriate to work for two years, as long as Xuanyuan Yulin could survive and be by her side, not to mention two years, even for a lifetime.

Outside the window, the moon star was sparse. She held Xuanyuan Yulin's hand tightly and lay gently by the bed. If she could be so calm in the future, she would have nothing else to ask for.

Xuanyuan Yulin's hand moved slightly and immediately pulled back all the attention of Bi Huantong. Xuanyuan Yulin slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were as soft as water, and slowly met Bi Huantong. Their eyes were facing each other. The two did not speak, but their hands clenched each other said everything. After a long time, Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly and said, "Little fool, Why don't you go to bed?"

Bi Huantong shook his head slightly: "No, I just want to be by your side."

"I'm so injured that it must not be good. Tonger, you'd better go and have a rest quickly." For two days and nights, although he was in a coma, he really felt her heartache. Listening to her heartbeat, he knew that she cherished him more than herself at this moment.

"Your Majesty, don't drive Tong'er away, okay? Just let Tong'er stay with you, okay?" If his hand is not covered, it will be cold. At this moment, he is the weakest. How can she leave?

There was a touch of heartache in his eyes, and Xuanyuan Yulin held her backhand: "I won't drive Tong'er away, but Tong'er will promise me to take good care of myself, okay?"

"Hmm!" Bi Huantong nodded vigorously.

When night falls, everything is quiet. The two people in the room are as tender as water, and the room is full of spring flowers.

The emperor didn't come, and it was surprising that the queen came!

The magnificent Fengluan, the long waiting team, quietly avoided all the way. In this row, Bi Huantong was very suspicious of whether to visit people.

Everyone in the town knelt down to greet him. Fengluan stopped. A very beautiful woman came out. Seeing the person kneeling on the ground, she said coldly, "Fang body."

"Thank you, Empress."

"I don't know that the queen Feng is coming, and I hope the queen will forgive me." Seeing the queen slowly coming towards him, Bi Huantong hurriedly saluted.

"Are you the princess of the country?" The queen's face was very cold and gorgeous, and there was a strange question in her tone.

"I'm the concubine."

A pair of phoenix eyes hit her, and the queen snorted coldly: "The king of the town is the dragon among people. I also secretly think about how the princess of the town is a woman who can fascinate the town like this. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

As soon as the queen said this, Bi Huantong felt awe of heart and met for the first time. The queen was too vicious.

Although she didn't like it, Bi Huantong's face was motionless: "The queen taught me that the queen is the mother of a country. Jinzhiyuye, and my concubine can't be as good as the queen, but I can get the favor of the king. This is the blessing of my concubine's three lifetimes cultivation. I have nothing else to ask for."

The queen's face turned cold and said, "Bi Haotian has committed chaos. As the daughter of a traitor, if the king of the town hadn't protected you in every way, I'm afraid you would have landed on the ground now."

Bi Huantong smiled faintly: "That's right, so Tong'er should serve the prince better to repay the prince's life."

"You shut up!" The queen's eyes were fierce: "I warn you that during this period of staying in this palace, I don't want to see you. If you appear, don't blame me for being rude. You should know that it's as easy as strangle an ant to kill an ant!"

As soon as the queen said this, Bi Huantong was stunned on the spot. She had never contacted the queen and couldn't say that she offended her. Why did she confront her at the first meeting? The queen is like a woman competing for favor... Wait, is it the queen to Xuanyuan Yulin...

The queen just said that Xuanyuan Yulin is the dragon among human beings. It seems that... the queen and Xuanyuan Yulin must have some secrets in the past.

"I don't know how long the Queen intends to stay in the house? It's also so that the house can be prepared, so that Tong'er can be prepared. In the last sentence, she aggravated her tone and looked up slightly, and the two looked at each other.

"Presumptuous! Who told you to look up!" The queen's eyes stared: "I will stay as long as I want, and when it's your turn to ask!"