Where does the prince escape

Chapter 113 Sudden Breaking

"Tong'er... Don't leave me, okay? I'm so afraid..." Xuanyuan Yulin suddenly said in a coquettish voice, burying his head in Bi Huantong's arms as he spoke coquettishly.

In the face of Xuanyuan Yulin's sudden action, Bi Huantong and the queen were immediately stunned on the spot. Bi Huantong pulled her eyebrows and saw that the queen's mouth was bigger than a duck egg, so she echoed, "Well, Tong'er won't leave the prince. Don't be afraid, good..." As she said, she patted Xuanyuan Yulin's head with her hand. Treat him like a puppy.

"But I'm really afraid, what should I do..." Xuanyuan Yulin looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid. If anyone dares to come, Tong'er will solve him with a knife!" Oh, my God, let her go, her chicken skin has fallen to the ground!

"No~, I don't want to see Tong'er kill people."

"Uh... It's okay. Tong'er won't kill in front of the prince."

"Well, I know that Tong'er loves me the most."

"Of course, Tong'er loves the prince the most. The prince is Tong's husband."

"That king wants to kiss!"


The meat on the queen's face is smoking. Moving, there was a burst of blue and white. Looking at the increasingly intimate behavior of the two, I finally couldn't help coughing and stood up and said, "I'm tired. Say goodbye first!"

After the queen finished speaking, she left in a hurry without waiting for Xuanyuan Yulin to react.

When the queen's figure disappeared, Bi Huantong suddenly jumped out of Xuanyuan Yulin's arms and patted her body urgently, as if she wanted to pat Xiaoqiang who climbed up.

"Is it so annoying?" Xuanyuan Yulin said with a smile.

"It's not annoying, it's disgusting." Thinking of the situation just now, Bi Huantong shivered.

Xuanyuan Yulin only smiled and drank a glass of wine slowly.

After spending a lot of time and trying to erase the picture just now, Bi Huantong sat next to Xuanyuan Yulin again: "Your Majesty, I think your image in the queen's heart is greatly reduced." Thinking of the queen's face just now, she couldn't help laughing.

Xuanyuan Yulin's move is too damaging.

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly and turned his head and said with a deep meaning, "What about the image of the king in Tong'er's heart?"

"Uh... it's okay." He is just acting, which is understandable.

"Is it okay? What's so good about that?" Xuanyuan Yulin raised his handsome eyebrows gently and had the posture of breaking the sand nest to ask to the end.

"This...this..." Well, what did she say for a while? It's too embarrassing!

If you really say it, it's almost like a confession.

"Tong'er, can you tell me?" Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes are full of judo.

Like being hit by the spring breeze, Bi Huantong honestly admitted that she was electrocuted.

With a turn of her eyes, she smiled cunningly and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you talk about Tong'er's image in your heart first?"

Being mainly counterattacked, Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes flashed, laughed boldly and drank without saying a word.

Xuanyuan Yulin's insipid and salty reaction made Bi Huantong a little crazy, and his beautiful eyes stared, "Lord, say it, say it quickly!" You said Tong'er before you said it!"

She looks angry, like a kitten.

Reached out her hand and gently pushed away the hair on her forehead and spoiled her, "Tong'er's position in the king's heart is desirable."

The sound of heaven suddenly blew in her world, and the world was full of flowers. Angels flew over her head, and countless heart shapes flashed like stars in the sky... Bi Huantong's face turned red, lowered her head shyly, and her heart jumped wildly, and a feeling of happiness overflowed. At her mouth, she couldn't close her mouth with a smile.

It was so sweet that she almost fainted!

"So... Can Tonger tell me?"

The soft voice sounded from her ear, and Bi Huantong's face turned redder, and her whole body felt hot. She turned around and jumped to the ground and left as if she were running away: "I won't tell you!"

She cheated.

The delicate figure quickly disappeared in front of him. Xuanyuan Yulin had a faint smile on his mouth, and his smile gradually disappeared. His eyes were calm and he muttered softly, "Do you really want to take action on me?"


"What? The queen left, how can she go so fast..." Bi Huantong stretched out and rubbed her eyes.

Today, she was sleepy. When she woke up, Cui'er told her that the queen had returned to the palace. It seemed that what happened last night had hit the queen a lot.

"Why don't you wake me up?"

"The prince said to let the princess sleep a little more, so he didn't let Cuier wake you up." Cui'er put the washbasin in front of her.

"The queen has no objection?" Will it cure her for her rebellious crime again...

Cui'er smiled and said enviously, "Don't worry if there is a prince in the princess. The prince's feelings for the princess are well known.

Like a spring breeze blowing, Bi Huantong smiled sweetly and said, "Where is the prince?"

"I'm here!"

Before Cui'er could answer, the voice of Xuanyuan Yulin came from outside the door, and then he saw Xuanyuan Yulin in plain clothes coming in with a crutch.

Xuanyuan Yulin's sudden intrusion made the master and servant panic. Bi Huantong said urgently, "How can you come in without knocking on the door? Get out!" Dizzy, her hair was fluffy, her face was confused, her pajamas were loose, and half of her shoulders were exposed. She must be unsightly like this.

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled and ignored the phantom howl. Instead, he sat down and waved to Cuier and said, "Go out."

"Yes, my lord." Cui'er answered, smiled gently at Bi Huantong, closed the door and retreated.

"You...you go out!" Bi Huantong said angrily.

"How can a wife go out for her husband?" Xuanyuan Yulin looked innocent.

Bi Huantong gave him a white look, okay. Since Xuanyuan Yulin does not dislike it, she won't say much. Anyway, she will definitely see him often like this in the future and make him mentally prepared as soon as possible.

He casually wrapped his hair with his hand, leaned into the basin, picked up a dry towel and wiped his face randomly...

"Oh..." Xuanyuan Yulin shook his head and sighed gently, sat next to her with a crutch, took the towel in her hand, dried it with water, and carefully wiped her face.

The action is so gentle and meticulous, and his face is so serious and pitiful. Bi Huantong foolishly watched him tidy up his appearance, wipe his face, and dress...

"Your Majesty, you are injured. Let Tonger come by yourself." Sitting in front of the dresser and looking at Xuanyuan Yulin holding an ivory comb and about to comb her makeup, Bi Huantong reached out and wanted to take it.

"Little fool, how to comb your hair by yourself." He said with a smile.

Bi Huantong said for a moment: "That can let Cui'er in. Your status is noble. If others know that you help Tong'er comb her hair, then..."

"What about combing your hair for your beloved?" Xuanyuan Yulin asked back, holding a bunch of black hair and combing it finely with an ivory comb.

A wisp, a bunch of a bunch, the movements are slow and serious, afraid of breaking, the cherished action makes Bi Huantong can't bear to be slightly moved. This man cherishes her more than herself.

Sit obediently and did not stop Xuanyuan Yulin. He watched him put a cute double bun for her, and the butterfly-shaped bun was pinned on both sides of her head. He was charming, cute and childish. He secretly thought that a deep person like him also had such a state of mind, which was very rare.

Maybe she really found a good person in her life.

"Do you like this bun?" Xuanyuan Yulin put down the ivory comb.

"Hmm! However, Tong'er is not young. Will others laugh when she pulls this bun..." It's nothing at her age in her previous life, but here... she is not young.

"Little fool, who dares to say that my son is old? I killed his nine clans." Xuanyuan Yulin joked, took the dressing box, took out the eyebrow ink, and gently described it on her eyebrows.

There is a drop of sweat on his forehead, and the credibility of Xuanyuan Yulin is 99%...

I hope I can go out later and don't meet people who don't want to live long...

Xuanyuan Yulin put on a light makeup for her, and the time she used was not short, but she was quite useful. To be honest, she also thought that this time would be longer. He looked very good when he was serious...

She is crazy to see it.

The mirror is as beautiful as morning, and the moth eyebrows are light. The makeup is too thick, and the makeup is too light. It's just right. It's elegant and bright as if it's going to be twisted out water. Looking at this, it's actually a lot of years younger!

Is this young beauty really herself?

"Can I still see people with my craftsmanship?" Xuanyuan Yulin said while straightening her collar.

"Hmm! Very good!" It's not covered!

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled and said lightly, "Tong'er is so beautiful that I look old."

"No, no, that's not true!" Old? Such a perfect appearance is a disaster wherever you put it!

If Xuanyuan Yulin is put to the present, it is definitely a saying that is popular among thousands of girls around the world!

He sighed in his heart, who can escape from the person he looks at?

"Don't worry, Tong'er is definitely older than the prince! At that time, the prince should not think that Tongzi is old and yellow. In this era, medical technology is not advanced, and she doesn't know what she will look like after giving birth to a child.

Having a baby... Dizzy, how did she think of this?

"Little fool!" He scolded softly, "Am I this kind of person?"

She raised her eyebrows. To be honest, she really can't guarantee it!

Ling Yuexuan also said these words, and in the end, he didn't beat her to death.

Who can really understand a man's heart?

Aware of the sadness in her eyes, Xuanyuan Yulin was about to speak when a voice came from outside the door, "Is the prince there?"

is the voice of Xuanwu.


The door was gently pushed open. Xuanwu came in and leaned over and said, "Your Majesty, what you ordered has been done."

"I see, go down."

"Yes, my subordinates have quit." Xuanwu saluted, turned around and closed the door and retreated.

What's the matter? Can you tell Tong'er?" Bi Huantong couldn't wait to ask.

Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes flashed a bright light and said mysteriously, "It's nothing. It's just a breath for her husband and Tong'er."

Are you angry? Bi Huantong was stunned, and then thought of the queen, and her heart ached. Oh, my God, that woman is the queen. Xuanyuan Yulin won't be cruel!