Where does the prince escape

Chapter 139 Black Stone

(Wow, I overslept! The chapter promised to update the relatives is only now. I'm sorry...)

"It turned out to be really her..." Bi Huantong, who had been hiding on the eaves to watch, sighed. When she really knew people and didn't know her heart, she took Concubine Chen lightly.

"Tong'er, give her three feet of white silk to break by herself. Do you have any objection?"

Xuanyuan Yulin sat in the white sedan chair. Although his voice was insufficient, it was full of deterrence and majesty.

Bi Huantong sighed and shook her head: "This is her fault. If it hadn't been for the imperial edict, Duke Hu would have smashed her into ten thousand pieces."

"It's too cheap for her to break the body. If it weren't for Tong'er...cough!" There was a trace of coldness in his weak voice. Obviously, Xuanyuan Yulin was unwilling, but he coughed out before he finished speaking, which made Bi Huantong worried.

"Your Majesty!" Through the transparent window screen, he saw his hand stroking his chest and frowning at this moment, and Bi Huantong called heartbrokenly: "White tiger, A Yan, quickly carry the prince back to the house."

If I had known this, I would not have let him follow me.

"Yes, Princess!"


It's so hard!

Bi Huantong frowned. This medicine is too bitter. Won't the doctor prescribe some lighter medicine? Thinking that Xuanyuan Yulin would drink this bitter medicine these days, her heart was twisted.

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly, took the medicine in her hand, slowly drank it all down, and went down a bowl of bitter medicine, but did not frown.

Taking back the empty medicine bowl, Bi Huantong helped him wipe the medicine around his mouth. The originally bright red and enchanting thin lips were pale at this moment, and a sigh overflowed from her mouth.

"Tong'er, don't worry about being a husband. You'll be fine after a few days of rest." Xuanyuan Yulin said lightly, took the sugar lotus seeds handed over by Bihuantong and chewed them gently.

"Your Majesty, you have to promise Tonger in the future that no matter what happens again, no matter how critical it is, you can't use true anger!" Bi Huantong said anxly.

In the final analysis, it was all her. If it hadn't been for her negligence, Xuanyuan Yulin would not have suffered this crime.

"Okay, since it's what Tonger said, he agreed for all of them." With a touch of doting in his eyes, Xuanyuan Yulin's face was tender.

The door was knocked a few times, and Bai Hu said, "Your Majesty, Xuanshi has been brought."

"Come in."


The door was pushed open, and several people came in carrying a huge stone. The stone was covered with white cloth and could not be seen in its shape.

The stone was put down, Xuanyuan Yulin waved to them, and Bai Hu and others retreated.

"Tong'er, open it and have a look. This is the black stone."

"Hmm!" Bi Huantong walked over and lifted the white cloth and couldn't help exclaiming.

The dark and shiny appearance is brilliant. Looking carefully, there is a faint blood-red light flowing inside, and there is a domineering and strange beauty.

She finally saw the black stone at close range.

Reaching out and touching it, the touch is extremely hard, and the general chiseling tools can't hurt it at all. No wonder the people of the four countries try their best.

Although the black stone is extremely precious, it is abnormally hard, but it can't be formed at all with the general cutting method. It can't be melted at high temperature. Although it is taken back, it makes skilled craftsmen very annoying." Xuanyuan Yulin muttered softly and tapped his finger on the sandalwood seat: "If it had been before, it would have been difficult for me..."

"The prince used to take samples with his own skills?"


Xuanyuan Yulin's reply impressed Bi Huantong. The hardness of this black stone is as hard as diamond, taking samples with bare hands... Oh, my God, is this still a human?