Where does the prince escape

Chapter 159 Another mutation

Bi Huan was stunned for a few seconds: "Your Majesty, will you... miss it?"

Impossible. At that time, Xuanyuan Yulin's expression was very calm! With the appearance of Chengzhu in his chest, no one believes that Xuanyuan Yulin will miss.

How can a man who exists like a god miss?

"There is a saying that there is a sudden change in things. Although the whole thing has been planned for my husband last night, if something special happens, he has not formulated many emergency response methods. You suddenly come out like this. If something goes wrong, how will you evacuate?"

Bi Huantong blinked and evacuated? She didn't think about it.

Why evacuate? Tong'er should always be with the prince!"

Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes flashed a touch of tenderness, clenched three points in his hand, and said warmly, "Little fool, if there is a problem for my husband, who will notice the withdrawal of a soldier?"

Xuanyuan Yulin's words were mysterious. Bihuan thought carefully. Assuming that things failed, Xuanyuan Yulin would be captured. That must be a fate that could not escape death. Even if the Duke of Hu was violent, it should not be possible to slaughter all the people in the hall, and those who were guarding the corner were small soldiers. At that time, there were not many people who left in a chaotic state. Few people noticed... That is to say, Xuanyuan Yulin disguised her as a soldier and let her escape at any time!

But she rushed out like this. No one knew her and couldn't run away even if she wanted to. So Xuanyuan Yulin is very angry!

As she thought of this, Bi Huantong was moved. Her eyes turned red, and tears flowed down. She held Xuanyuan Yulin with her hands and smelled the faint sandalwood fragrance on his body. At this moment, she felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

With him by her side, she is satisfied!

Xuanyuan Yulin frowned slightly, hugged her waist with one hand, patted her head with the other, and his heart twitched with her sobs, and whispered, "Don't cry, little fool, isn't it okay now? Don't cry, my husband is by your side..."

Bi Huantong shook her head, picked up his robe and wiped her tears and nose. She wanted to speak but couldn't say it. She could only lie on him and continue to cry...

The latter drew black lines on his face.

He found that Xuanyuan Yulin's body was a little stiff. Bi Huantong was stunned and saw several big stains on his purple suit. Suddenly, his face turned red and he took out a silk silk from his arms to dry the stains.

With a big hand, her hand holding silk was full, and the warmth in her hand stirred her inch of heartstrings. Her face was slightly red, and she looked up at him puzzledly.

Gently took away her silk, Xuanyuan Yulin carefully wiped away the tears on her face, her eyes were affectionate, and slowly said, "Don't cry. If you cry again, it's not good for our baby."

When it comes to the baby, Bi Huantong was shocked and quickly took a few deep breaths, strongly suppressing the fluctuating emotions in her heart.

People say that the baby will be unhappy if the mother is not happy. Now that she is crying, will the baby cry?! Calm down, Bihuantong, you must calm down!

"Your Majesty, Tong'er wants to complain!"

Xuanyuan Yulin raised his eyebrows: "Oh?" It seems that the mood swings of pregnant women are well-founded.

"No matter what you do in the future, you will have to confess to me! Otherwise, the baby and I will be unhappy!" Bi Huantong said righteously and solemnly.

Xuanyuan Yulin couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, I won't lie to you for my husband in the future..."

"You can't cheat! Tong'er asked the prince to tell everything honestly. If Tong'er found any mistakes in the prince's words, then Tong'er..." Bi Huantong paused and said what to say?

"What will happen to Tong'er?" Xuanyuan Yulin said with great interest.

"Tong'er... just... I'll cry for you!" Yes, just cry and make trouble. Men are afraid of this.

His eyebrows frowned in the shape of 'eight' for the first time. Xuanyuan Yulin said helplessly, "Then I have to prepare well when I go back. There are so many things a day, and it will take at least an hour to report... How about reporting once in the morning and once in the evening?"

One hour in the morning and one hour in the evening?!


Bihuantong Petrochemical...

"Well... Let's talk about it at night and pick the key points!" Bi Huantong threatened. When you can't sleep at night, you can listen and sleep, so that you don't have to fall asleep.

I don't know why, I'm getting more and more irritable these days. Looking at Xuanyuan Yulin's calm appearance, I want to abuse her...

"Well, my husband knows, pick the key points, otherwise my son will make trouble." Xuanyuan Yulin was still smiling, but this smile was a bitter smile. He imagined that he was respectfully reporting things by the bedside with paper...

"Well, be good." Bi Huantong stroked Xuanyuan Yulin's face, and then yawned greatly. She must have been too depressed just now, crying and laughing, and now she is exhausted.

Xuanyuan Yulin took off his dirty coat, hugged Bi Huantong tightly, patted her back, and whispered, "If you want to sleep, lean on your husband. You are tired today."

Bi Huantong nodded and yawned again. She tilted her head and closed her eyes on Xuanyuan Yulin's chest. It was fragrant, warm, soft and comfortable...


In the magnificent hall, singing and dancing rose to level, and the officials kept flattering. The emperor sitting on the dragon chair was as beautiful as a god, but his face was expressionless. Ren Baiguan didn't hear what he said below.

His eyes are free.

Holding the glazed glass in his hand, he raised his head and drank up the wine in the glass, adding a little sadness. Ruliu's eyebrows frowned, and her pale red lips opened gently: "Since ancient times, it has been sad to leave, and it is even more cold in the autumn festival. Where to wake up tonight, Yang Liu'an, Xiaofeng remnant moon..."

A bodyguard hurried to the hall and went straight through the crowd to the emperor. The man appeared, and the officials were stunned, and the whole hall was suddenly silent.

"Your Majesty, 800 miles will be sent as soon as possible!"

Looking at the dusty bodyguard, Luo Xi said lightly, "Take it."

"Yes." The palace man beside him took the urgent report from the bodyguard and respectfully handed it to Luo Xi.

Opening the military emergency report, Luo Xi's eyes sank, and his face coldly threw the emergency report to the ground. Long Yan was furious, and all the officials were shocked and quickly knelt down.

"Has General Huang's troops arrived at Qinling?"

"Your Majesty, it has arrived."

"Who found out about this first?"

"The army of Worry-free Country."

"Nonsense, why did the armies of other countries discover such a major thing first?"

The bodyguard was shocked, his face turned pale in an instant, and his hands trembled: "This...this...Your Majesty, please calm down..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Xi raised his hand: "Has it been confirmed?"

The bodyguard breathed a sigh of relief: "It has been confirmed."

Luo Xi's eyes were cold, but he quickly calmed down, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly with a smile: "In this case, I'm also going to meet this old friend."