Online game creation gun soul

Chapter 129 Mysterious USB flash drive

Jiang Hongji carefully flattened the plastic film on the keyboard and gently pressed it on each key to facilitate fingerprint extraction. A few minutes later, Jiang Hongji carefully removed the plastic film, and then took out the infrared flashlight to scan it.

The three carefully observed the fingerprint extracted from the plastic film, and quickly judged all the numbers on the keyboard corresponding to the keys on the keyboard. Seeing this, Wang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but say excitedly:

"Since you have got the number, you have to try it first anyway. In order to avoid any mistakes, Jiang Hongji, you can enter it."

For Wang Xiaoqiang's request, Jiang Hongji couldn't help smiling and said:

"You can ask me to enter it, but you must promise to let my sister go."

When Wang Xiaoqiang heard this, he nodded and said:

"Okay, I promise you that it's safe for Tu Xiaoxian to be honest, not to mention that your favorite man will take care of her. As long as Xichen can be successfully rescued, I will give both of them to you."

Jiang Hongji laughed at this:

"This is a fair deal. Isn't it good to exchange one life for two lives?"

When Jiang Hongji entered the fingerprint sample on the keyboard. A few seconds later, the correct input words popped up on the display screen of the instrument. Wang Xiaoqiang was still worried about this, so he couldn't help quickly turning to the isolation board. Almost at the same time, the good things on the isolation board slowly declined. At this time, Wang Xiaoqiang's heart After calming down, he ran to the sleeping Lin Xichen with a few arrows.

He pressed his hand to Lin Xichen's cheek and felt that the question was much lower than that of normal people, at least Lin Xichen was still alive, which is more important than anything else for Wang Xiaoqiang. After all, this is his only hope for his survival. Whether such a situation can be changed depends to some extent depends on the development of the game.

At this time, Jiang Hongji, not far away, found that there was a USB disk inserted in the USB interface of the instrument, but from the surface, the U disk shell was damaged. It should be caused by the shock wave just caused by the explosion, Jiang Hongji pulled it out.

Seeing this actress, he couldn't help saying to Wang Xiaoqiang, who took care of Lin Xichen not far away:

"Xiaoqiang, come and have a look. We found the USB flash drive left by Mr. Li here. It must be very important data. Come and have a look."

As soon as Wang Xiaoqiang said this, he quickly came over, and Jiang Hongji beside him was obviously very dissatisfied with this and glanced at the actress with disgust.

This little girl will inevitably have bad things in the future, and she has to find an opportunity to get rid of it.

"Jiang Hongji, what did you find?"

Faced with Wang Xiaoqiang's doubts, Jiang Hongji also had to take out the USB flash drive that had just been found to be broken and said helplessly:

"Obviously this thing was left by Li Jiacheng, and there should be important content hidden in it. I think he should be ready to copy this important data and escape, but in the process, he was assassinated by someone, and the assassination method was very strange, except for the shock wave after the explosion after death. There is no sign of death, but since I got this USB flash drive, I should take it back to the headquarters for research.

"Okay, I know this."

At this time, Jiang Hongji couldn't help saying:

"To get back to the point, you can't get in touch with the outside world now, so you should not be able to execute our deal, so I will take care of your fiancee for the time being. You don't mind. I'm helping you now."

To the request made by Jiang Hongji, Wang Xiaoqiang once again turned his eyes to the sleeping Lin Xichen and reluctantly made a decision and nodded:

"Okay, I promise you, but I have a request."

Jiang Hongji was a little surprised and couldn't help asking:

"What request?"

"You can take Xichen, but you must ensure her safety. In addition, in order for me to better understand Xichen's situation with you, all the life of Xichen is fully taken care of by the actress. My request is not high, is it?

Jiang Hongji said with an extremely unnatural smile:

"Well, I promise you this, but if my sister does anything wrong, I can't guarantee whether our deal is fair."

When Jiang Hongji said, she said to Mai on her collar:

"Please pay attention to the careful search and evacuate in ten minutes."

At this time, Wang Xiaoqiang accidentally saw that there was something wrong with the bracelet on Li Jiacheng's wrist. He had never seen Li Jiacheng bring such a thing before. Could it be that he was also playing "Might" or that there was any other reason or purpose?

A few minutes later, Jiang Hongji's team slowly carried Lin Xichen away on a stretcher. At this time, when Wang Xiaoqiang looked back at the body that no one had asked about after Li Jiacheng, he saw a ferocious smile on Li Jiacheng's face, which made Wang Xiaoqiang feel a chill in an instant.

Is this guy really dead like this?

On the other hand, the three people in the dilapidated hut anxiously waited for Yanhong's return. Soon after, Yanhong slowly opened her eyes and asked with one voice:

"What's wrong?"

After Yanhong got up and looked around with grim eyes, she said:

"This situation is still very critical. I went online to inform the whisper invasion of the city. He did not reply, but he went offline a few minutes later, which means that he should go to Li Jiacheng's location after going offline and should meet Jiang Hongji. Now we can't get in touch with both of them for the time being, so now I Think..."

Before the voice fell, Yanhong suddenly felt something was wrong around her, but after she carefully glanced around, although she didn't find anything, she still didn't dare to take it lightly. At this time, Rabbit Xiaoxian shook Yanhong and said anxiously:

"What's wrong? Go on!"

Before the voice fell, Yanhong suddenly pressed the rabbit fairy's head down and shouted:

"All lie down!"

As soon as this came out, the other two people cleverly threw themselves to the ground. At this moment, the rain of bullets hit in different directions. Although the four were not in a hurry, only the rabbit fairy, who had never seen the world, covered his head with tears and dared not look up to observe the situation around them.

Seeing this thorny rain looking around, he couldn't help saying:

"How did these guys find here?"

Yanhong looked down at the bracelet on her right wrist and said:

"It should be IP tracking. At least four of us here are players of Haight, and they should be wearing bracelets. It's relatively easy to track in this way.

I didn't expect that besides us, there are other people who have this technology.