A master of online games

Chapter 007 Killing Cicadas and Killing Sparrows

Meng Jianghu looked at Ye Wumeng with some fear and said almost pleadingly, "Vice President Ye, we have no intention to be your enemy. Our domineering god and you hidden dragon have no grudges in the past. I believe you will not embarrass us, right?"

Seeing that Meng Jianghu was so afraid of Ye Muji, the doomsday mage and Jianding Qiankun began to beat drums in their hearts, and their eyes were also full of fear in the sleepless eyes.

At this time, sleepless night is like a high emperor, standing with his hands on his hands and condescendingly said to the three people in Mengjianghu, "The three of you dared to fight with Miss Lengyue just now. You really don't know whether to live or die!"

Meng Jianghu was stunned, and then his expression became extremely ugly. He explained like constipation, "Brother Ye, don't get me wrong, we are just--"

Who is your brother? A loser deserves to be called a brother with me?" Ye Wumian's face turned sharp and said viciously, and his expression became fierce, as if he was about to eat Meng Jianghu in one bite.

Meng Jianghu's face became more ugly and gloomy, but even so, he still accompanied his smiling face and said, "Yes, I'm a waste, Ye... Night Deputy Master, we were really just competing with the cold moon goddess just now. Now that we have finished the competition, let's go, okay?"

Ye Wuqian's face was arrogant and sneered. He seemed to be satisfied with the performance of Meng Jianghu. Then he turned his head and looked at Leng Yue on the side. His face immediately changed. He asked with a gentle smile, "Miss Leng Yue, you make the decision. If you let them go, I will let them go. You have to say... Ha ha, you know!"

The facial muscles of Meng Jianghu almost twisted together, and the two people standing behind him were chilling.

"Whatever." Leng Yue frowned and turned her head slightly to look at Nie Fan and the madman under the mountain, anxious.

"Do you hear me? Miss Leng Yue said, let you get out of here! In the future, don't make yourself uncomfortable!" He shouted coldly at night without sleep.

Meng Jianghu was granted an amnesty and fled with his two newly harvested younger brothers. The plan was ruined and humiliated, which was really embarrassing.

"Miss Lengyue, now that the garbage has been cleaned up, I won't beat around the bush with you. To be honest, I personally appreciate you very much. I think you know this." After a pause, I saw that Leng Yue was not moved at all. A trace of anger flashed on Ye Mujian's face, but it was just fleeting, and then said, "You also see the situation under the col. What I want to say is that you cooperate with us, hang up the evil mortal, grab the boss, and as for the trophy... How about the equipment according to the occupation and other equal? "

There are three people and three professions here. If the explosive equipment is distributed according to occupation, it is obviously unfair to Leng Yue.

So Lengyue's face turned cold in an instant. She stared at the night and said coldly, "You praised me. I don't deserve to cooperate with you. Also, I painted the wild wolf king below, and I was hung up by it once!"

Ye Wuyi smiled, and a joking look flashed in his eyes, and then said, "I just said that I personally appreciate you very much. Since I appreciate you and as a man, I should take a step back. Well, you and I share things equally. How--

Night sleeplessly held the last word 'like' in his mouth and didn't say it, because the cold moon suddenly turned into a wind and swept down the mountain pass

Night sleepless eyes flashed, and I saw the scene under the mountain pass in a blink of an eye. I was shocked. I immediately stopped talking nonsense. With a wave of my hand, I rushed straight down with the two people behind me and followed Leng Yue.


"Brother Fan, we still slowed down. They rushed down!" At this time, the madman had killed all the four wolves and met the wolf king with Nie Fan.

"Don't talk nonsense, kill!" Nie Fan's face was resolute, and his eyes did not slant. He stared straight at the injured wild wolf king. The sword moved with his eyes, and his eyes fell on the wild wolf king, and the sword front fell wherever.

"Brother Fan, I can't catch up. I'll block them!"

"Come back! Concentrate on killing wolves!" Nie Fan didn't look at it and shouted fiercely. The iron sword was cut in the air. The strength was so strong and the angle was so fierce that only the wild wolf king could feel it.

The madman's face changed, and his heart was entangled for a while. After all, he listened to Nie Fan's words. Regardless of the fierce four people later, the long gun was sent straight out and stabbed the left hind leg of the wild wolf king, and the blood surged straight out.


The wild wolf king looked up to the sky and let out a miserable wolf howling, but his body stopped moving, and even closed his eyes, waiting for the arrival of death.

"You two, stop!" A delicate shout was shouted by Leng Yue. Before she arrived, the voice arrived first. Obviously, she felt infinite anger and helplessness at Nie Fan's robbing his boss.

How could Nie Fan and the madman listen to her? They attacked one shot and one sword in turn, which was more rapid than just now. In a moment, the Wolf King hung up under such destruction of the two people and burst out something on the ground.

"Ding, you are satisfied with the upgrade experience..."

"Pick it up!" Nie Fan bent down and picked it up. Of course, he did not forget to remind the madman at the same time, but the madman did not need to remind him. He almost took action at the same time as Nie Fan and grabbed the trophy on the ground with lightning speed. His hand was so fast that it was like a fantasy that even Nie Fan was surprised.

After the wild wolf king fell to the ground for no more than three seconds, Nie Fan and the madman carved up all its 'relic' and collected them into their respective packages.

"Too much bullying!" Leng Yue's face was like frost, and an iron sword broke through the air and was about to split towards the madman's back.

"Be careful!" Nie Fan suddenly pushed away the madman, and the iron sword quickly rose. In the lightning, he only heard a 'ping' sound. Nie Fan took two steps back in a row, and Leng Yue took a step back.

But the boss was robbed, but everything that originally belonged to him was taken away. Leng Yue would not let Nie Fan go like this. For a moment, she didn't stop. As soon as she took a step back, she rushed over again. The iron sword raised high and chopped towards Nie Fan.

The roar of the sword front broke through the air and made Nie Fan's scalp numb. His heart jumped backwards and dodge the sword, but Leng Yue did not give him the slightest chance to fight back. He split into the air. At present, he controlled the force of his wrist and immediately split into flirting. He took a step forward and opened wide, but the sword front followed Nie closely. Sails are like bone warts.

"Hmm!" Nie Fan snorted coldly, scratched his feet, took half a step back with his left foot, and leaned back slightly on his upper body. At the same time, he picked up the iron sword from top to bottom and directly picked Leng Yue's iron sword blade above his head.

The left foot supported in the back, and the right foot leaped forward, followed by Nie Fan's whole body. The iron sword was in front and stabbed out, as fast as lightning, directly hitting the cold moon and snow-white neck.

instantly became passive. Leng Yue was shocked, her little mouth opened slightly, and her right foot took a step to the right. Then she was short, and her upper body also tilted to the right, but she narrowly avoided Nie Fan's sword.

Just as Nie Fan was about to kill and was about to fall, the corner of his eyes was aimed at the madman. At this time, the madman was besieged by the sleepless three, and the situation was very bad.

Quickly took a step back and took back the iron sword. Nie Fan ignored Leng Yue's astonishment and quickly said, "Stand on our side, give you a level 5 iron sword!"

Leng Yue has returned to normal and stood up straight, but her face was a little blank.

"Don't think about it anymore. Don't want anything else!" Nie Fan looked at the crazy man in critical situation over there and urged him.

"Good!" Leng Yue agreed, and even she didn't expect that she would agree so simply. For a moment, she was a little depressed. She simply turned around and stopped facing Nie Fan.

Maybe it's because the level 5 iron sword ** is too big, maybe the sleepless night is too annoying, or maybe Nie Fan's tone is irrefutable, which makes her unconsciously agree, but the most likely is that there are all three.

Nie Fan breathed a sigh of relief and was very relieved. Thank God again. As long as Leng Yue stopped interfering, this matter would be much easier.

Unable to think about anything else, Nie Fan suddenly moved and rushed straight to the sleepless night.

"Cold moon! Stop Evil!" Ye Wumian saw Nie Fan holding an iron sword and rushed over like a wolf like a tiger, and his heart suddenly 'clucked', which made him feel bad.

"Why?" Leng Yue stood not far away and stood leisurely. Although she was in a coarse linen coat, it could not hide her beauty at all.

"With..." Ye Muping stopped abruptly. Yes, Leng Yue did not agree to cooperate with him. Why did he listen to him?

"Good! You are cruel!" Ye Wumeng's face was gloomy, but he no longer dealt with the madman, but set the target as Nie Fan. He waved his staff continuously. A fireball burning with flames appeared out of thin air and hit Nie Fan. At the same time, Ye Muji retreated repeatedly, trying to distance himself from Nie Fan.

"Madman, be careful!" Nie Fan loudly reminded the madman on the other side. At the same time, he shook his body, and the sleepless fireball lost its target and fell on the grass, and several small grasses were roasted in an instant.

"Don't worry, Brother Fan, these two little rookies can't help me!" Without the sleepless fireball harassment at night, the madman felt relaxed and wholeheartedly dealt with the two little soldiers in front of him, long *, probed, stopped, took and swept. Each move was extremely chic, and he played the two little soldiers around.

At this time, Ye Mucai was like a bitter man, with a bitter expression and a more painful retreat speed. In just a few blinks, he almost caught up with Nie Fan, and his only skill, the small fireball, did not hit Nie Fan once.

Night sleepless has been upgraded from level 1 to level 3 now. 15 points of free attribute points have not been added to agility at all, while Nie Fan has added 6 points. Of course, the speed is not comparable to night sleepless.

He can't run away, and can't beat him. Ye Wuping has the desire to commit suicide at this time. He is the deputy master of the Hidden Dragon Guild, the largest guild in the game, and let people hang up in the novice village. Isn't this a disgrace to the guild?

Originally, he thought that Leng Yue would always pester Nie Fan, and then he and his two men killed the madman first, and then went to kill Nie Fan. Although nothing could explode after the death of the novice player in the novice village, he just wanted to hang up Nie Fan once to frustrate Nie Fan's spirit and promote it. My own prestige.

But who knows, at the critical moment, Leng Yue suddenly changed her mind and stood aside and watched coldly. No one helped, sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight! Looking at her appearance, it seems that she has reached some agreement with Nie Fan!

Thinking of this, sleepless night is even more depressed and wants to spit blood!

(Ask for collection, red tickets, comments, and rewards. O(╯□╰)o)