A master of online games

Chapter 011 Unbearable to look back

No one noticed that Leng Yue's body was trembling slightly, holding the hilt of the sword in one hand and fisting in the other, and there was no trace of blood color in her hands due to excessive force. She bit her lip, and the water flowed in her eyes, but she looked extremely resolute.

Nie Fan walked slowly to the beautiful NPC and asked, "Do you still have an unfinished wish?"

The beautiful NPC raised the corners of her mouth, showed a bitter smile, shook her head, and then turned to Nie Fan and said, "There is no regret in this life."

Nie Fan opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Beauty NPC smiled, relaxed and cheerful, and said, "You two have completed the task. You can go."

The madman stood beside Nie Fan and asked, "Where are you going?"

Beauty NPC smiled and said, "I have my own place."

After saying that, the beautiful NPC skimmed over Nie Fan and walked to the cold moon still standing in the middle of the stone room.

"Brother Fan." The madman looked at Nie Fan and waited for Nie Fan's meaning.

"Let's go." Nie Fan stepped forward and walked towards the corridor when he came in.

The madman followed Nie Fan, and the two quickly walked into the corridor and left.

In this stone room, there are only two beautiful women NPC and Leng Yue left, who are as beautiful and cold as they are.

Beauty NPC looked at Lengyue with a faint smile on her face and whispered three words: "Thank you."

Immediately, the beautiful NPC shook her long sleeves, and a ray of light instantly hit Leng Yue's body.

Leng Yue did not respond. She only saw her eyes looking at the ground and muttered, "Three streams of water, two points of dust, a lifetime of entanglement, half a lifetime of death, bitterness, hatred is not hate, life as life, death..."

In the end, Leng Yue's voice began to tremble, as if sobbing and could no longer speak.

"So you are also a sad person, no wonder." The beautiful NPC smiled and looked at the cold moon, and there seemed to be a light called love in her eyes.

"I ask you, hate or hate, what is that?" Leng Yue suddenly raised her head, and her eyes were already red, but there were no tears flowing out, staring straight at the beautiful NPC.

The beautiful NPC is still light, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, and the spring breeze is infinite. She only heard her say, "Hate is just paranoia, deep hatred, which means that she is too paranoid."

"How is it not paranoid?"

"I can afford it, I can let it go."

"I gave almost everything for him. In the end, I found that he was lying to me. He not only hurt me, but also put my family into a difficult situation and made me a sinner. All this was caused by him. How can I put it down?"

Leng Yue was excited and shouted loudly. Tears swirling in her eyes, but she just didn't cry and bit her lips desperately to prevent tears from flowing out, which was so strong that it made people feel sad.

"It's him who hates him, but it's you who are sad. Don't you feel sad?" The beautiful NPC put away her smiling face and frowned at Leng Yue. Suddenly, a trace of intolerance flashed in her eyes and whispered, "If you want to cry, cry out. It's better to cry."

Hearing the word 'crying', Leng Yue couldn't help crying. Tears flowed down like a flood, crystal clear, like crystal beads, one after another, out of control.

The beautiful NPC sighed and approached and held the cold moon in his arms.

With support, a burst of grievance and sadness rushed out of Leng Yue's heart, but she cried louder and harder.


At this time, Nie Fan and the madman had walked into the forest when they came, looking at the 'relics' left by the earth and stone monster.

"A 10-level bronze knife, a 10-level iron stone shield, a pair of 10-level iron boots, a 10-level iron breastplate, a 10-level iron trousers, all of which are heavy armor, special for soldiers, and 28 silver coins, 6 red pills that instantly restore 300 points, but only level 10 can be used. ." After a pause, the madman smiled and said, "This harvest is really not small!"

"It seems that the earth and stone monster is really strange. Obviously, the level 15 monster, but the explosive equipment is level 10." Nie Fan shook his head and said, "When you go to the second-level main city at level 10, give the knife to the fat man, and the stone shield is also given to our flaming shield warriors. The fat water does not flow to the field of outsiders. Who should you show it to? As for the three heavy armor, you can wear it yourself."

Shields are very rare before level 30, so they are also very precious. Shield warriors can only be forged if they have shields, otherwise they will only be abused.

"Hey, okay - er, Brother Fan, three pieces of heavy armor should be given to you." The madman said with a black line.

It's not that you don't know that I pursue the strongest attack and the most sensitive body. I don't seek defense, not to mention iron weapons, even the artifact brother doesn't like it." Nie Fan curled his lips and said disdainfully.

Nie Fan plays with swords and pursues the strongest attack and the most sensitive body, so he never wears heavy armor, only wears lock armor.

The lock armor in the miracle is different from the 'lock armor' used in ancient wars. The lock armor in the miracle is the same as the heavy armor, but the material of the lock armor is different from that of the heavy armor. The specific armor is much lighter, but it is far from defense, but Nie Fan does not seek defense, but only wants lightness and convenience. The lock armor is just right. .

"But - don't say 'no but', but it's better for you to wear equipment in the early stage than not wearing equipment, right?"

"No, but."


Nie Fan smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense. The front is Goblin's territory. Get ready to fight. Kill a few to level 7 and then go back to the village to hand over the task and take over the task."

A earth and stone monster almost made Nie Fan and the madman upgrade two levels in a row. At this time, Nie Fan's experience value of 2% of this level can rise to level 7. I believe that the madman is not much worse.

The madman curled his lips and looked helpless. He took out his long gun and followed Nie Fan.


Two golden lights flashed in the forest, but Nie Fan and the madman rose to level 7 at the same time.

As always, the 3-point strength 2-point agile distribution method, Nie Fan's strength has become 40 points, the agility is 34 points, and the attack 131-167 is already quite powerful.

"Brother Fan, why don't you let these goblins send us back to the village?" The madman suddenly said excitedly.

"Uh..." Nie Fan was petrified in an instant.

"Anyway, there is no punishment, no experience and no explosive items, don't you think?"

Nie Fan thought for a moment and seemed to be reasonable. He was about to agree, but the system prompt rang.

"Ding, your hunger has reached 80, please go offline to replenish your physical fitness as soon as possible!"

When the hunger reaches 80, it means that Nie Fan has been playing games for too long and his physical fitness can't keep up. He must go offline to eat and move his muscles and bones before he can continue the game.

"Your hunger has reached 80, right? Let's eat first." Nie Fan said with a wry smile.

"Okay, then we will go to the original underground line?"


After saying that, Nie Fan called out the system page with his mind, then found 'Exit the game', reached out and clicked, and then his consciousness fell into chaos.

The madman went offline immediately.


Consciousness recovered, as if waking up from sleep, Nie Fan reached out and took off the game helmet, and the room was dark and silent.

The real hour is a half of a miracle, that is to say, Nie Fan spent 9 hours in the game just now, but only 6 hours in reality, so now Beijing time is 2 o'clock in the morning.

Turning on the bedside lamp, Nie Fan got out of bed and stretched his body, and then went out of the bedroom.

As soon as the induction chandelier lit up, Xiao Yu's door also opened. Xiao Yu came out and smiled when he saw Nie Fan. Obviously, he had just finished the game.

Nie Fan and Xiao Yu live on the first floor of the villa. There are three bedrooms side by side on the first floor. Nie Fan and Xiao Yu live one each, and one is empty in the middle.

In front of the three side-by-row bedrooms is a spacious open space with a billiard table in the middle. Four people play billiards when they are free, while opposite the three bedrooms is a wall, and on the other side of the wall is a large living room.

Next to the house where Nie Fan lives is a floor-to-ceiling glass window with plenty of light, while next to Xiao Yu's room is a small bar, similar to a bar, which contains a variety of drinks, and she often makes some cocktails for three people to drink, which is also to show her versatility.

This villa is one of the quiet heritage left by her quiet father. In the year of her quiet senior year of high school, her father died of a heart attack, and the culprit of An's father's heart attack was a quiet mother - a woman with 'unscrupulous', 'unholy', '**' and so on. People, and the origin of these curses, is that she had an extramarital love affair with a foreigner and was caught and raped by An's father. It was also because of this that An's father had a heart attack on the spot and went to the hospital. He was depressed and died soon after.

An's mother regretted, but everything was late. Her husband refused to forgive her. He was so sick that he signed a divorce agreement with her. Her daughter broke off the mother-daughter relationship with her. Her relatives and friends looked down on her, pretended to be polite and scolded her behind her back. She felt that the sky that belonged to her had completely collapsed. .

For good, the foreigner is a little affectionate. He is not a lover and is willing to take An's mother back to the United States to settle down. An's mother has no choice but to agree.

From then on, she became a fatherless orphan. Fortunately, she was accompanied by three best friends, Fatty, Nie Fan and Xiao Yu, which made her get out of that shadow and face life again.

Just last year, when the first virtual online game 'World' was launched, the fat man who was already a quiet boyfriend suggested: "Honey, why don't we all go to live in your house? It's lively. Your house is not far from my house. My mother can cook the meal and let the nanny send it over. The four of us will play games together and travel. Break through the world in the play!"

That's it. Although the fat man's words were not coherent because he was a little nervous, he finally expressed his meaning clearly. She quietly agreed, and she was a little moved by the reason. So the four lived together in this villa. Fatty and quiet lived on the second floor, and Nie Fan and Xiao Yu lived on the first floor.

The fat man has not discussed this matter with Nie Fan and Xiao Yu in advance. Although both of them are a little '**', there is basically no reason to object.

Because the two know that the fat man did this, on the one hand, they are distressed and quiet and don't want to suffer outside, and on the other hand, they want the quiet to completely forget the bad past and welcome a better and better future. As the best friends of the fat man and quiet, they must unconditionally support the fat man.

(Dear uncles, enjoy a red ticket...)