A master of online games

Chapter 036 Succeed

Nie Fan didn't understand what pie fell from the sky until now, but he felt that the pie fell a little confused, which made him feel a little cloudy.

"That's good, but I don't have much money now..." As soon as he said this, before he finished a sentence, Nie Fan was interrupted by the eldest brother.

"No money, not a copper coin!" The eldest brother said quickly, with an expectant look on his face, and said, "I just need you to help us get some materials!"

"What kind of material is that?" Nie Fan is moved. Who doesn't want to have a free lunch?

"A gourd mountain stream clear spring, one... What equipment do you want? Heavy armor?" The eldest brother suddenly asked, as if he wanted to tailor it for Nie Fan.

"Lock armor." Nie Fan replied.

"Oh, it's easier to make the materials for the armor lock. I don't know what grade you want?" The eldest brother asked again.

Nie Fan was stunned. Can he choose the grade? Is that artifact okay?

As soon as he had this idea, Nie Fan shook off this extremely ridiculous idea and smiled and said, "Do you want to see your brothers?"

"Oh, hehe." The elder brother laughed a few times and said, "To be honest, we two brothers can only barely refine silver equipment now."

Looking at the elder brother's a little embarrassed, Nie Fan smiled and said, "Silver is enough!"

"Ah?" The eldest brother was obviously a little happy and immediately said, "If you think it's easy to do. You just need to help us get a gourd mountain stream and a few beast bones. Of course, the higher the level of the beast, the better."

"Is that all?" Nie Fan asked tentatively.

"This is all." The eldest brother said with a smile, "This is a gourd. Take it and put it in water."

With that, the eldest brother took out a gourd that looked a little old from the package, and the mouth of the gourd was stuffed with a wooden plug.

At this time, the second brother pushed the door with a pot of hot water and pushed in. After seeing the gourd on the table, his face obviously flashed with a trace of joy.

Nie Fan caught a trace of joy on the second brother's face, and he immediately had a conjecture in his heart.

"But why do you help me refine my equipment for no reason?" Nie Fan asked doubtfully.

"Uh..." The eldest brother was a little embarrassed and looked at the second brother. He said, "Brother, you talk about it."

"Okay." The second brother smiled and opened his mouth, but said, "Let's make tea first. Let's talk while tasting tea."


Three cups of hot tea are placed on the table, and the tea is fragrant.

The second brother smiled and said, "Actually, to tell you the truth, we haven't been equipped for a long time. The reason is that there are no materials, so I want you to help us get some."

"Is it difficult to make materials?" Nie Fan asked.

"It shouldn't be difficult for you, and what we want is not very advanced monster bones, just level 20 or above." After a pause, the second brother said again, "That's the clear spring of the mountain stream is more difficult to handle. In the depths of the Falling Flower Valley, the lowest-level monsters there are also 30. If it is close to the spring and the depths of the Falling Flower Valley, I think there are also 50-level monsters."

"Level 50 monster?!" Nie Fan sweated and said, "I only have level 12 now. If I meet a level 50 monster in the depths of the Falling Flower Valley, I'm afraid I will die. No, it's very likely that I can't get to the depths of the valley."

"Don't be afraid, we will give you a charm. As long as you read the formula, the charm will burn into ashes, and then no monster will actively attack you within the next half an hour. Of course, provided that you can't take the initiative to attack or provoke monsters." The eldest brother said immediately.

"Then why don't you go?" Nie Fan asked again.

"We can't use the scroll back to the city, so we can only fill the gourd with spring water within half an hour, and we can't come out. At that time, the time limit of the rune paper will pass, and we will die." After a pause, the eldest brother said again, "There is only one piece of rune paper."

"Can't you beat level 50 monsters?" Nie Fan was stunned, which seemed unlikely.

"We don't have combat effectiveness, even level 20 monsters can't beat them." The eldest brother said regretfully.

"Oh! So that's it!" Nie Fan suddenly realized that these two brothers were apprentices of blacksmiths, both of whom belonged to artists and had no combat effectiveness.

"Is it okay? Can you help us with this? Don't worry, we will definitely help you build a good equipment!" The big brother's tone was full of begging, "In fact, we just want to make equipment to make Master happy."

Nie Fan looked at the two people with bitter faces, smiled and said, "Okay, I'll help you!"


After a while, Nie Fan and the two brothers came out of the cabin with smiles on their faces.

"Brother Evil, thank you so much this time." The eldest brother said to Nie Fan as he walked.

"You're so kind. We are friends." Nie Fan said with a smile.

"Yes, we are friends, haha." Smiling, the elder brother said again, "Brother, go to the front hall to make some Longquan tea picked by the evil brother. Master, come soon."

"Good." The second brother answered and ran to the front hall.

At this moment, a white light flashed in the courtyard, and the old man Jin finally came.

"Master." The elder brother quickly walked over and saluted Old Jin.

"Ye." Old Jin nodded and then came over to Nie Fan.

Nie Fan greeted him, saluted, and said, "Senior Jin, is everything going well?"

There was not much expression on Mr. Jin's face, but said lightly, "I forgot to ask you how many levels you want me to raise the level of the sword for you?"

Nie Fan is dizzy.

The big brother standing beside the old man Jin was also a little ashamed.

"Now there is only the last step left. Come on, after that, you just need to wait here for a moment, and I will appear again." Old Jin explained.

"Oh, if possible, level 12 is better!" Nie Fan immediately replied.

"Okay, wait a moment." After saying that, old man Jin disappeared again.

At this time, the second brother came to the backyard with a bag of tea and quickly walked towards Nie Fan.

"Brother, take these Longquan teas and bring them to your friend who likes to taste tea." The second brother had a faint smile on his face.

"Thank you!" Nie Fan did not refuse. Anyway, he had just agreed, so he reached out and took it and put it in the package.

Until now, Nie Fan has received three things from the two brothers, a gourd, a rune paper, and a bag of tea. According to the two brothers in front of him, the gourd is also a magic weapon. If it is full, it can hold as much water as a small lake, but the two brothers don't seem to say that they want to give it to Nie Fan.

Just in the room, Nie Fan finally knew why the two brothers said that an hour was not enough for them to escape from the valley, because they needed at least half gourd water, and it took at least half an hour to hold half gourd water, that is to say, the time limit of the rune paper that loaded with half gourd water is Just past, if they can't leave the valley immediately, they will be torn to pieces by level 50 monsters. Obviously, it is impossible for them to leave the valley immediately.

However, Nie Fan is different. Nie Fan can use the scroll back to return to Luoshui City immediately after an hour.

This is the calculation of these two brothers. They want Nie Fan to help them get water, and then help them get some bones of beasts, and then they use them to refine. With the bones of mountain springs and beasts, the success rate of their refining tools will be very high. If they succeed, their master will be very happy. Master is happy. They are brothers. Zi is also happy.

"Those equipment over there are all scrapped?" Nie Fan pointed to a pile of iron equipment piled up under the wall and asked.

"Yes, they are all witnesses of our failure." The eldest brother's face was gloomy in an instant.

Nie Fan walked over.

The two brothers were a little confused and didn't know why Nie Fan walked over to see those rotten iron blocks. The two of them followed.

Big brother asked, "Brother Evil, what are you doing?"

At this time, Nie Fan had come to this pile of scrap copper and iron. He could see that some of them already had some prototypes of equipment, and some of them were in a mess.

"Can you give me some of these things?" Nie Fan pointed to the scrap copper under his feet and asked.

"Ah?" The two brothers made a surprised voice at the same time. The eldest brother first asked, "Brother, what do you want to do with these things?"

"Yes, these things are useless things. They are all broken copper and iron that our refiners failed." That brother is also quite puzzled.

"A friend of mine turned to a refiner and lacked some metal objects for him to practice his skills, so I want to bring some back to practice his skills." Nie Fan said lightly.

"Oh, so that's it. Then you can take as much as you want. Anyway, we are worried about it when we put it here." The two brothers said together.

Nie Fan was overjoyed, with a faint smile on his face. After saying 'thank you', he bent down and picked it up, but he only picked up those that looked obviously better and had the prototype of equipment.

After a while, Nie Fan was full of the package and the load was full. Then he stopped, turned around and smiled, and said, "Just take that much, thank you."

"Brother Evil, you are so kind."

While talking, a white light flashed in the courtyard. Nie Fan looked over and saw that the old man Jin appeared with an open fire sword.

"Let's go there." Nie Fan couldn't help getting excited and walked over first. Before he got to the old man Jin, he asked, "Senior Jin, I don't know if it has succeeded?"

Old Jin's face was ruddy and excited, and he said excitedly, "It's successful, it's successful!"

Nie Fan was overjoyed, and the joy appeared on his face. He stepped in front of the old man Jin and took the open fire sword handed over by the old man Jin with both hands.