A master of online games

Chapter 045 Section Little Fish

"What do you mean by looking at me?" Nie Fan was so smart that he knew what they were thinking at a glance at the four people.

"Xiao Fanzi, you seem to be interested in that boy - oh, no, are you interested in that girl?" The fat man said with a bad smile. Somehow, he felt that he was very sinister when he laughed like this.

"Yes, Brother Fan, your expression seems a little strange, but I think this expression is a little like the expression when talking about your beloved!" The madman also looked at Nie Fan with a playful smile and said.

"Yes, Nie Fan, I remember that the fat man hung on his face all day when he chased me!" Quiet and unwilling to lag behind, added.

The fat man smiled and had no objection.

Seeing that the three were so concentric, Nie Fan turned his eyes to Xiao Yu, and then the other three also shifted their eyes to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu coughed and nodded.

"See?" The fat man asked with a smile.

Since someone saw what was on her mind, Nie Fan did not hide it. Anyway, they were all his best friends, so he said openly, "I like her a little, and I feel a little fell in love at first sight - oh my god, why do I think it's so bullshit?"

The fat man came to hold Nie Fan and said, "This is not nonsense. How can such a beautiful thing be nonsense at first sight? I think that I was the same as you. I fell in love with your fat sister-in-law at first sight and fell in love at the second sight. I think you are also in the footsteps of this seat, but there is a future. Look at my current life, how happy it is?

Nie Fan turned his head and looked at the quiet three people. All three of them looked at him and the fat man strangely and seemed to understand what they would whisper again.

"Then how do you hook up with quiet and teach two tricks?" Nie Fan asked with a smile.

"Haha, this is simple. Details defeat love. You must be careful and treat the other person as a pet you like. You can't let her suffer a little and be a little tired. You should always know her thoughts. You should love her. You can't lie to her but coax her. You can't play with her, but you can't play with her. Look at other women in front of you, but when you look at her, you have to show an obsession. You can't treat her as a fool, but treat yourself as a fool..."

Before the fat man finished speaking, Nie Fan couldn't listen and quickly said, "Stop, you still have a little truth in the first few words, but I don't agree with the last sentence. Why do you think of yourself as a fool?"

"What do you know? This is called love tactics. Only when you pretend to be stupid can you make the other party happy!" The fat man let go of Nie Fan and glanced at it, as if he disdained Nie Fan's question.

"Oi, you can practice here. I have a task to do." Nie Fan waved his hand and was ready to leave.

"Wait, what's the task? "Brothers, together!" The fat man stopped Nie Fandao.

"Go to stand in the middle of a group of 50-level monsters for an hour, will you go? If you go, just leave." Nie Fan said with a smile.

"Damn! What task is it to stand in the middle of level 50 monsters for an hour? The fat man was shocked and said incredulously.

"I won't invite you for a while, but this task is not difficult. You can continue to practice here. I'll come to you when I finish the task." After saying that, Nie Fan turned to the quiet three people and said, "You guys practice. I have a task to do."

"Yo, Nie Fan, I didn't see you say you had a task when we were together just now. Why do you suddenly have a task now? Don't you want to chase half a song like a dream?" After a pause, he quietly gave Nie Fan a chance to explain, and said, "Go ahead. We all support you. We must chase half of the song Ruomeng and then pull it to our guild."

"She said she hasn't been a Lone Ranger yet!" Nie Fan originally wanted to say this, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything. He just smiled faintly, said hello and left.

Luohua Valley, located directly in front of the gate of Luoshui City, is also in the north. The straight distance from the gate should be about 15 miles, which is a little far. Nie Fan has to walk forward, which can't help but have a headache. If only there were a mount, but it seems that the mount will not open until level 30.

The current gate of Luoshui City is the North Gate, which is also the only gate now. After level 30, the other three east gates, south gates and west gates of Luoshui City will all be opened. At that time, there will be many good places for training expeditions.

There was a 15-mile journey, and Nie Fan could no longer take a walk. He ran up.

Anyway, it won't be too tiring to run the map in the game. At the speed of Nie Fan, if you run at full speed, you can run to the Falling Flower Valley in less than half an hour.

While running at full speed along the route marked on the map, Nie Fan thought about half a song Ruomeng, and didn't know what kind of girl she was - in his heart, Nie Fan had positioned half a song Ruomeng as a 'girl'.

Up to now, Nie Fan has been completely unable to forget the handsome face of Bange Ruomeng, which is deeply settled in his mind, every smile, every blink, every expression of speech...

"Isn't this a little too nonsense?" Nie Fan thought so in his heart that he didn't believe that there would be love at first sight, but he didn't expect that what happened to him now was really incredible.

"Evil Green Dragon!"

Nie Fan was stunned and stopped. He seemed to hear someone calling him.

Looking around, Nie Fan finally fixed his eyes on a boy. This boy was the cool boy he met with the madman last time in Luoshui City. He still remembered that the last time he killed Meng Jianghu with the madman and the fat man at the gate of the city, he was there. He and the madman thought that the boy were after the battle. He would come and say something to them, but he didn't expect him to leave after watching the play.

Now, the boy stopped him here, which made Nie Fan a little confused.

"It's you, what's the matter?" Nie Fan smiled. At the same time, he saw that the weapon in the boy's hand was actually an iron rod, which looked like the golden staff of the Monkey King in a new version of Journey to the West that Nie Fan had seen. They were all dark, with two golden golden hoops at both ends.

"It's nothing." After a pause, the boy said again, "My name is Duan Xiaoyu. I want to fight with you."

"..." Nie Fan is a little speechless. This child is really cool. He will fight as soon as they meet.

"Do you want to fight?" The boy, that is, Duan Xiaoyu, did not have too many expressions on his face and looked extremely cold.

"Can you give me a reason?" Nie Fan laughed, but felt that the child was really interesting.

"There is no reason, I just want to fight with you." Duan Xiaoyu stood there with an iron rod in his hand, and the coldness on his face gave him some momentum.

"Okay, but before I hit it, what's the name of your stick?" Nie Fan smiled and pointed to the iron rod in Duan Xiaoyu's hand and asked.

"Oh, you say it, it's called..." Suddenly, Duan Xiaoyu stopped his voice and seemed to feel that his words were not cold enough, so he adjusted his tone in time to make himself as cold as before, and said, "It's called Xiangyun Golden Hoop."

"Haha!" Nie Fan couldn't help laughing twice, and then instantly became serious and said seriously, "Okay, come on!"

Nie Fan laughed not because the stick was really called a golden hoop stick, but because Duan Xiaoyu was not so cold at all, but insisted on pretending to be so cold. Just now, or had exposed his non-cold nature, which made Nie Fan laugh.