A master of online games

Chapter 092 Battle of Autumn Wind Valley

After killing several monsters on the grassland in front of Qiufeng Valley, Nie Fan completed all the tasks assigned to him and successfully rose to level 17. This time, he was also lucky. He gave 9 free attribute points, and Nie Fan distributed 6 points of strength and 3 agile points. Completion.

After that, he will enter Qiufeng Valley. Nie Fan's goal this time is not only to complete the task, but also to kill monsters above level 20, preferably BOSS, so that the bones should be harder and the refined equipment should be better.

Before entering the Qiufeng Valley, but when he arrived at the mouth of the valley, Nie Fan smelled a trace of battle. The trampled grass and the faint shouts of killing all reminded that there was a battle in the Autumn Wind Valley, and the scale was not small.

Duan Xiaoyu and the cat Xiaomi didn't notice anything. The cat Xiaomi chattered as usual. Duan Xiaoyu was silent as usual and ignored the cat Xiaomi. Nie Fan did not intend to tell him that there was a battle in Qiufeng Valley, because there was a battle that it was unlikely to be related to them. They just killed monsters. After the task has been leveled, there are battles everywhere in the game. There is no need to tell Duan Xiaoyu. What's more, he really doesn't want to open his mouth at this time, otherwise the cat will definitely chat with him. In this case, he would rather choose to be silent.

Sure enough, as Nie Fan expected, there was indeed a battle in the Autumn Wind Valley. After walking for more than ten minutes, Duan Xiaoyu also heard the shouts of killings resounding through the valley.

"Brother Fan, there seems to be a battle?" As soon as Duan Xiaoyu heard the sound, he turned his head and said with some excitement.

"Fighting is none of our business. Do your own thing at ease." Nie Fan reminded Duan Xiaoyu.

"I know this, it's said that it's none of my business. Although the words are a little unpleasant, it's the best way of self-discipline..." The cat picked up the words and began to boast again, causing the other two people to quickly shut up and dare not speak.

After walking for a while, the three finally saw the scene of the battle with their own eyes. It is said that there is only one road to enter the valley of the autumn wind valley, and there are cliffs on both sides, and there is no way to go, which caused this large-scale battle directly blocked the way of Nie Fan and the others.

When he fixed his eyes, Nie Fan's eyes lit up and seemed to see an acquaintance.

Cold moon!

There is also the president of the temple, that is, Leng Yue's own brother, the best partner of the desert mad song, and the desert mad song, and also the vice president of the temple, Wanli Yangsha.

And the enemies facing the temple, Nie Fan also seemed to see familiar figures, one by one, beautiful, like running to fight in this original ecological valley, forming a beautiful picture of country and mountains.

That's right, the party fighting with the temple is Jue Yan. The leader is the Jue Hua Man Lou. Nie Fan glanced at it again and saw some acquaintances in the crowd. The waves and charming chaos of the world, the soft and ghosts of the burning flowers, the sunshine and upright rain.

And what surprised Nie Fan was another person, an acquaintance, and an acquaintance who made his heart beat - half a song like a dream.

At this moment, half-song Ruomeng is fighting with the powerful warrior of Fenhuayin. Fenhuayin holds a dazzling giant blade and is aggressive. Like the same murderer, the woman's style usually disappears completely, and each move is fierce. Half-ge Ruomeng, a ranger, is obviously a little difficult to fight against Fenhuayin, especially In the case of melee, she has to beware of sneak attacks, otherwise her leather armor profession will definitely hang faster than the heavy armor profession of Fenhuayin.

"It's her!" Duan Xiaoyu first shouted, and his eyes were shining.

Nie Fan turned his head and looked at Duan Xiaoyu, and then looked along his eyes. He saw the fitness shadow of Hua Manlou walking back and forth in the crowd, pulling his bow and shooting arrows. His attack movements were crisply and neat, like a killer in the dark night.

"Is this boy still thinking about Hua Manlou?" Nie Fan looked at Duan Xiaoyu meaningfully, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, which was a little funny.

"Who?" When Cat Xiaomi saw that Duan Xiaoyu suddenly seemed to be energetic, she couldn't help but follow her spirit and looked at Duan Xiaoyu with a very interesting look.

Ah? Oh, you don't know each other, oh, yes, I remember I told you that it's the president of the famous Temple Association, Desert Crazy Song!" Duan Xiaoyu turned his brain a few times and quickly gave an answer.

Nie Feng couldn't help glancing at Duan Xiaoyu and despised Duan Xiaoyu in his heart, but on the other hand, he admired Duan Xiaoyu's ability to fabricate at any time.

"Oh!" Cat Xiaomi nodded as if she understood, oh, and turned her head to look at the battle situation in front of her, "Then how can we walk over without hanging high?"

"Uh... I'm afraid we can't hang up high!" Duan Xiaoyu looked at Nie Fan with a smile on his face.

"Let's go there." Nie Fan's eyes were fixed and looked at the battle ahead.

"Kill it? Which side are we going to kill?" The cat followed with a little excitement and nervousness and asked.

Duan Xiaoyu couldn't help rolling his eyes and said, "You are a girl who kills easily. Why don't you know what peace is?"

"Is there peace in the game?" The cat asked puzzledly.

Nie Fan's heart suddenly moved and looked at the cat, but never said anything.

Duan Xiaoyu just made a cut to show his disdain for Cat Xiaomi's words and then closed his mouth, because now is not the time to talk.

"Cough..." Nie Fan coughed twice, and his voice was not high or low. Originally, he just wanted to clear his throat and start talking. Unexpectedly, half of Ruomeng, who was fighting not far away, heard his voice. He turned his head and looked at him and couldn't help shouting, "Xifan?"

Half of Ruomeng called, whether it was the enemies around her or her own people, they all heard it and glanced sideways at Nie Fan. At this time, everyone found Nie Fan and the other three.

"That's great, Qinglong! Come and help!" The chaotic world first called Nie Fan.

And immediately followed by the call of half a song like a dream: "Xi Fan, come and help!"

Then the chaotic red dust and Ban Ge Ruomeng found each other. At the same time, their heads turned and looked at each other, and their eyes were intertwined, and invisible firelight splashed.

At this time, Hua Manlou and Desert Crazy Song noticed the change of the situation, so the two of them coincidentally ordered their people to retreat, and then the two sides stood on both sides of the road, one left and one right, facing each other.

However, Nie Fan and the three of them are like the protagonists, standing in front of the two people, with a leader's meaning in the middle.

The two sides quickly separated and confronted each other. The number of people was similar, and the combat effectiveness was average.

"Qinglong, do you know them?" Hua Manlou opened her mouth, looked at the evil, and glanced at the people in the temple opposite and half a dream. His eyes were murderous, and it seemed that he was really angry.

At the same time, Desert Crazy Song is also asking Leng Yue and Ban Ge Ruomeng about their relationship with Nie Fan, and Nie Fan and Jue Yan, but Ban Ge Ruomeng and Leng Yue do not know what is related to Nie Fan and Jue Yan's group of women.