A master of online games

Chapter 110 Battle in 60 seconds

"Brother Tian, release the arrow!"

Meng Jianghu finally couldn't stand it. While retreating, he shouted at the twilight horizon behind him.

And the twilight world is not that he doesn't want to shoot cold arrows, but that he stood behind Mengjianghu. He could not see Xiao Yu and couldn't do it. He didn't shoot an arrow for a long time. At this moment, when he saw that Mengjianghu was about to be unable to support it, he immediately turned his position and was ready to shoot Xiao Yu from the side.

However, no one expected that as soon as the twilight horizon reached the side, Xiao Yu kicked Mengjianghu's stomach, kicked it out several meters away, and then turned around and swept towards the twilight horizon, which was only three meters away. The speed was extremely fast and arrived in the blink of an eye.

"Fuck! It's a trick!" Twilight Tianya's brain is very good. He can see through Xiao Yu's mind at a glance. He is his goal.

However, it was too late, and it was too late to retreat from the end of the twilight, and it was too late to shoot arrows. Xiao Yu held two daggers and suddenly pricked into the neck of the twilight horizon from left and right.

Twilight Tianya had to wave the big bow in his hand and open one hand of Xiao Yu, but the other dagger on the other hand accurately stuck to his neck, and the blood surged.

Xiao Yu knows that only after killing the archer of Twilight Tianya can he win the battle. Otherwise, he will be slowly grinded to death by the two.

Xiao Yu's movements were very fast. After stabbed again and again, before the twilight could take a few steps back, and before he could change his dagger to deal with Xiao Yu for a while, he hung up and was attacked four times by Xiao Yu.

In four attacks, three are critical strikes. This critical strike rate is a little scary, and it is also the effect of one of the two state skills added by Xiao Yu before. The physical critical strike rate increases by 50% and lasts 60 seconds!

This skill is a random reward obtained by Xiao Yu after completing a rather troublesome plot task. It can only be said that Xiao Yu's character broke out at that moment, and the physical critical strike rate increased by 50%, which is absolutely equivalent to a ghost weapon! Especially for players like Xiao Yu, whose attack speed is super fast, you will see a bright red critical strike number, like the wave of the ocean, one after another!

However, this skill has a drawback, that is, the cooling time takes 5 minutes, and generally speaking, a battle will not exceed 5 minutes, unless it is a group p.

However, in single combat, as long as the opponent is not a super high master, Xiao Yu is 80% sure to solve the battle in 60 seconds, so this skill is enough for Xiao Yu to fight alone.

While Xiao Yu heard the upgraded system prompt, a strong wind hit the back of his head.

Xiao Yu suddenly rushed forward, and then turned around. As a result, the sickle of Meng Jianghu attacked again. He had to turn one side and then stabbed out the dagger straight out.

Twilight Tianya's brain is good, but his skills can only be regarded as half a master. After being approached by Xiao Yu, he has no resistance at all, and he can only be hung up obediently.

So far, the overlord has already had two 'impresses' who have been hung out of the copy. Although death in the copy will only be kicked out of the copy by the system without degrading, it has wasted several hours of triple experience and triple explosion rate, which is the biggest loss.

I guess that the twilight world and ten-sided killing have made me regretful. If I had known this, I wouldn't have provoked others at the beginning. Wouldn't it be much better than the current end?

Now Meng Jianghu is like an upstart. When he first transferred to a hidden profession, it was the night he became rich. At that time, he thought that the world was invincible, but he could kill a group of people such as Nie Fan with one move, and then kill them all, but It was only when he really matched Nie Fan that he found that even if he became rich overnight, he could still defeat Nie Fan, let alone be invincible.

Like many real upstarts, they are arrogant, arrogant and unknowingly after getting rich overnight. They don't know that he is still the toad at the bottom of the well.

Meng Jianghu, an upstart, was lucky. He met Nie Fan as soon as possible, woke him up, let him know that the hidden profession was not an invincible existence, and also let him put away his ignorant arrogance as soon as possible. When he arrived at Xiao Yu, he was shocked again. A 2v1 battle that he thought he would win was actually 30 The situation was turned around in seconds, and the battle was about to be lost in 60 seconds.

Meng Jianghu is unwilling, but he is really powerless. In the face of the stormy Xiaoyu, he is helpless and powerless.

"Fuck - your mother!" Meng Jianghu suddenly cursed, and then no longer retreated, allowing Xiao Yu's dagger to cut one by one on his body, and he fought back angrily against these pain and the damage numbers of a forehead!

Holding a sickle, Meng Jianghu is like an angry death.

But he still hung up and put two skills. He failed to hang up Xiao Yu, but let Xiao Yu cut his health in 5 seconds.

At this time, the effect of Xiao Yu's 50% increase in critical strike rate disappeared.

Looking at the health value, Xiao Yu exhaled. After all, the defense of the assassin profession was a little low. In this way, Meng Jianghu was cut twice, and the health value fell by more than half and instantly turned into anemia.

This also makes Meng Jianghu show his ultra-high attack, which is enough to make people look pale.

Xiao Yu, who hung up the two people in a row, still looked quiet. He put away the dagger, turned around and walked dozens of meters. He found a cave. After staring at the hole for a while, he called out the dagger again and jumped in, like a cheetah in the dark night.


And on the other side of the Bluebird Peak, Xiao Yaner waved the staff in her hand while enjoying the beautiful scenery nearby on a grass with flowers and grass, releasing gorgeous skills one by one, burning the man-eating demons here, which is not very comfortable.

With a wave of the staff, a road of fire appeared under his feet, burning flames, burning these man-eating flower demons. With a wave of the staff again, fireballs appeared out of thin air above his head, bombarding down one after another, knocking a pile of flower demons.

Finally, another doomsday light directly blew up these flower demons.

Xiao Yaner, a necromancer, is not simple. The spell damage is super high, and her skills are also strange. All kinds of things make the enemy painful. Just now, Xiao Yaner rose to level 20.

It can be said that Xiao Yaner was very lucky. As soon as she entered the copy, she found a beautiful training place. After quietly told her that she was fighting separately, she began to kill monsters here. Until now, she has been killing for nearly three hours and has not stopped for a moment. The level has risen from level 17 to 89% of experience to now 2 Level 0 and 1% experience is regarded as heaven's reward for diligence. Even if you don't kill the boss and don't kill people, the level has been upgraded to level 3.

And at the moment she rose to level 20, she realized a new skill - the counterattack of death!