A master of online games

Chapter 126 First Meeting

It makes Nie Fan happy that the attack of the Nether Tiger is still very powerful. The ordinary attack can reach more than 800. The tiger's claws wave and resist three level 30 monsters at the same time. Although it is a little difficult, it is also very rare.

Seeing a few more monsters rushing in front of him, the Nether Tiger seemed to know that he could not resist so many monsters, so he sobbed and shouted.

Nie Fan was happy as soon as he heard it. This ghost tiger is quite spiritual, and it will be called if he can't beat it.

Step two steps forward, the open fire sword in his hand split forward, and an ice blade flew away in the air, hitting the three monsters that had just rushed over, killing them in an instant.

Level 30 monsters are still killed in seconds, which is Nie Fan's current strength.

After a successful blow, Nie Fan quickly retreated and called out: "Flame Wolf!"


The appearance of the Flame Wolf was much simpler and faster than that of the Nether Tiger. There was no space crack, so he ran out directly out of thin air. His head raised his head and his cry reached the sky. The burning flame on his body doubled in an instant, as if someone had poured some gasoline on the flame wolf's body.

The flame wolf is about the same size as the Nether tiger, with a glazed flame burning on its body. Coupled with a pair of wolf eyes and a daunting blood basin mouth, its appearance is no worse than that of the Nether tiger.

"Kill!" Nie Fan pointed his sword at the monster rushing ahead, and the flame wolf and the ghost tiger roared and rushed up one after another, as if those monsters had a deep blood grudge against them.

A giant wolf burning with red and white flames, and a dark but dark purple tiger. If this had been placed in the past, it would have been two beasts who worked hard with Nie Fan, but now these two fierce people have completely obeyed Nie Fan's orders and fought for Nie Fan, which made Nie Fan experience as a The fun of a trainer.

The Nether Tiger is majestic and powerful. With a roar, its claws also fell again and again, flying these relatively small monsters everywhere. For a moment, the Nether Tiger seemed to become a general in a bloody battle, and no one could be defeated wherever it went.

The flame wolf fully embodies the cunning and ferocity of a wolf. It arched and hid behind the ghost tiger. A pair of wolf eyes looked left and right. After locking the target, it suddenly jumped and opened its bloody mouth. The fangs suddenly appeared and bit the target's head in one bite, and this mouth could also be patted by the ghost tiger only two monsters. Bite to death.

In terms of damage, the flame wolf's attack is slightly higher than that of the ghost tiger. If you bite it, you can bite off at least 1200 of the other party's qi and blood, you can catch more than 600 qi and blood with one claw, and one tail can sweep away more than 300 qi and blood. Of course, the flame wolf uses bite most of the time. After all, you can't lose It has its mouth full of fangs.

Nie Fan is still very satisfied with the attack of the Flame Wolf and the Nether Tiger. It is completely comparable to ordinary players, and even if they are single, ordinary players may not be able to beat either of them. If the two cooperate with each other to kill the enemy as they are now, not to mention ordinary players, even ordinary masters It's hard to resist.

Squinting slightly, Nie Fan remembered the little white dragon in his pet space.

Looking around, there were no other players around, so he opened the pet bar and released the little white dragon that Nie Fan loved and hated.

As soon as the little white dragon came out, he spit on Nie Fan's face angrily, but it didn't hurt.

Looking at the little white dragon floating in front of him, still as thin as a chopstick, Nie Fan couldn't help laughing and said, "You boy, accept your fate. I'm your master now. If you dare to be disrespectful to me again, I will shut up your little dark room and let you never see the sun!"

As soon as he heard this, the little white dragon seemed to understand, and his head immediately shriveled down, circled a few times in the air, then flew to Nie Fan's shoulder and fell down, shook his head, and then lowered his head and was ready to sleep on Nie Fan's shoulder.

Nie Fan was speechless, reached out and slipped the little white dragon in his hand, threw it into the monster pile in front of him, and said expressionlessly, "Kill monsters and upgrade."

The little white dragon was suddenly thrown out and couldn't react. Unexpectedly, it fell directly into the monster pile. However, at this time, a monster happened to see it, suddenly raised its head, opened its mouth, and directly swallowed the little white dragon.

Nie Fan, who witnessed the whole process and created it, was stunned and said in a daze, "No way?"

However, the answer to Nie Fan is the sound of the system--

"Ding, your pet 'Little White Dragon' died in the battle!"

"This..." Nie Fan was puzzled. According to the 30th-level little white dragon, even if it is not as good as the 30th-level boss, it will never be killed by the 30th-level ordinary monster!

What's going on?

After looking at the attributes of the little white dragon, Nie Fan suddenly realized that the little white dragon is no longer the previous level 30 boss, and it has become like this--

Little White Dragon (Spiritual Pet)

Level: 1

qi and blood: 200

Attack: 100

Defense: 50

Speed: Extremely fast: ★★★★☆

skill: none


For a moment, Nie Fan felt guilty and quickly said to the little white dragon sealed with the word 'death': "No wonder, I really didn't mean it. Please forgive me. There will definitely be no next time."

The first time we met with the main pet relationship, the little white dragon was thrown into the monster's mouth by Nie Fan, which must have left an indelible shadow on the little white dragon's young heart.

"Now, let the master avenge you!" Nie Fan turned off the pet fence, said awe-inspiringly, and then rushed into the monster pile with the open fire sword and killed it all the way, like destruction. As long as the monsters stained with the edge of the bright fire sword were not spared, and all of them were killed in seconds.

Ten minutes later, Nie Fan summoned the little white dragon again - after the pet dies, it will enter a ghost state for ten minutes, which cannot be summoned, and can only be summoned normally after ten minutes.

After being summoned this time, the little white dragon was much more obedient. He no longer spit on Nie Fan, but flew around Nie Fan and looked bored.

Nie Fan smiled, and now he looks like a pet.

However, Nie Fan no longer expects that the little white dragon can fight with him. He just wants to take the initiative to be cute when he is tired of fighting monsters.

Of course, the main reason for releasing Xiaobailong is to help it upgrade quickly, so that Nie Fan can have another powerful helper as soon as possible. At that time, Nie Fan believes that his upgrade speed will surprise everyone.

But in fact, Nie Fan can surprise everyone now. With the addition of the two helpers, the ghost tiger and the flame wolf, the speed of killing monsters has doubled. According to this speed, Nie Fan can rise to level 26 in less than an hour!